Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

Source on that?

Interview with the game director. He said it’s not timed. Also, very few actual details exist about torghast. Vitality hasn’t been discussed in of the interviews he’s done this past week (that I’ve seen), but they did allude in post-Blizzcon interviews that there would be torghast only currency for “powerups” or torghast specific talents (probably similar to the titan research), so if I HAD to guess, I would think that’s what it is.

But, since all we have an unimplememted, fragmented bit of data, it could be a scrap from the cutting room floor.

But in either case, it’s not timed.

Ion never said it wasn’t timed, we all saw the same interview.

My assumption that it is limited in some way has more weight of evidence behind it than “It’s not timed cos I feel that way”.

It has a resource that depletes, it is timed in some way.


The fact vitality is a synonym for anima, hopefully this bit of data just refers to an early design for Torghast.

It’s most likely either the currency for entry or currency for putting a “build” together in the armory. Because it’s not timed.

It is a DEPLETABLE resource, read the tooltips that have been mined.
Anything that depletes adds a timer. Whether or not it is mechanics based drain or a drain over time like Visions.

This guy is deluded and just keeps throwing out "it is not timed’ to try to make it true.

The resource for entry is a key not tied to Vitality also. Did you not even read the tooltips and just come here to yell “IT’S NOT TIMED.”


don’t worry, we’re in alpha…
hey, it’s still beta, they’ll take care of it…
we still have PTR…
oh well, maybe they will look at it in 9.1…


You got me, that was the wrong interview. My bad. However, it was a post Blizzcon interview. In fact, if you google “Is Torghast Timed?”, there’s an article from blizzard watch that aggregates what is currently known, and it states it in plain speak. Not timed. For me, it’s literally the first result.

Not timed just means no timer like in mythic plus.

If you can fall for doublespeak that easily, never enter politics.


it’s not timed, it’s a “drain”. it’s completely different. :roll_eyes:

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Ok, so the lead game developer for a AAA MMO is out there throwing straight up lies but some conspiracy theory loosely interpreted from mining incomplete Data is 100% believable.

It’s real easy to believe something that affirms your world view. You hate on blizzard, so they MUST do things you don’t like. Despite the evidence, you’ll always find a way. It’s one of the many cognitive biases humans are susceptible to.

The game director said it’s not timed and you’ll be able to explore. So, I’m gonna believe that over your conspiracy theory.

Theory number 3: maybe you lose “vitality” when you fail at mechanics, and you get punted out for failing too much.

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I consider doing visions fun, but getting into visions is a pain in my rear

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it isn’t, but after trying that dumpster fire, some of us were probably hoping it wasn’t true.

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it’s not timed, it’s a drain. completely different tool set :man_shrugging:. we also know ion has never lied.


I hate on blizzard???

Should I get you a ‘jump to conclusions mat’?, I think you would enjoy that game.

I am a 15 year sub who has given truckloads of money them over the years in every game they develop. I want the game to be the best it can be, but limiting people’s playtime in features is not fun, it’s the whole reason they came up with Mythic+.
People were stomping dungeons out at the start of an expansion and never playing again, so they gave literally infinite replayability to them.

You are using a singular term of timed in your assumption.

Technically Visions are not timed, since you never know how much time you have left outside of a weakaura estimation, but they are LIMITED in how long you can spend inside one. I can explore in Visions too, but it is finite and also has a ‘timer’ on it in terms of sanity drain.

The only barrier in an INFINITE dungeon should be that you progress to a point you can no longer handle and need to prepare and gear up for, basically like progression raiding. They tried limited attempts on bosses and no one liked it remember.

There is some sort of time mechanic that will hinder practice and progress in Torghast.


I guess nothing could change your mind until it happens. If you don’t believe the guy in charge, who can you believe?

Just bookmark this topic and when more information comes out, one of you will be correct and can throw it in the face of all the others who were wrong.

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so what you are saying is; “if you can’t believe a guy who lies, who can you believe?” is that really your stance, and argument?


People do seem to forget Ion is the same man that said 'In BFA, Item Level is all that will matter when choosing a piece of gear".


I’m not totally against sanity mechanic because if you can take all the time in the world, you could get in with 4 healers and 1 tank and trivialize the entire content.

I mean, I couldn’t care less if people want to do it that way, but I understand Blizzard’s point of view if they intend high floor runners to have some prestige to it, a bit like people running high mythic+ keys.

I’m much less happy with their intention to limit access to a few times per week though. I hope they change their mind about that.