Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

So it looks like it’s shaping up to be Visions 2.0. Limited time inside and limited entries per week.



Oh boy, more timegating!

Nothing says fun like raidlogging.


mmo-c says that it’s not timed though? So which is it?

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Anyone who expected them to be different from visions in any way is delusional.


If it’s a resource grind so that 95% of the game is boring for the 5% of fun, I think I’ll pass.

If its a resource grind I earn by doing M+ or other challenging end-game content, I can live with that.

If it stops guilds from teaming up for runs, though, then that’s a monster fail.


Do you consider visions fun?

It seems to utilize a resource called Vitality that functions exactly the same as Sanity.


Yep, I’m still trying to 5 chest with 5 masks. But the 2 tries a week is brutal for me. I’m glad M+ wasn’t gated like that and required hours of boring farming.


Oh for crying out loud vitality is going to be pure garbage. The biggest interest I have in SL is torghast. It better not be a super short timed dungeon run, why does it need to be timed? M+ is already timed, there is no point in having torghast timed as well, screw this.



Could? It could limit my stay? IS it that hard for them to say, as a definite answer, that it will or will not?

Anyway, yay, I always want to be pressured in to doing something as efficiently as possible! /s With systems like this, is it really any surprise that people feel pressured to min max as much as possible?


Excellent. That was what I needed to know to make my decision. Thanks for saving me $60 Blizz!


Blizzard has specifically said time and again it will not be timed. I have no idea what the op is talking about.

Ion also just recently said they want there to be a lot of ways to earn keys for the tower. I think we need to hold our horses a little here.


Explain vitality.


I can’t, no one can. It’s incomplete datamined info that people are guessing on. Torghast will be released on alpha in the coming weeks, let’s hold our judgement until then.


Anyone can give you a fairly educated guess.

With Blizzard’s tendency to copy their previous content and replacing it with something similar, it is quite easy to view torghast as their replacement for horrific visions, visions having sanity and Torghast having vitality.

Some sort of grind will be required to enter torghast, in this case, keys. It will probably be tied to dailies.

I am bookmarking this and I will quote you when we find out that torghast is in fact time limited with vitality.


Visions are good so I don’t see the problem.


You’re on then, datamined info has been wrong before and will be wrong again.


To be fair there are ways to “limit” someone’s motions in a situation without timing them.

Giving them a resource bar that depletes as they complete activities or kill enemies, for example, is a way to allow them to take things as slowly as they want without allowing them to freely complete the whole thing.

You wouldn’t be timed, but you would be required to be efficient about how you approached things. Failure due to wasting your efforts on side projects would still be possible. It just wouldn’t be because you ran out of time, but rather because you ran out of “action points.”


Could be a thing that functions like sanity except it doesn’t tick down on its own, and is instead only subtracted by mob abilities. In that case all it would do is serve as pressure to not get too sloppy or risky with pulls.


It could also only be linked to the armory in the tower. We just simply don’t know enough.

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