Torghast changes for healers and tanks

Guess I don’t have to gear my guardian now lol. Looks like Feral is back on the menu bois!

Why are they trying to MLG balance this? The tank and healer experience was completely out of joint with the DPS experience, I agree, but I would have said the solution was to buff DPS. There’s nothing in Torghast but a hard capped currency: just let it be a crazy experience where everyone gets to be a demigod.

This might make Torghast more balanced, but I don’t see how it makes it better.


Yeah I agree it is pretty dumb, healers and tanks could finally do some interesting solo progress, now it’s more annoying. I generally do it with someone else though, so hopefully it’s not too bad since supposedly in groups the effect is toned down, but still I don’t see a reason for it in the first place.


Guys, seriously, part of the fun of ROGUE-LITES are the idea of getting absurd buffs and doing fun crap. Don’t screw this up now.


MTGA (??Make torghast Great Again??)

Due to these changes I will still be doing my solo runs and all that extra time wasted due to this nerf will be taken away from me doing random groups to help others in torghast or random dungeon/keys. Gonna have the opposite effect because I’m spiteful and can easily adjust the time I help others to compensate the longer floor clearing.

Healers and tanks also just don’t “blow away mobs” it requires very specific powers that you aren’t always gonna get. I’ve had runs where I’ve literally missed every type of damage ability because the choices were between increased life or things like swp dropping off or the mob dying giving me % life return. Easily increased my run time by a whopping 20 minutes because I was smiting things for 8-900 damage and the occasional 1.5k crit.

You can’t cherry pick runs where they got crazy lucky with god like anima powers and do a general sweep. On average you don’t get those amazing talents the entire time. The giant mindblast power I’ve got 3 times out of 40 runs. I’ve managed to do a mind control build twice out of those 40 runs for big aoe cleaves into packs and it becomes completely useless once I reach the final boss.

Not every run is equal, and not every tank and healer are just blowing through their runs laughing at dps. All of my dps friends are out of their same level run 20-25 minutes faster than me despite my powers.

I wouldn’t even pretend to compare myself to a condem warrior that has 100% uptime on die by the sword and just rips through trash packs.


This is going to be impossible now. Cant solo and cant group lol unless you are looking to waste an hour + and fail

This is the biggest factor.

You will still take time to do it in a group setting. But now you will have other people possibly dying to cleave, falling off chains etc and losing all the lives. The solo aspect is about control while the pug group is more often than not chaos.

Healer and tank mobs already hit harder to counteract the lower hp. So when you join with a friend they are usually confused that the mobs hit significantly harder as the healer/tank scaling kicks in along with the increase to group size scaling. You have to reach 4-5 people to get a break.

Now small teams of 2-3 people are gonna have to deal with much more damage and health thanks to the overall increase to mobs output and life even for dps players.

All the whining did was give them another opportunity to get more time metric buffs in there. A few dps on the forums want us to suffer like them because they can’t properly operate their class/spec. So blizzard took the opportunity to make the big mean healer/tanks suffer and they sprinkled in even more damage and health across the board.

Like watching a train wreck.


They definitely chose the wrong way to go about this… The easiest and most fun way to make the issue better is provide survival anima powers obtained in toreghast for their specs… Not nerf classes that already took eternities to clear the levels…

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I’m not sure if I’ll be able to solo either, Brewmaster was already pretty bad solo. :confused:

It boggles my mind that all the content they make is almost always catered to dps classes.

For once healers/tanks get a 1 up, and its almost immediately taken away. And they wonder why no one wants to play healers and tanks.

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Oh Christ. I just figured it out.

They’re going to turn Twisting Corridors into an eSport.


Every design decision they are making can be answered by the question, “would someone stream this?” not “would someone enjoy playing this?”

That is the single dumbest thing I’ve ever seen someone say on this forum.

Why do we need rewards? Yeah lets just remove rewards from everything.

The reward is the point, progression is the point, its the core mechanic of the game.

How stupid can you be if you don’t understand the core concept of an MMO?

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IT’s designed to take up your time.

This entire expansion so far is designed to take forever.

Drop rates are going down, you can’t mount in the maw, most tower sentinels lower movement speed, you need to grind for anima, grind renown for your covenant, grind leggo pieces, grind soul ash, grind for better conduits.

The conduit system is literally just a talent tree where I have to go out and grind for the talents!

Everything in this expansion has been designed to eat as much time as possible and none of it was designed to be fun.

So much of this stuff is just minor passive buffs that don’t feel any different.

15% refunded RP on DS? That’s not going to change how I play that’s just going to give me a minor statistical upgrade.

How about “DS healing increased by 20%, but now only heals damage taken in the last 3 seconds instead of 5.”

Conduits that make lichborn reduce damage I take by 5%? That’s not meaningfully going to do much. Runetap heals 2.2% of my hp? That’s nothing. So many of these “rewards” are so minor you wouldn’t even notice them.


So you are saying that you don’t play games because they are fun. You absolutely need some kind of “reward” to incentivize you to play them?


Yes, because that’s how a core gameplay loop works.
It’s a basic principle of game design.
Earning loot is fun.
Running Torghast isn’t fun.
That I even have to explain that to you is really sad.

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Just ignore him, he’s an absolute troll and having way too much fun during downtime.

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Trust me, I’m not trolling. I really wish I was though. The dude is suggesting that the only reason he plays games is that the game gives him a reward for engaging in the activity, NOT because the activity itself is entertaining. That’s a really sad situation.


Nerf players and buff trash just what we needed.

You have no idea how game design is based on human psychology and reward circuits, you’re shilling for blizz, and haven’t even touched a keystone yet.

Have you even unlocked torghast yet?