Torghast no longer required coming 9.2

In addition, doing Torghast is no longer required to upgrade your Legendaries as the currency to upgrade your Legendaries will come from Zereth Mortis directly!


So is Torghast gonna do anything special or they just abandoning it mid-expansion?


Abandoning it. We’ll spend all of our time in the new zone.


I can expect the cosmetics coming from Torghast will be removed coming 10.0 pre patch

Like mage tower artifacts and horrific visions limited time achievement

I hope this doesn’t mean it’s a completely abandoned feature. I really like Torghast. I just don’t like what it offers for rewards.


Thank god I hated Torgahst.


You can blame your fellow general discussion colleagues for that


I’d like to think they’re going to do something achievement-y or skills-based. But I’ve been here to long to feel anything like hope. Easily my favorite thing about Shadowlands was Torghast. But because Mythic Runners complained, I get coal for Christmas.

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I don’t expect this to happen.

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For what? Them not listening to anyone and creating a terrible reward structure around what could’ve been an amazing side game?

FFXIV has Palace of the Dead, which is a similar mode, and it’s never been a forced feature for progression of any kind, other than its own progression with its own rewards.


I feel the same way. If torghast simply offered rewards that weren’t linked to player power, it’d be so much better.

Blizz had no faith that it’d stand on its own merit.


Something’s getting removed coming 10.0 besides AOTC mount you know this

Torghast stuff may just be it

Honestly I blame Blizzard for the poor execution of it. They’re insisting that virtually every new feature be part of some kind of a mandatory grind, like they’re terrified of the idea that they make something new that not 90% of the playerbase is using.

Torghast always should have been optional, but it should have had a better reward structure and offered actual gear like Horrific Visions did.


No, I don’t see it. There isn’t a time sensitive feel for Torghast.


I can imagine Blizz looked at the metrics and saw that it wasn’t being used as much as they had hoped, and also saw a lot of feedback surrounding it as not universally positive. It could be an amazingly fun thing had it been like the Adamant vaults with more traps, but also more hidden optional rooms with unique upgrades, and fun side bosses or locations.

This imo wasn’t a very good roguelike adaptation, but passable.


I agree with all this except

I disagree with this part.

Player power should’ve never been part of Torghast.

Mounts/pets/toys/mog, heck, even other cosmetics could’ve been unlocked via Torghast, but never gear.

Once you link gear to a system, people will see it as obligatory content and chafe at being forced into content/playstyle they don’t like.


The mass “delete torghast now!! Torghast sucks because I can’t do layer 12 on my 190 item level character!!” Kind of feedback

Really? Those same colleagues offered NUMEROUS solutions to improve the experience. Bliz took none of them and forged their “vision” of that content and then told us why we should be having fun in it.

They literally had a winning formula for Torghast in Beta… and then torched it for release.

Sorry, blame is squarely at their feet.


The first version of torghast was absolutely fine

It was those same people that hated the initial timer which made blizzard redo torghast

Good, I hate that place with a passion.
It is like finally getting inside after working in the cold rain all day when you exit Torgast.
The mobs constant screaming at you I cannot take.