Torghast harder just Alt F4 No Thanks

This isn’t true, what indicates success is a company’s ability to understand what it’s playebase needs before they know they need it and I think Ion and the dev team have done an excellent job at analyzing just that.

Logged in and felt the changes in Torghast.
Logged off and playing Pillars 2 Deadfire.
MUCH more rewarding.

I need a new Game soon.
Funny, My WoW Sub runs out in about 18 Hrs.


This seems especially awful for alts. Only my first of 3 60s does anything in the maw. My other characters do not have any torghast upgrades and never will if Blizzard doesn’t pull their heads out of the nether and realize it’s not remotely reasonable to expect people to repeat that rep grind on every alt or do Maw dailies on everything for Stygia.

Even 6 feels awful now for my lesser geared alts to solo.

Whoever decided on these changes is incompetent and shouldn’t be in charge of Torghast balance anymore. Move them to the hearthstone team.

Oh, I get it. So nobody can form an opinion on whether they like the format of Torghast until they have cleared the highest level. You’re trolling right?

:joy: :joy: :joy:

That is literally PR Buzz speak and has zero contextual meaning.

You could also make a point that all the youtube/twitch “content creators” out there added massively to the hype during the beta. Only for Blizz to make a bunch of changes right before launch and not keep torghast the way people streamed it.

dont mind him, he thinks enough brownosing will turn his text green


Bingo just gonna play my other game tonight and enjoy my evening. The Devs messed up big time.

No it’s not possible to go without a mandatory item you 100% need for content and to be competitive. Do you play this game? Who is taking someone to an M+ without a Legendary? Who is letting people on their Arena team or RBG team without meeting gear reqs. No one!

Torghast is 100% forced content you have to sludge through painfully to get a mandatory reward so you can eventually have fun in another place in the game. This is 100% a fact and you know it.

If we didn’t have to do it…WE WOULDN’T!!


Cmon man address my actual argument. Torghast gets harder the higher the layer is and this thread is on the difficulty of torghast. So it implies that someone who has done high floor layers has experienced the difficulty of torghast in it’s entirety. Like I said your enjoyment has no effect on the difficulty.

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You’re assuming way too much there. Wiping doesn’t ruin the game for me. Not being able to conquer everything right now doesn’t ruin the game for me. Sometimes failing and having to try again doesn’t ruin the game for me.

It doesn’t ruin the game for me that you can’t solo Layer 8 on the first day of its release.

Wow need not cater to the playerbase with the attention span of a goldfish.

And again, acting like people can’t have an opinion on something because you’ve done higher levels is pathetic. Layer 8 came out today.

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Yea but you are missing the point. Torghast isn’t the time or place for that!! It isn’t supposed to be progression content gated behind difficulty.

Everything you said is true for pushing high level M+ or Raiding or Arena and that is exciting!!!

Torghast though isn’t and it isn’t supposed to be Raid or M+ progression I have to mentally prepare for. It is supposed to be fun fast content I can do Solo before I do my Rated Content.

Now I got to block off my calendar maybe form a team to attempt to clear it wasting my precious time on something that is painful to do. Or I can just go play another game where the Devs don’t torture the player base.


I think i am just disappointed in the direction the devs are taking Torghast. If I wanted to run a dungeon I would. Was hoping it was going to be more traps and puzzle solving then what it is.


Good job, you almost addressed my argument. I’m arguing Torghast is overtuned and has cancerous mechanics that actually discourage skillful play such as cc immunity at 10 stacks and anti-afk mechanics.

Your argument should be in response to those 3 things. Of course why would they unlock layer 8 today if it can’t be solod today. Also why do they need to add a time buff to the bosses instead of creating challenging mechanics?
Also isn’t this supposed to be the weekly chore and the actually difficult and engaging content comes from when they unlock the “infinite” layers?

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I don’t think there’s a way to salvage anything after what’s currently hitting the fan disperses throughout the boardroom. The game is dead to me. Too much emphasis was placed on the new/changed features that aren’t being well received by customers. I realize that I am but one of millions, and what they lose in revenue from me dropping makes no difference in the quality of leather used in the CEO’s desk chair. But having voiced my rejection, I feel so much better that I won’t be helping to pay for the conditioner used to keep that leather from drying up and cracking.

I see your unsubbed and raised you an uninstall AND deleted folders.

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You and the other gentlemen in here seem to disagree with the designers, while I don’t. I don’t mind it being challenging at all. I don’t need to have multiple legendaries maxed out to min/max my character for every situation, nor do most of the player base. We can agree to disagree here. I understand the arguments that are being made.


If it helps you, all you need to do to get the majority of available Soul Ash is a layer 3. Layer 3 is the easy blow-through you are asking for. No joke, I watched my wife do a layer 3 last week on a Resto Druid and Skoldus plowed right through her and she took maybe 5% of her HP in damage. It was impossible to lose.

I’m pretty sure you could put a hamster on your keyboard and it would clear layer 3 as it waddled around. Especially as a Paladin. We have godly sustain and burst in there.

None of those three things bother me. Does that address them? You see them as problems, and I don’t. And I won’t think it is “overtuned” if I can’t clear the max difficulty the day it is released. These are fundamental differences in perception and we can agree to disagree, or you can go on negating people’s opinions because yours is better.


This is what the anti-Torghast crowd don’t understand, many people love this system and it’s here to stay. Putting more effort should get you better rewards, not sure why this a foreign concept to folks :man_shrugging:


They upped the difficulty. It’s probably still no problem for better players, but I did layer 3 no issue last week. This week. I had to drop down. It just was a real not fun time.

I’ve thought that a couple times last week lol

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