Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

Islands are Legion portal invasions from Argus on steroids.

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Well said!

Wait… let me get this straight… so for shadowlands I gotta farm dailies to attempt end game content… did they learn nothing from vision feedback?..

I’m sorry you farm 4 days for one run, fail and I feel like I’ve literally wasted hours of my life…


Yeah it’s not looking so good so far i might skip this expansion for the next one.


Well…there ya go…we have officially become a phone game.

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Seriously, this saddens me, this is horrible news for me, no longer can I just sign into WoW and group up for content on the weekends on my days off.

Who designs this stuff?

What? But didn’t they say in an interview not long ago that there’s no time limit inside so you can take your time doing things?

Vitality might not be a timed thing. Could be that it just gets depleted as we go further into Torghast. As in, spend a little bit of Vitality to advance a level or activate a pylon or something. We don’t really know if it’s timed or not.

We do know that Torghast will have a ticket system for entry just like Visions though, where you’ve got to farm up items for entry and there will be a limited amount available.

I kind of find it funny that they state it is not timed technically! Only there is a resource that depletes as time goes by.

Typical Blizzard. Absolutely refuse to change something that is not working. Instead work it from 17 different angles before ditching it after several expansions too late.


Thing with Blizzard is they don’t ever actually think they did anything wrong. It’s just that we didn’t appreciate their great idea the first time around… so if they tweak it then surely we’ll love it this time.

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I don’t mind the format of the content - but accessing them through a similar “key” fashion that’s gated/limited is what annoys me.

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That’s basically a timer.


Yeah, how am I supposed to queue up with different friends at different times if it is limited?

It does put a damper on things.


your source?

Zone abilities are still there just not all the time? Island expeditions are invasion points? World quests? Hello?

The worst part of Visions. Doesn’t make me excited for Torghast.

Unfortunately I saw this, and many other people, from a mile away. I’m of the impression that they got an idea… and want to make it work instead of ‘‘caving’’ in.

But for a core bit of content that was touted as without a timer… Vitality is just that… a timer lol… gg blizz.

And is it hard for them to let people play content more often and simply not get the good rewards.

I didn’t like Warfronts personally but waiting on them and getting it only like 1 a month or whatever it was, was idiotic. This seems no different.

If you want to use keys, vessels or whatever… nethershards… etc… just let people use ‘‘anima’’ to get in at a low cost. I donno just a thought if Blizz really wants to use a key for entry.

‘‘To enter… you must give up some of that precious anima…’’ queue spooky music

It made it clear that as you move through the levels that you’ll get more and more of the jailer’s attention with buffs to enemies and apparently random debuffs to you. so no, i doubt players will just “speed through it”.

I’m expecting that early on even getting to floor 5 will be a serious challenge for anyone but heroic geared raiders or higher.

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Yeah, its not like Sanity doesn’t tick down while you’re wandering around. That’s not a timer. Oh no, not at all.

They do this a lot.

The more I learn about Torghast, the more I kind of just want to get FFXIV and try this Palace of the Dead that apparently Torghast is copied from.