Too soon, Blizzard

No, you’re wrong.

It’s designed to be cleared within 5 months after it’s taken 4.5 of those months to nerf the bosses to a somewhat sane spot. That’s the pinnacle of AAA gaming and clearly shows the deep levels that their internal testing goes through.

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5ish months is the historical normal for non-final tiers which languish in the end of expansion content drought.

CN and SoD lasting forever was NOT normal for this game.

And yet they were given far less time to work on it than other expansions given they are not only dealing with the repercussions of the Pandemic during Shadowlands production (which we all agree was a mess), and they had that in beta from July 2020 until it launched in November 2020. That’s FOUR MONTHS of beta, and you’re touting that “oh they’re going to have the same stuff Shadowlands did with less time to work on it and a beta hasn’t even come out yet” is a positive? Absolutely not. The pandemic took at least 3 months off work for Shadowlands expansion, not to mention cutting this current expansion short, and ever since the Pandemic started who knows how much time has been taken off by employees for being sick, and how awful this whole expansion has gone… I can’t imagine DF is going to be better with less time worked on it. TBH we should be in this expansion at minimum another 2 months. Not because I’m complaining about CE, but because we want a GOOD expansion rather than them rushing to get out of this scenario only to get into the same scenario by rushing DF.

Also, for reference, I thought I’d share the dates for length of expansions. If we get DF in November or December, that’s a 2 year time frame for Shadowlands to be active. When we had a worldwide pandemic at the end of BFA the time frame for BFA to be active was 2 years and 3 months. Which people feel was too long, during a worldwide pandemic, I’d agree, but it’s also understandable.

They could have said, “Okay, we’ll have normal tier time frames, then for those extra 3 months on top of the 2 years, we’ll add in an experimental S4 to bring in some filler for people who want to keep playing”… but instead of doing that… they’re going to cut us out of 3 months of our current tier to bring us an experimental tier that is supposed to just be filler.

  1. Battle for Azeroth – 2 years 2 months 12 days (804 days)
  2. Mists of Pandaria – 2 years 1 month 19 days (779 days)
  3. Wrath of the Lich King – 2 years 24 days (754 days)
  4. Legion – 1 year 11 months 15 days (714 days)
  5. Burning Crusade – 1 year 9 months 28 days (667 days)
  6. Cataclysm – 1 year 9 months 18 days (658 days)
  7. Warlords of Draenor – 1 year 9 months 17 days (656 days)

Depending on when Shadowlands ends, we’ll be somewhere in the top 3 for the longest expansion active time frames but with a LOT more content CRAMMED in. BFA was awful? Then why are we doing exactly BFA again? I included a graphic for reference about raid content:

edited to add:

  • Note that EP was only EIGHT bosses long, not 11. And as I’ve said many times if Anduin was the final boss I wouldn’t feel so cheated. :slight_smile:
  • Nya was 12 bosses long and lasted almost 10 full months.
  • Throne of Thunder was 13 bosses and was around for just over 6 months.
  • Siege had 11 bosses and lasted almost a full year. Even if you take away a couple of months for an experimental season, that’s still 8-9 months for a end-of-expansion style tier, which is what SFO is.

Uhh yeah, it is a positive. Shadowlands production started in 2018, possibly earlier (Blizzard has said that they start working on the next expansion before the current one goes live). So not only did they deliver all the BFA content, but they also fully worked on Shadowlands content.

Being able to put out the same level of content as Shadowlands in a far shorter time frame, given all the issues they’ve faced as a development company (such as the pandemic and the lawsuit revelation that forced Blizzard to shed staff as they cleaned out the parasites within the company) is impressive. It’s a good thing, especially if they hit their December release target. Hell, most people weren’t expecting Dragonflight to launch until April or later next year.

Yea but everyone already quit lol … they want people to come back and soon

Yes. Let’s keep making the game for the people who aren’t playing it and ignore the desires of the ones who actually stick around.

I find that Shadowlands LFR is a lot harder then LFR’s of past expansions. I have never banged my head against a wall like I have in Shadowlands content.

I still have not cleared all the content.

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Those people had desires too , just higher standards

Some left this game because of the social contract. Are those the higher standards you’re talking about?

The players that are left and are either hopin’ or copin’. Those I know are all willing to be patient and would prefer Blizzard made sure it was right, rather than blindly chase subs who will probably quit again the moment the game doesn’t cater directly to their personal tastes.

So once again, it’s my opinion that ignoring the desires of the people you know will pay, in favor of a bunch of fickle quitters seems like a vanity play. Trying to please everybody will satisfy nobody.

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Have you killed the jailor? On any difficulty? I notice your profile is hidden which leads me to wonder.

Blizzard created the raid. They were responsible for tuning its bosses and mechanics. They’re responsible for how long PVE seasons last. Players have no control over that. That’s on THEM.

Normal Jailor, I thought was challenging. My guild is 75+ pulls into trying to kill Heroic Jailor and I believe our best attempt to date was 13%. We were trying yesterday for a pre-nerf kill, but it just didn’t happen. We’re all expecting him to fold like a cheap suit after reset. I don’t even want to think about Mythic at this point.

No im talking about the ones 50% left in 9.0