Ɓy actually telling them to stick to their promises. There is proof that they haven’t before. Tbh they need the thought police.
If you know they haven’t kept promises in the past, what is telling them going to accomplish?
Also, if they said “no promises” then what promise are they breaking?
Think WoD, there was a lot that was planned to go with the expansion and it didn’t end up happening. We literally had to go with what we had. So to speak, it made a lot of fans bitter at the devs.
Yes I remember WoD but that doesn’t really answer either question I asked. Unless you’re saying that you’re going to usub.
No, I’m staying. I just want Blizz to keep their promises.
go to moonguard and just type out a body type.
I don’t roleplay i just like to play with character creation. Its fun to come up with designs for characters. I even design characters and have my friend who is a professional artist draw them.
My list:
- (1) Broken, Mogu, Mok’Nathal and Forest Troll as playable race
- (2) Jinyu, Arakkoa, Ogre, Taunka, San’layn, Gigoblin and Saberon as playable race
- (3) Frost Dwarf skin for Dwarves, Dragonmaw Orc skin for Orcs, Forest Troll skin for Trolls, Grimtotem skins and tattoos for Tauren, Blood Troll skin for Trolls, Necromancer/Cult of the Damned skin for Humans, Druid of the Flame skin for Night Elves, Felborne skin (Green eyes and hand) for Nightborne and red skin (Quartermaster Dekrok/Horde Portal-Sentry) for Orcs and Feltotem skin for Highmountain Tauren
- (4) Mount Hyjal as new capital for the Night Elves with a rework of the area (Darnassus style), Gilneas as capital for the Worgen and Gnomeregan update (capital city for the Gnomes)
- (5) Customizable mounts (make a post about this here)
- (6) Fly for Eversong Woods/Ghostlands and Azuremyst Isle/Bloodmyst Isle rework
- (7) Broken with HD model, female model for Broken, Mok’Nathal with their own model, female model for Ogres, HD model for male Forest Trolls
- (8) Druid for Human, Druid for Dwarf, Paladin and Shaman for Night Elf, Paladin for Kul Tiran, Paladin for Troll, Shaman for Blood Elf, Paladin for Highmountain Tauren and Shaman for Nightborne
- (9) Many more customizations for all races
- (10) Housing
… So your OCs? ok
yeah , I like to create but rp is not for me because I actually am SMI (serious Mental Illness) so when I have to read or type to much like details for a rp I get anxiety like what if I put a typo in there what if I butcher how something is spelled? what if I cant read what they wrote. My anxiety keeps me from making new friends going to crowded places. Like I always wanted to learn how to play D&D but I am far to anxious of messing up because it looks complicated .
most of my friends play DnD and they always ask me to join like 5 people and i call them nerds lol back to playing WoW
LOL but isn’t WoW a nerdy thing to do? you hypocrite you. heh
ya that was the point, I’m being a hypocrite
But WoW is the best so worth it. The closet thing I get to DnD is I cosplay a pirate elf LOL.
Well as long as you have a good and fun time cosplaying I think that is what matters.
people normally ask me what’s the point of cosplaying cause I don’t talk to people. I’m like what if 'im cosplaying a shy elf huh! LOL
More creative random bgs.
yeah I mainly pvp , I feel like we do not get enough new ones.
Yeah I know. Diablo 4 was like one step forward two steps back. Blizzard, from the top down, has never cared about depthy character creation, I get it. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t still hold them to a higher standard.
All useless ideas.