Took 45 mins to level 60-70 at the pre-patch event

The thing about leveling in the event is you sacrifice gear upgrades as you go along in leveling.

You only get several pieces as you level up.

That’s the one yeah, I did make some decent money off it if I recall.

No one cares about leveling here in retail, you are looking for classic.

They are talking about content and anyone with more than a single brain-cell knows retail offers FAR FAR FAR more challenge than classic in any of the content that matters.

You classic :troll:s always make me laugh.

In terms of pure hours retail WoW has very little content, and it’s all heavily recycled.

Maybe you consider the same dungeon over and over again with slightly higher scaling to be content, but I don’t.

In terms of content, they have far more content and far more challenging content in retail.


That’s always been WOW, especially in Vanilla and just now it provides more challenge, something classic is not known for…

That’s always been WOW

No. In vanilla leveling was the content. Not mindless spamming of the SAME dungeons and 1 raid over and over and over again for a 1% chance to drop a speedo transmog.

retail wow is no better than a phone game.

I’ve never seen a :troll: so committed to their own ignorance of a version of the game.

You don’t play retail, so I don’t expect you to be realistic… but you’re showing your cluelessness. Vanilla has a few easy tank-n-spank raids and a few end-game dungeons… congrats, you’ve got no content worth doing outside of PVP for the vast majority of your character’s life.

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Anybody who plays vanilla for the end game is a loon.

Anybody who plays any video game that only becomes fun after 60 hours of filler content is a fool.

When people played vanilla WoW they just made a character and immediately had fun. Maybe your cynical tryhard self didn’t (probably didn’t even play back then) .

If you make a character right now in retail you have nothing but garbage content for hours to slog through.

Your opinion.

That’s what happens when you pick up the game for the first time.

You think those people hit 60 and were like? “Man, I can’t wait to do that again!” after putting anywhere from 60-100+ hours on a single character just to hit max level, just to be able to grind some more boring easy raids and dungeons? I doubt that attitude was even close to common.

As if classic isn’t just a far slower and grindier version of what retail has? Retail is at least far quicker to get through… and we got the far superior gameplay :slight_smile:

Your turn :troll:

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You think those people hit 60 and were like? “Man, I can’t wait to do that again!” after putting anywhere from 60-100+ hours on a single character just to hit max level

Yes! The game back then was designed to be replay able. The leveling wasn’t linear and overly easy. Start a new class/race combo and choose a new route with all the zones you missed the first time.

And there was nothing to do at max level! Are you going to do a cheaply slap together raid? (literally just a cave) even you have to admit the raiding is the WORST content in classic. Especially phase 1.

Honestly if somebody hit max level and DIDN’T want to level a new character they would probably be more likely to quit the game rather than do the grindy, repeative, cheaply made and recycled end game content.

and we got the far superior gameplay

Oh please. Professional retail WoW players literally have addons playing their class for them. Ya’ll say you love class design yet you guys don’t even engage with class design. You literally net your entire build and then download an addon that tells you how to play your class.

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I love the delusion from players like yourself, so convinced of your opinion.

That sounds like a lot of copium.

“1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1” - most rotations in vanilla.

Just compare Molten Core to Deadmines and tell me blizzard didn’t obviously put more time and polish into their early game.

Raiders like you are insane. The end game content of OG MMO’s was literally BUDGET content designed to save money. But players like you saw that cheaply made, recycled, grindy content and said “wow that’s the BEST.”


Tell us you know nothing of retail without telling us.

You’re assuming.

What are you on brother :troll: ? Cheaply made? You can produce quality still, just look at the popular indie games, the word I’d use to describe classic WOW raids… is OVERLY SIMPLE and GENERIC.

You keep talking about recycled content, but still play classic WOW… the epitome of repeat content.

Forget dungeons. If we want to talk about recycled content, how about the dozens of copy/paste overworld caves in vanilla? Talk about uninspired content.

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Wtf are you talking about. Every dungeon and raid in retail is reused for like 5 different difficulties.

Because modern blizzard is too lazy and cheap to give players 100+ hours of unique content.

All of mythic+. All of raiding has always just been lazy, recycled content that youre meant to spam over and over again.

Have fun playing the same content on an infinate loop for slightly better gear.

If classic raiding was so bad (which it was) why base ALL of retail wow around it?

Raiding sucks. Its always sucked. Heroic and mythic dungeons suck. And anybody who plays that garbage has stockholm syndrome.

“1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1” - most rotations in vanilla.

Only in raids. Which is 1% of the game that nobody gave a crap about.

More people played BGs than Molten Core back in the day.

The funny thing is you love raiding…even tho its garbage content.

That’s completely bs

If what you want is the vibes instead of just maxing out as fast as possible, you never need to do that kind of grinding.


Not even trying to hide the :troll:?

You can cope and make up stuff all you want bud, doesn’t change reality… :person_shrugging:

Sounds like more cope and BGs/PVP is all vanilla really had going for it.