Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

In BFA? Name one example of a zone ability.

Invasion points had a structure and culminated with a boss at the end.
The only similarity they have with islands is that you sometimes are asked to kill NPCs… which is also shared by Dungeons, Raids, and the seemingly forgotten MoP scenarios.

Slaying NPCs as an objective is not a unique or defining thing Argus was responsible for introducing and it certainly didn’t resemble the kind of experience islands ended up providing in BFA.

WQ and Emissaries were present at the launch of Legion… they were hardly something unique to Argus and I don’t think the fact that BFA has WQ’s makes Argus any more responsible for the design of BFA than having dailies in 8.2 makes Classic responsible for the entire design of that patch…

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the screw ups or the fixers, either way, you can tell looter designers are designing the game now.

Well. I’m not an expert on life. But I’m pretty sure going to the restroom before doing an activity is something most adults grasp.

And sometimes you think you’re good, and your bladder speaks up suddenly.

Things happen.

The cat pukes in your shoes. The baby wakes up screaming. Someone knocks at your door. Your bladder or bowels suddenly decide they need emptying.

And your timed activity, which you have limited number of runs per week, is ruined.

That is life. There is no pause button for a reason. The penalty to losing one vision is not severe.

To add a pause button, give unlimited redos or remove pressure invalidates the challenge. Which is the whole point of the content.

looter type games aren’t inherently bad. So long as the rewards are constant.

The problem with trying to implement looter based mechanics into a game like wow is lockouts.

In Diablo 3 if my run goes south, I haven’t lost a lot of progress. I can always try again soon enough.

In WoW, if a raid goes bad or you don’t get any gear, you’ve made no progress and you have to wait an entire week.

The two just don’t mesh.

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How they can have such boneheads working on this game beats me, honestly.

  • Players say “We hate Voidform”. They triple down on it.
  • Players say they want Torghast to be open at all times for something different to do.
  • They make it have keys and limited time inside, and limited entry. Looks like Shadowlands is going to be a time-gate of a time-gate of a time-gate of a time-gate of a time-gate of a time-gate! Wonderful.

Visions ‘are’ fun, but the time-limit and the fact you can only do them 1-2 times a week is stupid.

Abort Vitality and stop trying to drag your subs out. If you can’t justify a sub fee on the merits of the game being fun, then you failed miserably again, just like you did on Priest balance.


It “beats” you because you actually are so delusional you don’t understand that while you might have your opinion, that there might be someone that exists that has the opposite opinion.

of course it is! Why anyone else expects anything different is beyond me.

Except I’m not the one being delusional. Your haste to attack showcases that to be one of your character flaws likely however. I never said that wasn’t fine to have different points of view.

Thing is my dear beach princess, this isn’t about different points of view. When your a business that is trying to make a profit, you usually don’t make mistake after mistake after mistake time and time again unless your trying to drive your customers away and to different businesses.


Do you walk in to an Italian restaurant and order sushi? When they say they don’t have sushi do you enter full “Karen” mode and tell them how many customers they are losing and driving away to other business’s by their lack of foresight in not selling sushi?

No. You just understand that different restaurants sell different things? That different games have different systems? I’m shocked.

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I’ve already expressed how I feel about having an entry fee to try Torghast. I really don’t think it’s necessary and I am strongly against it.

I have a hard time understanding. It’s not trying to be arrogant. It’s trying to understand.

They seem really hellbent on setting up barriers for people to participate in content. BFA really suffered from this as well. With the Azerite system/traits. Raiding was at an all time low.

These numbers should be speaking to them. Not us.

Please stop putting up barriers to stop people from engaging in content. I personally feel having to pay an entry fee is strongly discouraging.

Now someone mentioned maybe this other currency gives perks in there. That would be more understandable and maybe give an added incentive to press this other content. That they are wanting to push on us.

We want to do content because it’s fun, maybe some little rewards and optional. Not because it’s mandatory.

Example pathfinder, “well that’s not mandatory.” No it’s not.

What about visions in 8.3? Guess what… it’s mandatory currency to go try it. That’s wrong and that’s my big argument.


Do you order sushi at a place where you were food poisoned or had a bad experience prior? Do you happily accept the offered food when it tastes half rotten? Awesome let me know how that goes for you.

:clap: Your Karen statements just further showcase your lack of intelligence.

Except that is not what you are doing. You are demanding sushi from the Italian restaurant anyway. Then complaining about getting food poisoning. Then blaming them for trying.

They should have just told you to leave and not come back.

Yet you typed…

Could you be any more Karen?

I do believe they said something about it being less limited and that you would be able to do more than you need to progress.
But that they still decided to make it limited overall so that people didn’t feel like the best way to play was to do like 30 Torghast runs each week, or something like that.

Hopefully it works out better than the Coalescing Visions design. Like having resources acquired through non-WQ content as a start would make it better.

Does this person have an off switch? They cluck like Marcy Darcy. xD

This is what I’m worried about, I usually only can play weekends … I really can only do Horrific Visions once a month, and if I fail, it’s literally a month down the drain…

It makes me feel like crying, why can’t I just log on and do content friends?, why is everything time gated :(…

What makes me feel worse is my friends who quit WoW warned me about this, warned me Shadowlands will be worse, but stupid me had faith Blizzard would change…

Argh, maybe it’s just me, but MMOs have changed so much from back in the day, WoW and this time gating direction has killed my guild, driven off my friends…

What ever happened to just logging on and having fun doing content with friends :frowning:

I know. It’s tough out in the world for a Karen.

But… it’s not timegated? You can unlock the ability to run 5-8 visions a week. At this point in classic, you’d still be level 39 logging in once a month and playing for an hour…

That’s the big worry, how “limited” the keys are. Now if keys are something you get just for playing the game and you get a reasonable amount per week with a reasonably large cap … that may be “ok”.

So long as it doesn’t feel like you’re pressured to run gobs of stuff Every Day just so you can have a pitiful number of attempts at the end of the week.

Because you know the gear is going to be RNG on dropping. So we are fighting with a resource of questionable functionality, having to do all sorts of stuff for keys, and we contest with rng.

Yeah … the definition of unfun.

Maybe this is all chicken little and its a finely balanced system. Except this is Blizzard. Known for nerfing abilities upwards of 50%

Except it’s not. But thanks for playing, and remember!

Your unique and special. Just like everyone else.
