Torghast no longer required coming 9.2

Torghast was a huge flop. The art design was very lazy, uninspired and gray.


OK, let me explain to you how humans work.

When most people said they hated Torghast, others DID say they liked it. They just got drowned out since way more of us hated it.

Now that it’s being removed, most of us are sighing in relief, and the only people still talking are the 4 of you that didn’t absolutely hate it.

Would you rather read 400 comments saying “YAY”? Because people don’t do that. They comment when they are unhappy. Happy people play the game. Or make ridiculous nonsensical forum posts like you do.


Your narrative doesn’t fit my narrative so I’ll ignore your opinion and also drown it out with hyperbole.

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The thing that I don’t like is that new legendary currency is still going to be needed to be farmed but this time from the new zone. I wish that they added legendary currency to every activity reward not just one place that you have to do in order to upgrade legendaries. For example if I just want to PVP and I don’t really feel fun to play some spec in PVE I’m still forced to play in PVE just upgrade my legendaries.

It’s pretty much like doubling-down on Korthia.

I don’t like Korthia, the grind is too severe for such little payout. When wondering, “Why don’t people spend more time in Korthia?” And they realize, “Oh, the things in Korthia aren’t giving enough incentive even with 50 mounts tied to rares and such. How can we make more players engage in the new content?” It eventually leads to: “Let’s make new zone a requirement for power progression!” Which is… Well, it makes things even more bitter when the content isn’t enjoyable.


I liked Torghast and I blame Blizzard. They yoinked this idea from FFXIV, but then wiped their butt with it and put it in their own game.

It didn’t have leveling for a long time and when they finally add it, it doesn’t give enough xp to matter. It’s central and needed for a core system. And none of the floors nor enemies change.

That’s on Blizzard.

I agree. I think that the main problem of Korthia is the pacing indeed. The individual daily quest cycle rewards don’t feel significant enough. I’d rather max out on the gear faster and have more side content to do rather than stretch out the gear grind.

It’s disappointing. I was really hoping theyd add the Mawsworn helmets and weapons as rewards to Torghast eventually.



I mean if we ditch Torghast for a bunch of Zeris Mortis dailies, will it be any different?

I think it remains to be seen whether this is a good thing or just a side-grade.

At least it seems like we will only have 1 set of chores instead of 2…so win?

I semi-enjoy going in for Adam Ant Vault cosmetic junk but otherwise mostly have loathed Torg.

WoW is just Busy Work now.

Go do your mindless chores, then go eat chicken tendies.


Yeah, a lot of people are interested in a steady reward structure that has set goals. The modern dev team doesn’t seem to understand how to do that well, because they always give us these systems like Soul Ash and Legendaries which fail to capture the experience many of us are looking for.

Badges worked because they came from everything. The earlier wrath model doesn’t really land as well in modern gaming, but it was still a better structure than heavy RNG and wonky reward segregation.

One thing I like about FFXIV at the moment is how well they were able to iterate on Wrath of the Lich King’s badge system. I wish WoW would adopt a similar structure.


Yes torghast will give you multiple mounts going forward, but gameplay-progression-wise its abandoned.

Good riddance to Choreghast!

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I can see why a lot of people dislike torghast. I avoided it myself for a long time. Just kind of getting into it with Threads of fate. They should find a way to make older content playable and relevant. instead of phasing everything out.

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So we should be expecting a new rogue-lite in Zereth Mortis?

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Probably a good thing. The biggest issue I have under the hood with Torghast is it starts to show the game under the hood. You have a set amount of powerful builds based off legendary powers allowing you to get more and more powerful to face down threats you otherwise couldn’t. This in turn shows what you class excels at and what it kind of sucks at and its underlying limitations for whatever reason.

And then on top of this you do have content that just feels too repetitive in appearance and design. No unique new locales off the beaten path, no branching alternate rooms or locations (despite the forking off at times), but just that same old dark gloomy looking content in each location. Not that I am a huge roguelike fan but I can see what I don’t like after playing a few.

Speaking of horrific visions… we can still get that void tint illusion from that right? If we make it to the right person and kick their butt I mean?

Absolutely nobody held a gun to devs’ heads and forced them to make unpopular changes to Torghast or anything else.

Devs don’t care about player opinion. You are delusional if you think devs would consider themselves forced to make changes they knew in advance everybody would hate by a small handful of forum posters.