Torghast has a limited resource called Vitality and Keys for Entry

But I’d be 39 doing all the possible content with friends… none of this fail and that’s it’s… a month of doing chores down the drain…

That’s not fun… that’s horrible

Don’t get me wrong I’m envious you play more then me, can do supposedly 5-8 visions a week, I literally get about 1200 coalescence a weekend… you do the maths… it takes forever to get in a horrific vision… and if I fail I feel like uninstalling every time.

I literally just want to do content with the remainder of friends left… WoW is dropping like flies, guilds are dying, this new direction trying to keep people invested is making it worse…

Trapping people in time gating content forcing to do chores is what’s bleeding the game…

This exactly so. All I took from most of her statements were the same riveting and intellectual statements as Xanzul. "I’m hoping to work for Blizzard someday, so I’ll ignore all the facts, attack players and support crap systems by saying in a much nastier than normal way “It’s oooonly aaaalphaaa…”

Brother, something is wrong then. You should be getting at minimum 20k coals a week for doing the assault in both regions.

Again, wow has been “dropping like flies” since Cata.

The gate exists to keep you reasonably competitive. Without them, this would all be the classic HWL grind.

Oh Karen, never change.

Please don’t call me brother… it just degrades you and I and I find it insulting.

All I’m saying is I log on and attempt to do as many as the dailies… that’s all although I skip the killing rares or looking for cache, cause my server is alliance dominated.

So no, nothing is wrong, the maths checks out, if you have more time to hang around their, great on you, like I said I’m envious you have more time then I do to do all these chores…I really am…

It’s just a horrible direction WoW is heading.

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The only defense I’m permitting them in that regard is “we don’t have the numbers yet.”

Like the Warlock/Hunter pet rez nerf. There could be details that make it a non-issue. things like increased pet durability so when your pet DOES die, its your fault for going beyond your means.

The AoE reduction could be more complex than we think, including perhaps a reduction in pointless trash mobs and making mob kills more meaningful.

So yes, I’m speaking up, but I’m also cutting them slack, ONLY in the fact we don’t have the numbers to back things up or go “ok, you’re on your toes and this looks good.”

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No, the math doesn’t check out. You should be able to log on on a weekend and get more than 20,000. If you are not, then you are doing it wrong.

It’s not a horrible direction. The game is just not designed to be played ineptly once a month.

Again, that’s not how this works. There are many ways to improve. If you choose not to take advantage of them, that is on you.

I don’t choose to take advantage cause I play within my time I can… I can’t stay in Uldum or Vale trying to knock out that bonus % for the chest…

I just want to play games with my friends, I think they were all right should of just gone FF14 or ESO, they all laughing at me now…

Like I said, BROTHER, I do what I can just with the few dailies I can do, I can’t spend 20-30 min finding rares that’s such a waste of time…

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That’s really what Blizzard does not grasp. This sort of behavior and crap design was accepted only when they were the only MMO on the market. They aren’t now and there are viable competitors. They can either get serious and git good, or they can suffer more sub loss. It’s that simple.


They keep trying to push me to return to FF14. While its not perfect and has its own issues, there are signs, visible signs that the devs actually listen. That or they’ve got an actual PR team, something Blizzard doesn’t seem to have.


Those aren’t required for the assault cache bonus. The mini-events give between 15-30% of the bar alone and there always multiple up. It should take you 10-12 minutes to cap the bar.

If you can only play limited time, that’s fine. But if you expect to get into end game content with your limited time, you better use that time well.

If you don’t want to use your time well and just want to yolo, thats fine too. But the minute you expect to be rewarded for incorrectly using your time, thats just called entitlement.

You are right Karen. It is a competitive market now.

You no longer have to settle for sub-par sushi from an Italian restaurant. Go to a sushi restaurant and enjoy.

Stop trying to change the Italian restaurant into something it’s not.

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I use to get to end game content all the time… regardless of the expansion…

This is the only expansion with this time gate crap that’s ruining the game. Literally locking so many players out isn’t the way to go…

Granted I’m not doing mythic raiding but I’m raiding… why not do the same?, have mythic torghast time gated with this crap, and have a LFR, normal and heroic version people can freely go into?

That would explain why we always seem to get worse versions of the stuff that works in D3.

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Playing for an hour or two a day, once a month, you were carried through end game content. Like I said, if this were vanilla, bc, or wrath, you wouldn’t even be max level with your current time investment.

Because not everything needs a sight-seeing, or easy mode. If you want to see content, complete it.

Carried or not, I did it with friends… you don’t understand people don’t care, some people just want to do content with friends… also vanilla I hit max level took me about 6-7 months but I was a max level hunter, still have the toon… so yes every expansion I hit max level eventually, and eventually did all end game content…

With this current direction of the game, they are excluding players in end game content I think that’s wrong.

Then the content is out there for you and your friends to go tackle. But let’s be honest, you aren’t really looking for that.

You are looking for handouts.

You can ignore people by going to their activities page and clicking where it says “normal.”

Makes the whole forum experience so much more pleasant.

I’m starting to think you are a child with your replies, since when am I asking for a handout? You are a reason why WoW is declining, I’m saying make a easier version that doesn’t need to farmed daily to get into…

Let the hardcore players, like yourself, get into a time gated torghast and get better loot… but let casuals do something similar with lesser requirements and lesser loot.

Edit: Sorry, after looking at your post history, I’m sorry I didn’t realise I was dealing with a 10 yo.

You seriously need to learn some compassion your post history is just selfish and brutal, life doesn’t revolve around you. I actually feel sorry for you to think the way you do.

But good for you you a hardcore mythic raider, who times +15 with ease… not all of us can do that so we should just give content to the top 1%?

To be fair, it’s kind of childlike to ask for easier content when the content is already trivial in itself. You say you only play for a little bit on the weekends? You say you don’t have the time to fill up the bonus bar? That isn’t a bonus bar. The assaults are the bulk of where you get your Coalescing Visions for the Horrific Visions. The assaults are incredibly easy, as the bonus objectives give you 15% for doing stupid stuff like jumping on bugs. It doesn’t take me more than 15 minutes to do each assault on any of my characters. On top of that, you can spend a good 30 minutes inside a single Horrific Vision if you have a maxed cloak.
To get 30k coalescing you would need to do all 3 assaults and and only 2 lesser visions. It takes like an hour of /played to do all that, and you can spend roughly an hour and a half inside 3 horrific visions.

Anyway, as far as Torghast goes it looks like the cost of entry is relatively cheap compared to how much of the Stygia we’ll be getting on a regular basis. If you don’t know what Stygia is, go look at my post about 40 comments up.

There are things about this game that require some semblance of progression and challenge. We don’t need an ez mode LFR each progression path of current content. Wanna raid without the challenge? LFR. Wanna do dungeons to explore without the timer or difficult mechanics? Normal dungeons. Hell even now Horrific Visions without masks are basically LFR to anybody who’s halfway kept up with their cloak. The only difference is that it’s gated behind farming a resource, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s just like you should be farming resources for pots/flasks/food in raid/dungeons.

You can’t seriously expect somebody to take this seriously when you’re asking for an easier, ungated version of content because the current content doesn’t revolve around your weekend playtime.

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This. Learning nothing from Islands and Visions is not “iteration” blizz.

It’s soloable. Why on earth would solo content be timed? Do you want to suck the fun out of everything and stress us out for a false “sense of urgency”?

You want to do timed? Do timed like old caverns of time stratholme…beat the timer, get a mount. Otherwise it can be ignored.

That is a handout. You want a reward without having to invest in getting it.

Why is this the typical response from a “casual” looking for handouts? My compassion ends when you refuse to put any effort in.

You claim to be only getting 1k currency a day. I try to point out that for that same time investment, you should be getting 20k.

Instead of putting any energy into figuring out what you are doing wrong, you just want it nerfed. That is called entitlement.