Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

Not saying your wrong, but like I said my hype train has broken down at the station the more that leaks out .

Except Torghast isn’t even on the alpha yet. Players are getting bent out of shape over wowhead’s interpretation of datamined information.

The name of Vitality kind of implies that its a resource that is consumed while you’re in the dungeon. It doesn’t take rocket science to understand that. So yeah, it is basically Horrific Visions 2.0

Now, they may be generous in how much they give you, but even so, if this is true, it does very much scream Horrific Visions 2.0

It also makes you think “hey, they created this system for Torghast, and are using Horrific Visions to field test how much players like it as well as get rid of the bugs in its functionality.”

It also reeks of many free to play games that say “play all you want … except once your resource expires, you either PONY up the cash to play more or simply come back tomorrow.” and of course if you don’t pony up the cash, you end up missing out on gobs of resources and the like that are typically built around doing things every hour.

Yes, it CAN change, but when you add things up, and consider their tendencies to copy a system from one expansion to the next with a few alterations … its easy to see that they’re likely to make it Horrific Visions 2.0


Keys are stupid, resources needed to do content is STUPID. Just let players do what they WANT to do, stop putting barriers in place just to let us do the content we want to do FFS blizzard are IDIOTS and never learn. Palace of the Dead is a million times better than this already just because:
1)Its used from level 15-80
2) New and old players play
3) Used to level up all current and future classes
4) Gives valuable rewards that aren’t raid progression related
5) Try late game classes at level 15 to see if you even like them
6) Never outdated, been there for years and will always be there and useful
7) Get good weapons for leveling
8) Mounts, transmogs, titles, etc
9) Insane challenge at higher floors and especially solo that remains a huge accomplishment that is run to this day
10) Easily updated with new rewards and perks

This is why Blizzard constantly fails at game design, they take something another game does and they totally miss the point and make it a completely crap version of it, just look at Timewalking and FFXIV’s Roulette system, Roulette’s are the same thing but done better in every single way and used better in the game. I guess it doesn’t matter how good or bad Torghast is because Blizzard will just ABANDON IT IN TWO YEARS like they do any improvements or good content in the game instead of implementing them in a way that makes them permanent fun additions. What a dissapointment. Crap crap crap.


Just looked at the list of notes about Vitality.

Destabilized Vitality: Your Vitality has expired, and your connection with the Armory has been severed.

The Armory in this case is somehow part of Torghast.

Terminus Orb: Regain 5 Vitality when you ascend to a new floor of the Armory.

Essence of Vigor: Increased damage for Vitality missing.
Essence of Vim: Increased damage for Vitality remaining.
Obsidian Effigy: Increase your current and maximum Vitality by 100%.

So Vitality is indeed integral to you moving around in Torghast in some fashion.

It could also be (spitballing here) akin to the Withered Training, in how to get certain upgrades you had to expend Withered. IE to progress in the Tower, you need to expend Vitality and once its gone, your current run is over.

It’s not looking good, especially when you consider Blizzard’s reputation for doubling down on unliked systems.


What would be the purpose of a Torghast without limits?

You want something more like the Legion Withered Training Scenario
Clear it once and your pretty much done with it?

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So tired of collecting currency… :sleepy:


You can impose limits while still being reasonable. The fact that people are ALREADY comparing this to Horrific Visions says that there are too many similarities. And that’s disturbing. Especially when you consider Blizzard’s reputation for doubling down on unwanted and poorly designed mechanics.

Early in BfA they admitted Azerite Traits were poorly designed. They didn’t fix things, they simply doubled down on the stupid.

So, yeah, people aren’t very trusting of Blizzard when they implement a new system. Especially when the new system SMELLS of an old system.


Torghast is closer to FFXIV’s Palace of the Dead, which was introduced for 15-60 content and continues to this day (2 expansions later) to be highly played and useful because it levels alt classes, gears you up, gears up your alts, gives mounts, titles, mogs, makes a crap ton of gold, and is one of the most rewarding and insane challenges ever put into a video game when you do it solo, with a nice smug achievement and title to boot for doing so. It also is another system that allows low level and high level players to engage and also allows level 15 players to try their class at a higher level to see how it plays (you level up 1-60 in the dungeon).

So if they designed it even 1/4th as well as PotD, no keys needed because it would be great even if its the only thing you did during the whole expansion.

Palace of the Dead worked quite well. I enjoyed it, and I enjoyed trying to push down to the lower levels. It was simple, but it worked.

The rewards were nice rather than “must have” which is a big difference between Torghast and POTD. Torghast is going to be considered required content for gearing up.

And if you make something mandatory, and then place heavy restrictions on its use … yes, people do indeed get pissed off.

There are reasonable ways to impose limitations. Keys to enter on top of a limited resource used for god knows what while inside the dungeon doesn’t exactly encourage people to experiment. They’ll play it safe.


You lot like to compare it closely to visions in the current game (Even though what we are seeing is just datamining) … in my opinion access to visions is anything but restricted. Many players are sitting on more entry attempts than they can even find time to complete within the week.

Because blizzard always tests out a system in one expansion before implementing it full-time in another, so its pretty easy to see them using horrific visions as the ‘beta’ to Torghast.

And lol, anyone who’s sitting on tons of visions attempts are the 2 out of 10 players who didn’t quit because they hated this terrible patch.

Just rewatched the interview with Ion. He said the current plan is the give the keys through all types of gameplay.


If that were the case, then how the heck did we get Islands? Where was the test for that system one expansion before implementing?
I certainly don’t remember a trash farm like that appearing anywhere before…


In all honesty, If you don’t like the game’s latest patch I fail to see why your opinion on Torghast matters.

Would you have liked the latest patch more if it included less content?
Minus Visions, this patch contained the same sorts of content we have seen in every major release.

Did anyone really expect Blizzard would allow someone to fully gear out in a week?

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woosh you’re just pulling connections out of a hat now.

Remember argus? That became the entire of bfa’s game design. I’m not going to do a bunch of research for you because you are too lazy. Blizzard will test something luke warm in an expansion before making it a huge focus in the next expansion, and horrific visions seem to be the beta test for Torghast with what they’ve shown. If you can’t see that then that’s your problem, not mine. Get a clue.


That’s not true for any Rogue-like or Rogue-lite. You will lose because things get more difficult and boons are only temporary for that run. If done right, you won’t be able to just speed through it. You might die right away one run and get far another.


I remember Argus.
Aside from WQ and Emissaries, which Legion launched with, I have no idea how you connected it to BFA.

BFA launched lacking many of the systems core to 7.3’s Argus like Invasions Points, a vendor currency, Zone abilities, and daily rares.

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Pretty much. They take something good and then tweak it in some inane way that drains the fun out of it. Which is wild, because old WoW was successful precisely because they took what worked elsewhere and did it better.

What person has looked at an infinite progression dungeon and said “hey, this is fun but I sure wish I could do it less often!”


Visons aren’t timed either. That’s a sanity meter not a timer. Totally different! :roll_eyes: