Too much friction on forums

Someone from admins unflagged both my P2W thread and this one. Thanks God admins are not as bad as many people here.

I feel they should make it a requirement that any post or reply must be made with your highest iLVL character.

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People have multiple accounts, that wouldn’t solve anything. I can post on a lvl 15 on my other account, is that going to make you happy?

Not that I think there is any reason to change anything, especially when people can flag from any or all characters on an account.

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The problem is that’s the ONLY thing remotely worth playing.

For anyone not wanting to do that, WoW’s just giving them the giant middle-finger.

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You have seven expansions of legacy content to play if you don’t want to do the endgame, dear.

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I wonder what the forums would be like if we filtered out everyone without maxed-out fishing skill?

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It would balance itself because thread authors want their threads to be seen by someone. I believe forums would be better place.

No its not Sunday…its just Hatylo. And for this guy, everyday of the week is Sunday on the forums.

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I don’t post much on forums. Your comment I consider as a personal attack. Reported.

Every post you have made today has been one that you have gone out of your way to try and make it as inflammatory as possible. Every time someone begins to call you out on it, you go and create a new thread. So you are basically only here to troll and spam.


I created 2 posts today, and none in months before. None called me out on it. Stop trolling and attacking me.

Except I’ve obtained everything worth collecting.

If there wasn’t this absurd level-based damage scaling (not to mention out-of-control stat-inflation WITHIN the expansion) that completely removes the challenge of doing older content?

Then, and only then, maybe it would be more interesting. The level squish in Shadowlands was the PERFECT opportunity to get rid of that little problem and re-invigorate this aspect of the game.

… then they said they’re going to do this BS “Chromie Time” non-sense instead of allowing all the old content to stay at level 50 and remain somewhat interesting to solo.

Everything was going to be okay… and they ruin it for all the wrong reasons.

Everything is going to be okay, since I’ll be able to continue soloing legacy content for collectibles as is ordained by the RNG gods.

Talking about challenges but you refuse to play endgame…

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Or increase the drink to jump further.

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to completely ignore players on the forums so we can keep useful information flowing in and out of here, and not cries/complaints 24/7.

Common sense doesn’t come from education either.


What are you even trying to say? What this date even means? That I logged on forums with my paladin on Jan 26 for the first time? I started to play paladin around that time too. Basically I started to play paladin in BFA before 8.3 (played it a little bit in Legion too). Also I transferred it from other realm. Also I have all classes at 120. Before paladin my main was druid, before druid my main was DK and rogue, before that I played priest and mage and shaman, etc. Before that, I played paladin tank in Cataclysm on EU realm in top raiding guild. I started to play WoW in BC on EU realm with human warrior. Again trying to attack me?

That you did post more than 2 times today.

You are causing back to back arguments on the forum. You seem to be upsetting a lot of people too and you have been going at it for hours now. That is the only reason why I assumed you were trolling.

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They would also filter out everybody who doesn’t agree with them, so it would only be elitist jerks in his private forum who are trying to figure out ways to lobby blizzard to give them more free stuff and take away stuff from their inferiors.

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