When ever I try to enter into Torghast from the refuge I get a looping loading screen and then booted out.
I have the same load loop and others having same issues in general chat.
i had the same problem and so have multiple other people in my guild but only since the down time today
Same… and blizz disable most of tickets to redirect into forums they lazy #$"% … we have to wait un til they realize this
Same issue walk in to the entrance and says Transfer Aborted: Instance not found! I need to progress my covenant campaign!
I can’t even find the report a bug option!
Yeah, same. I don’t know how a simple realm reset broke it.
they got rid of it and put everything into the forums
So they have to look through thousands of forums to find issues sounds more complicated LOL!
Same for me. I closed the wow window and restarted wow. My character will not load, It says world server down.
Same for me.
its not more complicated if they just dont check
Report bug in the ingame menu. All reports will not be responded to from the website. Well gg I cant report bug because I cant load into my toon… 10/10 Blizz
Same, I can’t even exit the loop now. My main character is stuck in the load screen now until this crap is resolved.
My friends and I also can’t load into Torghast on our mains as well, and the “unstick my character” webpage won’t load.
i got booted out of that problem because i was partaking in suspicious activity
My Demon Hunter is now officially stuck in loading screen land. I guess there’s a place worse than the Maw in the Shadowlands.
Same. It’s also taking a tremendous amount of time to boot me back out.
I force closed the game after the 15 minute mark of the loading screen, lol.
I’m also stuck in portal hell. Game appears to load for ~1s then back to the loading screen.