Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

That’s the thing, though. You think that things like visions and their entry are catered to the 1% when they’re so obviously not. I’m by no means in the top 1% yet I still have a r15 cloak plus the extra resistance from the past few weeks. You haven’t even done enough content to get the first set of achievements from the current patch, so why do you think any of your insight matters on the subject? You say why was cater to the top 1%? Well why cater to the bottom 1% either?

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But…none of what you said really disproves what I suggested, does it? Even if keys are used to enter, there could still be a Vitality cost as well. Using a key with no Vitality still lets you enter, but you have to suffer with whatever the penalty is for having no Vitality.

As has been pointed out in this thead multiple times, it’s all unknown. People seem to be trending towards assuming a timer, so I figured I’d offer some possibilities under the assumption that there isn’t one instead.

Charging people twice won’t exactly ENDEAR people to do the content.

“Give us a Key.”
“Pay Vitality”

Yeah. That will drive people AWAY.

So would a timer though, right? Either way, all I’m doing is offering alternative possibilities to how things might work. But since none of us really know yet, there’s no reason to start flipping tables or anything. Speculate without drawing conclusions, y’know?

yes they are

If this ends up with something Akin to scorched feet or leaden feet

I’m gonna freak

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After seeing + playing BfA, and seeing nearly 4,500 replies on the beta feedback completely ignored - absolutely DO NOT hold your horses. Trust with this company is a literal 0.


Yeah, the fact that anyone would even try to say “hold your horses” anymore is honestly just sad.


Yeah pretty much. You see when they say it won’t be time limited it won’t be, it will just be limited by vitality, whatever that is, when you run out of vitality you get kicked out. Also keys. Metas don’t change but I guess it has to be gated somehow else people will just charge up their legendaries too fast.

Personally what scares me the most is the gear system especially as Ion said he was happy with corruptions. It seems ever more op power ups through gear are acquired rng wise. I’m actually taking a break from the game now. I wanted infinite stars on my balance druid so much but it never dropped so I’ve just given up.

Imagine that. Less than a day later, and Blizzard outlines the only measurement which determines your ability to stay in and succeed is deaths.



Game. Set. Match.

Now you all can calm down.


And data mining loses again. Normally I wouldn’t gloat but :muscle:, well here we are :performing_arts:.

Just remember everyone, data mining can only control you if you let it.

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People taking everything WoWhead reports as gospel needs to stop. Datamining is only so accurate.


Why, I think I will. Thank you.

Like I said, not timed.

Looks like it worked out after all. How about a little trust in people every now and then.

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It’s almost as if trusting the words of the lead developer over some datamined strings is a safe bet or something. :thinking:


What do you think of the system that was presented to us just today then? :open_mouth:

Mm, the sweet silence of everyone who was completely convinced that there’d be a timer. Turns out I was completely off-base as well but I’m glad the arguing didn’t have to carry on for too long.

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No one is going to tell me how long I can be in there and how many times i can go in and out in and out and in and out

has ion earned back any trust yet?

They didn’t answer What Vitality is however. But it sounds like Vitality may very well have been a leftover bit of code. IE they had plans for some kind of ‘timer’, but removed it. However, there was code left over when they datamined.

This is sometimes called Spaghetti Code. Bits of code that won’t affect anything are still lurking in the depths somewhere.

However, considering Blizzard’s reputation, and their tendency to double down on the stupid, its easy to see why people got worried.

Trust is a commodity that Blizzard is severely lacking in. Especially their tendencies to ignore critical feedback during testing.