Torghast no longer required coming 9.2

What is wild about this is that I thought corridors was going to be exactly this. What we got was a title, a pet, and a mount every few TC levels instead. Would have been better to get optional rare side missions, bosses, hidden jump puzzles on the side with all of what you mentioned to find. Maybe you explore off the beaten path and find a hidden room with that rare cosmetic that makes you jump out of your seat :smiley:

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And people lauded how fantastic it was.

There wasn’t a timer, initially.

People hated Torghast the moment a timer was added.


I doubt that. It’s more like IEs. It was never a limited time challenge mode.


Honestly, this version of Torghast is pretty good, despite the silly scoring system (which it is too easy to get 4 stars even if you bumbled around).

It’s one of the reasons why i loathe Visions, even as a level 60 rogue that supposedly takes BFA or Legion Mythic Raids throws. :neutral_face:

With that said, i wouldn’t oppose if there is an alternative optional timer mode for people who would want that.

I think gear could work with a few things to prevent it from being mandatory.

The first thing is the actual gear dropped doesn’t need to be high level item. Higher than world content yeah, but not near raids or high M+ level.

Then tie Torghast into the great vault but don’t make it give extra item choice slots. Make it something like you can run either M+ or Torghast but don’t need both. So anybody already doing M+ for the week doesn’t need to run Torghast(and Torghast’s ilvl can be tuned so it’s not better than the group content but still decent gear).

Timers are a stupid way of enforcing a “GO GO GO PULL EVERYTHING” playstyle when you could have just made the content challenging without a timer and not care if somebody takes 10 hours to clear it because they’re being overly cautious.

Timers are one of the biggest reasons I don’t like M+ even though I used to love dungeons and wanted to be able to get near-raid level gear from them.


Pour one out for my homie.

They always die young

Rip two patch content

Jokes on them I already abandoned torghast a long time ago


You are incredibly disconnected from the actual complaints about this game
 On, like, everything.

Do you actually work for them?

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 usually the main thing that I think has amazing potential ends up getting abandoned.

I used to love doing TG
 but then I progressed the the end. I only go in anymore to do the daily calling that requires me to

Or you will have to run Toghast to get them to the current max level then upgrade them in ZM.

Just because you can get it some where else won’t mean it no longer has any value, it will all come down to if it is faster to farm in it in the new zone compared to Torghast.

I absolutely loathed Torghast.

I just hated the RNG powers, and how imbalanced they were, and how it felt forced for player power - the whole gimmick.

I got a few Alts a legendary, and got them to 235. But I spent as little time there as possible. Never even got a legendary higher than 235.

I think if it were it’s own separate thing, without the anima powers, and just like a random dungeon type thing with a stacking difficulty
 it would be a cool idea.

This news is most welcome. I almost think that doing my best to all but boycott Torghast had an effect.


I think if they kept Justice and Valor, then they could have leaned on that. No gear drops, but you get Justice/Valor (depending on what layer you run). This way players can get some kind of progression out of it, but no gear directly.

I put so many hours into Torghast every week. It’d be cool to get something else out of it instead of a couple of pets and some shoulder cosmetics.



Man, when I thought Torghast was ultimately useless once you obtained everything but now they truly made it barren with that.

I think the big thing that causes Torghast to ‘flop’ for some people would be that it is like some features from other games without the things that make them successful.

Challenge of it is entirely gear-related first and anima power RNG second. Can’t compare it to PotD or HoH from FF14 because those use fixed scaling, all the power you have in those modes are tied to your progress in those modes, not to your progress outside of it.

It is required for Legendaries which are required for other content, upgrading them is optional but having them for most content isn’t. After you have the Legendaries you need, the only purpose of Torghast is the chance to get the conduit-upgrade item or cosmetics in a land where there’s a million other things they want you to grind (Research rep for sockets, Anima, Stygia, souls for Domination socket upgrades, rares for mounts, M+ rating, etc).

There’s probably just too much ‘stuff’ which the game pushes you to do while also making everything you do obsolete at an ever-increasing rate. Previously, we only had gear become obsolete (sometimes) per raid tier, serving as only a stepping stone from raid to the next in a natural progression. Then, they introduced systems that lasted the entire expansion but became obsolete afterwards (Legendary Ring, Artifacts, Heart of Azeroth). Now in Shadowlands? They are introducing systems that become obsolete within a single patch.


Welp, the potential of that place remains unrealized.

Lmao it’s amazing how people hate it so much. It’s really not that bad. I wish they would expand on it with more room variation, more transmog stuff, and maybe some gear drops similar to Korthia.


You really are on a reality of your own making.

Forum GD posters are to blame for the most disliked part of WoW ever added to game being removed? All 1% of us here of the total population that play the game? Hilarious! And completely WRONG!

Seriously, it’s quite fascinating to watch you twist everything to fit your own beliefs.

If you describe a game aspect as “really not that bad”, then it fails.

Since we’re playing the game to, you know, have fun?

They don’t call it CHOREgast because everyone loves it. They call it that because we do it because we HAVE TO to get legendaries.


“Delete torghast! delete delete now!!!”

Blizzard:“ok we will remove anything related to Torghast so you don’t have to do it anymore”

General Discussion: "wait no we liked Torghast :cry: "

Personally, I liked Torghast from the start and skeptics can check my post history if they really want to.

Just general enjoyment of Shadowlands as a whole went down.