Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

Just a small thing. Everyone should be aware that the devs have said that Datamining may yield SCRAPPED and EXPERIMENTAL content. So just be wary, as vitality may not work the way it’s told in Wowhead or it could not even be there AT ALL. My persoanal guess is that it’ll be something that doesn’t work like sanity, constantly ticking down. Instead, I think it may be something that ties with the random ability improvements you get in Torghast that they explained in Blizzcon.

They literally told us at BlizzCon we would be able to do it as much as we want.

Their reasoning in the alpha interviews make ZERO sense too.

“If people could practice, they’d feel pressured to spend their time learning how to best do it.”

…and that’s bad how? You SHOULD reward people who take time to practice. That’s literally the best thing about a game. If someone feels “pressured” that’s on them.


Honestly as long as vitality doesn’t consistently drain like sanity does in visions I’m not bothered. I’m fine with being punished for messing stuff up, as long as it’s not unavoidable.


It seemed likely from the start that Horrific Visions were a preview of Torghast, so some similarities are to be expected.

If the content is going be potentially rewarding, and especially if it is available for solo play, then there has to be some sort of limiting factor, both in terms of how often it can be run, and in terms of how much progression is possible at a particular moment.

I like the Visions quite a bit, so I’m looking forward to having a solo/small group progression system as a supplementary type of content in Shadowlands. If Torghast is essentially a deeper, more varied version of the Visions, then that will be a good addition to end game, though obviously some tweaking and adjustments will be necessary, as always.

I love watching the forums eat each other alive. :popcorn:

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I like visions, make them more varied than SW or Org and I’d blast them.

They don’t want to push people away from their games. They are just unbelievably out of touch with reality and also have to answer to corporate demands that they increase XYZ metrics.

They can’t do much about Activision-Blizzard telling them what to do but they certainly could be better about not just blindly implementing systems because they cannot conceive that people really don’t like them despite the feedback.

At this point, I don’t think anything will improve until the current team goes away. Not looking great for Shadowlands, but hey you never know. They might accidentally hit gold.

If it has anything like Scorched feet… I’ll just stick with M+.


Wait, they actually said that? Why on Earth would it be bad that people might want to practice on something before attempting it?

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You should be allowed to do it as much as you want.
But it should stop rewarding you after a certain point.

Just like Island expeditions. You get 3 or 4 per week for the rewards, then you can do it as much as you want afterwards.


So long as vitality doesn’t constantly tick down, then its not really a timer… more like a a secondary hp bar. If things can damage your vitality and you can recover your vitality through specific mechanics and the vitality level doesn’t just constantly tick down, then I’m ok with vitality as a mechanic.

If it does tick down though… yea I may have to skip Shadowlands because Torghast is one of the major features of the expansion. I don’t like horrific visions and I certainly don’t want a 2.0 version of them that’s required content to engage in if I want to be ready for endgame.

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vitality probably isnt going to drain over time becouse they said the tower is not going to be time based, vitality is probably going to be a second bar that only depletes if you stand in bad or dont move out of mechanics,so if you suck at getting out of stuff you can die and not just power through with healing,anyway doesnt matter to me i have like 100k of the Coalescing currency and all my gear socketed from all the 5 masks runs so ill probably smash that tower when it comes out

What if Vitality operates as a aid against the enemies in Torghast and the armory supplies the means to survive?

When that expires, you are now significantly weaker to some enemy abilities? What if it’s that? What if all this outrage is wrong?

Because apparently practicing something is bad.

That is actually nuts. I wish Blizzard would stop trying to mind-read hypothetical people when designing these things.

“I hate that I can practice this before doing it for real” said no one ever.


yes, it may. it may also reveal the very sad truth.


that’s a stretch professor fantastic couldn’t even make. …yes, all this outrage could be wrong, but c’mon, we’re talking ion and D3 dev dream team here. if you smell smoke, you can bet the farm there’s fire.

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Blizzard has said nothing about Vitality and we are only going off of datamined info. We should wait for it to actually be testable first and then come to a conclusion. So all the outrage out of datamined and “possible” way the system is implemented should be taken with a grain of salt. Instead of the hard truth. Not saying that vitality could never be a problem, but I’m just saying we don’t know what the problem actually IS yet, if any.

true enough, but the easiest way to fix a problem is before it even becomes a problem. nothing wrong with getting out in front of it now. i believe i’m not alone in saying a lot of people don’t want to see h visions 2.0.

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I get that people don’t want visions 2.0, particularly the sanity system. But my whole argument against all the nay-saying is just that, we have no idea what the system even looks like. Once we actually have the system, instead of specualtions about how it “could” work, then we can work out the kinks. We can’t fix a problem by theorizing how many ways it could go wrong and shouting at the devs to change before even the Alpha testers get to see. There is nothing wrong with theorizing how it could go wrong but we can’t shout at the devs to make the “fixes” already before we even know what IS wrong.