Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

They simply look at participation in game systems. If lots of people are engaging in it then Obviously they did something right!

Except you put out a reward enticing enough and enough players will do the virtual equivalent of puking their guts out.

That doesn’t mean its a good system, just that the rewards are That Good.

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It’s fun. You start at level 1, finding upgrades to armor and damage as you go. You also find treasure chests and all that. What you find you keep. When you die, you have to start over from the top floor.

However, there are checkpoints. If memory serves its every five levels. Been awhile so I may be hazy on the exacts. Say you’ve managed to reach level 10, your next visit you can start on level 1, level 5 or level 10.

The challenge is pushing further and getting weapon and armor upgrades.

Graphically its purposely done in a retro style.

It’s a nice thing to do on the side, with nice rewards but not Progression related rewards.


Sounds pretty fun! Think I’ll give it a shot.

Maybe not the outcome the WoW design team was hoping for haha. Fingers crossed that they can get out of their own way and make Torghast awesome too though.

I think you have to be like level 30 (again, don’t quote me, its been like almost 2 years since I played) to do POTD. So if you’re starting from ground zero in the game … find a good guild. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. And remember you’re not locked into anything in the game.

Nehoo, back on topic …


That’s the gist of it… they funnel an important currency necessary, that makes people feel they need it… they get boosted numbers of participation equals success in their eyes.

Sounds like a**… I wish I could refund.


Someone needs to link that Spongbob gif where he keeps telling the old man but why won’t he listen; That’s literally Blizzard right now.

How many times do we have to tell you cucks? We don’t want timed instances anymore than M+. Hell, Visions was literally undoable for any healers and Tanks who don’t have a good DPS spec until you nerfed it hard.

Then again, if we team up with just 1(ONE) DPS, we loose that bonus y’all did for Healers and Tanks. Gawd dayum, get a new development lead. Please for the sake of god. Give us someone new already.


\You can tell diablo designers hands are all over this game anymore.

You should see the details on diablo 4 … some of what they’ve revealed has me going “why can’t we have that kind of attention in WoW?”


I really just don’t think there’s enough data for anybody to try and spitball what is actually going to happen with this content. We’re in the first week of Alpha still. Things will undoubtedly be reworked or changed. But just by looking at the Torghast Alpha preview and things related to it, it doesn’t seem bad.

For starters, it looks like Torghast requires keys to get in. 1 Jailer’s Tower Key, to be exact. Well, what does the Jailer’s Tower Key cost? According to wowhead, 250 stygia. (
Just by looking at the list of things stygia is used for and their comparative costs (freeing a caged soul from the maw costs 1k stygia, which is 4x the required amount for a key into Torghast), one could assume that the amount of stygia we’ll be getting will be plentiful.

Both Vitality and Phantasma seem linked to power progression purely inside Torghast. The difference is that Vitality seems to be also related to the time you spend inside the Tower as well. That being said, we’re still unable to tell whether it’s a consistent ticking of vitality or if it deals more closely with mechanical inclination. There’s an ability called Vital Aegis that reduces vitality damage taken, so we can already assume there will be vitality draining attacks. What we can’t assume is whether that will be the full extent of it or not. But even if that isn’t the full extent of it, and there is a draining mechanism similar to a timer, then once again I’ll bring up the point that the cost of entry looks relatively cheap. Also, Vitality Guillotine looks f*ing sick.

Still, this is all speculation. Nobody knows for sure what’s gonna happen, to include the devs at this point. They haven’t even released Torghast to Alpha players yet, so we’re still waiting to see first reactions and feedback. One closed mouth and two open ears will lead to a better understanding of what Torghast actually is when we finally see it introduced.

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As long as it isn’t a daily grind that gets boring after a week to get the keys I don’t mind. However, after a while even the assaults grinded on my nerves to do on any of my characters.

this sounds like bull :poop: to me. if they are sitting on more vessels than they can use, then they are completely insane for doing more of that god awful grinding than they need to. are you trying to tell someone that people find these assaults so fun, and rewarding that they grind them unnecessarily? what kind of drugs are you using, and could i have some?

If you’re going with guildies to help, or still aren’t at 445+ … yes, you could end up with more currency than you need.

My mage goes with guildies and I’m sitting on 100k now.

unfortunately WoW has the Devs that screwed up D3. D4 probably has the ones that fixed D3.

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Do you need to afk in the vision to make a sandwich?

Did you ever think you don’t represent the amount of players you think you do?

You’re assuming anyone believes anything at all which Ion has to say anymore since he keeps saying one thing only to have the game implement something often completely the opposite. If that didn’t keep happening, the playerbase might be more willing to wait (on his word) and see how it pans out. The fact we’re not taking his word as meaning much of anything is on him. :woman_shrugging:


He literally just told you that the team has opposite/ conflicting opinions on many things and sometimes end up going a direction that conflicts with his…

Oh thank god.

I was afraid I would end up in there 18 hours a day for the first week.

Nope, but I have needed to answer the door or deal with mother nature. And mama nature don’t take no for an answer!