Torghast harder just Alt F4 No Thanks

Hey so what if we took horrific visions, made them take 5x as long, added rng, and gated even more personal power behind them?

Pretty great idea if you ask me! The best part is this system is going to be here for two whole years! I cannot wait to see what comes next.


THIS! Layer 6 was fairly easy last week, the ramp in difficulty can be compensated with gear and player knowledge.

Dear Diary,

Today, on the internet, I told a fib so that strangers would think I’m cool.


I think the point many players here are making is that they’d rather the difficulty not be reliant on gear level. This could be done, albeit it’s a little late now.

But the system itself in Shadowlands follows a theme of effort over time spent, Ion and the dev team were deliberate with this because this is the most fair way to go about it. If you cannot complete the highest difficulty, do a lower one. Lower one gives higher dust anyways.

I’m sorry, I disagree with you, as a father of 3 with two jobs, I value my time, just like how when I work my many jobs and take care my many kids time is valuable, to spend 2 hours in Torghast to be one shot from an over tuned boss, you know what that means? I’m gonna have a bad time, nerfing anima powers? I’m gonna have a bad time, time gating a game to extend subs means I’m gonna have a bad time.

Just trying to give you a perspective from a working father of 3, working two jobs might I just add.




In all of my wow time, i have never seen them do something like this. Thats the first thing.

Do i feel they should have made 7-8 harder? sure so people catch up on the gear since mythic is out and so is LFR for people to catch up.

do i feel they had to force you to go back layers? No, that point of argument is foolish. There isnt going to be just 8 layers to torghast, there will be more, and things will increase, and each threshold will be different.

None of that is the point people are arguing here. The point they are arguing is stuff that they were able to do yesterday, they no longer have access to because of this change. Scaling, making higher layers difficult. Sure im all for that. But if you already completed content, and then they make it significantly harder to do the same content. People have the right to complain about it, and saying “its fine” because YOUR class is overtuned, is dumb.


How’s this any more fair than Torghast relying purely on player skill? That’s to say, regardless of gear.

If players want to complete higher layer, they can put in the effort to earn a higher iLevel along with understanding what best Anima Powers to take. If they don’t want to put in the effort, they can simply do a lower layer and get a big portion of the dust anyways. This caters to both casuals and those who want to try, I don’t see the issue?

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Its so freaking slow to progress through…

I did 1.5 floors of level 7 and exited…

No healing powers, no damage powers. I got a buff to shadow door that I almost never use and more hp on maw rats killed.

You took something bad and mad it worse. Awesome job guys.


I asked how that is more fair than relying solely on player skill. You claimed the current iteration of Torghast is most fair. I am asking how this is more fair (gear level having such an impact as it currently does).

here it comes…

The current version is most fair because you have to put in effort to complete higher layers. You need both player skill as you put it as well as the gear in order to complete the challenge, but doing so will get you a great reward. If you do not want to put in the effort, you can simply do lower layers. Also, we’re 3 weeks into a 2 year expansion. Over time this too will get easier.

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I’m only trying to point out that Torghast could’ve been implemented differently. I believe many players believe the effort involved to complete higher levels is too high.

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Saying what is on many people’s minds. Hope they don’t give you a forced vacation.

Let’s be honest, It’s too hard right now. Layer 8 shreds me and I can’t do anything about it. Them buffing the end of floor bosses was insanely stupid. Burst the boss, cc them to prevent them spamming 8k bolts, time my interrupts, use blind to heal up but then they have 10 stacks and are immune to cc and shred me.

I liked torghast at the start but man it feels really bad with anti-afk measures and cancerous mechanics.


They just made it harder. It’s not like the mage tower, that people could eventually outgear. We have no reason to believe they will not continue to make it harder as the expansion passes.

Again we’re 3 weeks into a 2 year expansion, it takes time for things to even out. Players need to be more patient, Ion and the dev team know how to handle this as they’ve been doing a great job up to this point given the success of Shadowlands as a whole.

Weird how they keep forcing players to do PVE but NEVER FORCE PVERS TO PVP. WHY am i being forced to do things that takes hours and hours and hours and then if you mess up YO U GET NOTHING FOR YOUR TIME. BAD GAME DESIGN

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