Too soon, Blizzard

We are in the unique situation of raiding Sun/Mon which means we get screwed by a lot of holidays, and Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, and now Fourth of July have adversely affected us, and when it WASN’T a holiday weekend, there were bugs in the damn game so that the boss Halondrus was unkillable. I’m happy for you that your team was past that point, but we were not, and we had gotten numerous 30-40% pull wipes where we got gatekept by Blizzard out of a kill because the beams and bombs were completely invisible and we’re not a RWF guild. If we were, they would’ve fixed it sooner than two weeks (they claim it was fixed a week after the problem, but people, including us, continued to report the issue, and even THAT is ridiculous).

I’m not trying to talk smack about 2-day 6-hour guilds, obviously, I run one, I’m trying to say that cutting the time in this tier nearly in half is absolutely outrageous when this tier is harder than most.

I really wish they’d just made Anduin the final boss of this raiding tier and then done a S4 9.3 where the Jailer and some other bosses were in a raid together instead.

Agreed, the last three would of been fine as a separate instance for season 4 and would of provided enough content to keep people going.

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I mean arguably this was the hardest and shortest tier to date. So really it was indeed way too short.


Yeah. 5 months for a tier is nearly half of other tiers. :slightly_frowning_face:

I too hope that Blizzard delays Season 4 for at least 2 months.

But they must be sweating over the shrinking subscription base and hoping that the “Season 4” can bring back some players.

What if the all-too-soon launch of Season 4 drives away a bunch of existing players instead?

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They wont delay it.

A delay of 2 months means that S4 wouldn’t start until October, which means S4 would only have a maximum of 1 month before the 10.0 pre-patch drops. That’s not enough time at all. Hell, as it stands they’ll only have 3-4 months with the time frame they currently have.

Yeah…and I legitimately don’t care. Honestly, I’m surprised people are upset about this. S3 ending so soon sucks but it’s whatever at this point. I’ve asked this before, but aren’t you guys tired of SL? You aren’t bored lmao?? I want DF ASAP.

I don’t. IIRC they’ve said they’re ahead on schedule w/ Dragonflight. We might not even get a beta. Maybe Blizzard feels like they don’t need one this time around. What if they’re actually right?

I don’t think yall realize how dire this situation is. SL lasting any longer than it has to will severely hurt this game. More so than it would just giving players a new expansion around November like they usually do. I guarantee you Blizzard realizes this. That’s why they’re trying to get DF out this year lol.

My guild most likely won’t be getting CE this tier. But I’m not even upset, really. Shadowlands was a disaster in every way man. They know this and are desperate. They gotta give us something new, and soon.

Do any of you have any proof that DF will be rushed? How could you possibly know? I’m genuinely asking.

DF is on track to be the LEAST CONTENT EVER INTRODUCED by an expansion.

Their key feature? They have turned travel into an arcade game.

Its so content sparse they turned flight into a game to provide some semblance of “engagement”.

Thats not a good sign. None of whats going on is a good sign. I think df is going to be in really really really rough shape. But i guess we will see.

Rushed might not be the correct word.

Blizzard has an issue where they lack direction and leadership. Their games are a disorganized mess for a while lately of half baked ideas that really wernt seen through.

Anthem (a bioware game) wasnt rushed… it was in development for 6 years… and it was still a horrific disjointed horrible mess because the leadership had no plan, no organization, and no checks or balances. Blizzard suffers from the same thing, they work in the last decade has showcased this quite a bit as it got worse and worse.

There is nothing about ANY of the DF announcement that give me any confidence whatsoever that there is actually someone guiding the ship. In fact the opposite. Everything out of the actual company seems to indicate the company is an absolutely mess structurally, which means their products will likewise be a mess. While more time may not fix that, the fact they are just dumping the expansion in less than 5 months with no real news all of a sudden, crushing s3 into a 5 month season and dumping s4 on us as an “experimental” 3 month season is simply insane… its indicative of more people with no clue in charge.

Id be far more confident if they came out and announced they were scrapping s4 because the work on df is going better than expected, and instead added the raid+ to s3. It would be far more linear, with far less of an overall impact on the players in general than hamfisting raid+ and another arena and m+ season in a 3 month window.

Its not the expansion that im focused on, its the decision making. We know next to nothing at all about the expansion… but all the decisions coming out of blizz are all over the place… and thats what concerns me.

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?? What on earth are you talking about.

It will have 8 dungeons at launch (same as Shadowlands), it will have one raid at launch (same as previous expansions). It will have a full M+ system implemented (including the Great Vault which is carrying over from Shadowlands). As far as zones are concerned there will be 4, but each of those zones will be large and have end-game regions built into them like MoP. Hell, from what I’ve heard the Dragon Isles will be roughly the same size as the continent of Northrend.

Content wise at launch it will be on par with Shadowlands, BFA and Legion.

Well most of us hate raiding… its the most boring form of content in the game

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Df will launch with 4 dungeons and 1 raid.


Only 4 new M+ dungeons… and M+ dungeons are the dungeons that matter. Violet Hold doesn’t count as a dungeon for Legion. M+ is “content”.


Less dungeons than Legion, no Torghast or Covenant Sanctum features so less features than SL, and I didn’t play BFA but from what I understand BFA had Island Expeditions and Warfronts as well as many dungeons.

Our only hope for Dragonflight is that the streamlined nature of the expansion means that it can be supported with more content post-release. But what we’re getting on launch is one of the smallest ever. It’s roughly the same size as Warlords of Draenor in terms of content. It is tied with the smallest expansion launch ever.

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8 dungeons.

4 for levelling, 4 for end-game. Just like Shadowlands.

Ion Hazzikostas has already confirmed this.

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Ion Hazzikostas confirmed that there will be 4 new M+ dungeons at launch.

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5 months is more than enough time for anybody to clear the raid on heroic.

They’re talking about Mythic, but I agree. I got AotC with only one pull.

We havnt even passed the “clearing up of progression breaking bugs” phase yet.

But hey, maybe by the time we can solo it all, right?

Again, there will be 8 dungeons in Dragonflight.

4 while you’re levelling and an extra 4 when you hit end-game. In M+ Blizzard is doing in Dragonflight what they’re doing in Shadowlands S4. Which is that 8 dungeons will be available for the first season of M+, 4 from Dragonflight and 4 from previous expansions. Every season these will rotate, so in S2 there will still be 8 dungeons available for M+ but it will be a different 4 from Dragonflight and a different 4 from previous expansions.

By rotating in dungeons from previous expansions they can add M+ modes to some of those over time (if they didn’t have any) while also keeping things fresh (in a sense) so players aren’t doing the same 8 dungeons over and over and over again season after season.

8 dungeons. 4 available for M+.

Well, Mythic has gear so guilds should be able to reclear it, if the game is designed for only clearing the final boss once over 5 months, there’s a problem on its design…