Do you think it’s not likewise too early to declare this expansion a success? I mean, considering it’s youth. As you say, we have years in front of us.
I disagree wholeheartedly. Have fun with your other games, though.
I will continue to enjoy SL and especially Torghast.
I’m only speaking up to this point, I feel like they’ve done a great job understanding the player’s needs.
What success? Its rated 6/10
Is success buying something you havent played yet? Because people buy to try it. Thats how they find out that its bad. Initial sales only show hype, they do not show quality or reception.
Make the mobs easier, but have an option that instead of taking a buff, get increased rewards. That way you can choose harder and more rewards or more buffs and easier play. Let the players decide how they want to play.
Because I’m literally in crafted items and quest gear. My Weapon is a level 59 upgrade. Why would we be able to play relevant endgame on toons in pre max level quality gear? This game has never worked that way. When I cleared layer 4 I thought to myself “this is going to get nerfed” 48 hours later, surprise!
Have you cleared layer 8? And if you enjoy torghast so much why don’t you have the Phantastic achiev which you should have gotten by if you enjoyed playing it so much.
You guys are quenching my thirst with all these tears.
Make it harder blizzard; harder. Get these fotm players out of my face!
Who said I played it a lot? You seem to have a bone to pick about something I said.
Is it not okay with you if other players enjoy Torghast, even if they have only played it a bit so far?
Fishing through people’s achievements doesn’t really strengthen your argument or negate anything I said. It’s also just a touch pathetic.
Ah, fair enough. I thought you just meant in general.
Apparently the anti-Torghast trolls have a problem with this.
If you haven’t played it a lot then why are you commenting on this thread? You don’t understand what it’s like at higher levels.
So now people don’t get to express that they enjoy Torghast because they haven’t done the exact same amount as you. Wow, even more pathetic. Amazing that some people think like this.
Didn’t WOD sell 3.3 million copies? Its very short sighted to say per-purchases indicate an expansion is good. More like people were so done with BFA and the coronavirus forcing people to stay home more.
TIme will tell how good this expansion is by subs 6months to 1 year in.
Is that what I said? I said that you don’t have the experience at the level of content to have an informed opinion about it. I could care less if you enjoyed it or not because your enjoyment doesn’t change the difficulty.
Going to have to agree with op. What a joke they’ve made this.
Why even bother making the content if you just want a trivial weekly chore which takes zero effort?
Who’s forcing you? If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Either go without a legendary which is completely possible, or wait for Soul Ash adventure quests and slowly save it up that way.
As I already stated and you conveniently ignored…
Initial sales do not indicate any type of success, it indicates hype. Unless the buyers were in the beta, they bought the game blindly (as you do anytime you go to a new restaurant and order for the first time). They dont know if its good until they try it.
Blizzard makes more money off of monthly subs than box sales. Monthly subs are what indicates success.
When I saw people on the corridor creeper (all palli tanks) already I thought there was something funny going on.