Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

Here’s a scary fact. They were already working on Shadowlands by about the 4-6 month mark of BfA. So, 90% of the mistakes they made in BfA will be present in Shadowlands.

That’s how early they begin designing the next expansion. 4-6 months after the current expansion is released. Obviously that’s just system designs, story and all that. But even so … mistakes and issues in BfA won’t be “fixed” until the expansion AFTER Shadowlands. It’s how they’ve done things for YEARS now.

Yup, thats why Legion was so similar to WoD. Oh wait…

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Then why should we be sitting back and waiting on anything Ion has to say? You just proved my point just in a different way.

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He literally told you about that too…

They are rewarding people who don’t need practice, and putting in mechanics to hold back those who do. That way the power gap will continue to increase between elites and those who have to practice to git gud.

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Yeah exactly, just “the more you play the game the more you can do” rather than “the more you do this specific content” which of course is the worry in light of vision acquisition.

As soon as content is forced as requirement it becomes a chore.

You sir are a internet hero. Too bad you can’t set duration to ‘never’.

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And when you implement “chores” into a game, any game, things tend to fall apart eventually.


Whats wrong with that ?

I’m sorry but torghast is supposed to be the solo end game of shadowlands right ? Maybe , just maybe , they need a way to make sure “elites” dont grind it all in a week ?

But read till the end , the important part isn’t the vitality or the keys , it should be how we earn those keys … because if its not this system , it would be on the daily reset , weekly reset or like assaults .

Then we’d all be forced to either not miss a day , even if its free entre(no keys) or make sure we log in during the time window for it , or have them completed by the end of the week else you loose those entry .

At least with currency/keys , we can hoard them and run them when we feel like it, no pressure . Keep in mind we’re talking the solo endgame for shadowlands , so FFA entry with no limit is just absurd , this isnt a proving ground to get into dungeons :wink:

The hoarding of keys depends on the cap. Visions early on had a cap of 5 Vessels and 25k Coalescing.

So if they have a tiny cap, then hoarding won’t be an option and you’ll be forced to burn them to avoid wasting resources.

I did comment above that a lot of this does depend on the difficulty of getting keys. If the keys are something you can work on getting at your leisure it won’t be as bad. Provided there are many ways to get them, the cap is generous, and its not a grind to death just for a pittance of runs in a week.

But that’s only the keys. They could be plentiful sources for keys, but if Vitality is too punishing and feels too much like a timer, the number of keys won’t help much.

You have to consider that BOTH systems are limits, and either one being bad can ruin the entire system.



I really loathe the “endless grind” model. Whatever.

And so we speak up now in the hopes that’s not what will come to pass for Torghast.

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What if Vitality functions as something like a ‘stamina’ mechanic? I’m thinking of other (usually pay2win) games where you can only do a limited number of ‘things’ per x amount of time before your ‘stamina’ depletes and you have to wait for it to recharge. In Torghast’s case, this could be applied as like…you have this Vitality bar, it drops a little every time you enter, and once it runs out you lose access to this ‘Armory’ thing, which sounds like it could be an equivalent to the Titan Research buffs we have inside Horrific Visions. In that way we could still enter even if we have no Vitality, but we’d also be without any of the perks we’ve unlocked and so things would be a lot harder.

That, and/or the Armory could be the ‘reward room’ and it running out means we just don’t get anything from Torghast anymore until we get our Vitality back.

If it’s anything like the Mage Tower, it will be infinitely-farmable.

The thing is, one of the apparent buffs you can get gives you extra damage based on current vitality and another based on missing vitality.

Now, of course we don’t know how these buffs are applied. If they’re random shrines or the like, or if we have any control. We don’t know. We do know one of them gives you extra vitality for completing a level and there is an ability which apparently restores all your vitality.

If it was a static ‘x entries / week’ why would they have an option to instantly restore all your vitality?

And if they want to use it as a # of entries per week, they could just have it set at “you have 9 entries left this week” without the need for a bar.

Besides, you need a KEY to enter, so that kind of blows that idea out of the water. There’s just too much unknown, and of course they’re not going to clarify anything until everyone is truly upset.

Not exactly good PR. Once info is datamined, they should have someone on top of things going “ok, this is the general design plan, subject to change, on what each of these things mean.”

They know datamining happens. The fact they don’t speak up to nip these problems in the bud doesn’t help keep the forums civil.


I despise the visions system. I should never be PENALIZED for helping my lower progressed guildies. They need to fix that before Shadowlands.


This response… is such a :joy::joy::joy:… did you even read anything I’ve wrote??.. omg… keep up with the good response… so you have no compassion for causal players… yes… literally the life blood in any mmo, heck video game, it’s been even noted mythic content and heavy endgame is 1%… so yes let’s cater towards the 1% I’m sure that will pay their bills to carry the game.

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Going by your posts I wouldn’t even call you a casual player. Think of a name for something lower than that.

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I don’t think she’s been trained by the professors at Barry’s Correspondence School for Arugula and Soy to think that critically, or even that far ahead. As long as she’s hoarding toilet paper or going to biting digital protests for a high GPA, everything is fine and everyone who disagrees is a racist, bigot, filthy casual, and or a Karen, Boomer, et al.

The sad part is she probably doesn’t even know what Et al is, and probably thinks I’m talking about the local Italian or some sushi dish. In any event, I think that satire sums up the mind set well enough, yes no? =)


What the hell is vitality and phantasma? Why all this constant gimmicky nonsense? I don’t remember any of this tripe before Legion.