Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

Didn’t Ion say in the interview that they’re looking to allow players practice runs? So you can do it whenever but not get gear rewards.

Of course it does, wouldn’t be Blizzard if they didn’t put in the oh so fun farming to farm.

I’m so sick of visions aleady. If you only do one or two toons then it is OKAY but once you start running more alts through, especially levels 1-10 good god it sucks.

I liked withered army training. I didn’t have to grind to get access after unlocking the training. It popped up every few days and I could go in as long as I wanted until I killed all my withered. Add a random map layout to that with random chests to find…

Oh I liked the treasure run in MOP too. That was no stress just for FUN though it was timed and you had to get keys. Keys were as easy as looting the gold chest(s) on the island.


Not gonna lie, I’m gonna be incredibly irritated if there’s a timer for Torghast, considering the entire point Torghast was, as we were told at Blizzcon, to be in there and play smart and use upgrades to be able to go as far as possible (considering they’re not permanent buffs) for the sake of attempting to attain legendary items and all that.

I don’t even think there should be some kind of entry fee. I’m tired of having to pay the ferry man so I can get into current content.


“Omg! I want to do a thing once and be completely done with it. I don’t want to have to participate in a major expansion feature for the entire expansion!!” -every forum complaint ever

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We already knew from Blizzcon. They said you’d be limited so hence keys.

There’s an entry cost, but no timer inside. Vitality is either a resource to get stuff from the armory, or lost when you fail a mechanic, or a currency for the torghast talents.

If I recall, they also mentioned something about only having a limited time in there and then you can make it deeper in future runs as you progress.

I don’t recall them saying that it’d be an actual timer in there. I remember them saying it was more like a free roam dungeon. Clear as much as you can and when you die you die kinda deal.


Being in Torghast for limited amounts of time in the beginning because your resource level is low, is not the same thing as a timed dungeon. By design they want you to spend short amount of time in Torghast at the beginning, and that as you gather more of this resource you can spend more time in the tower.

Going off what they said at BlizzCon anyway, it could all change by the time the product releases.

lol that is the same as timed just a different flavor of it.

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that was the point. i’m sorry i guess i should have done the /sarcasm thing?

I was agreeing with you sir lol!relax

I wanted to try this content so I hope they add a lower level entry edition for non high end players.

np, was just concerned there for a second

That shouldn’t be the case though. The thing which should kick me out of Torghast shouldn’t be an artificial resource. It should be mobs becoming more and more powerful and kicking me into next week outta the place.


Yeah, gotta say the Torghast and Covenants reveal killed whatever tepid optimism I had.

Tickets to enter - no thanks.

it’s like anima power is not azerite power. so i guess keys are not a vessel, and vitality is not sanity :roll_eyes:. i wonder what we have to grind to get keys :thinking:

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Yea, my hype train broke down for SL the more that leaks out…

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If there is no cost to enter, there is no emphasis on strategy or difficulty. It would just be yolo through with zero consequences.