Too much friction on forums

I will never post on my main. Sorry.


He hasnā€™t destroyed the endgame for me. I just donā€™t understand your point. He can have his opinion without being crucified for it, at least I would hope so. So he doesnā€™t like the endgame. Ok. That doesnā€™t change my way of thinking at all, but I do respect his right to express his opinion. He still plays to some extent.

To sum it all up, he isnā€™t trying to destroy the endgame for anyone. Heā€™s defending his comments and explaining why he doesnā€™t play the endgame. No problem there at all. Let him play as he wants. After all, itā€™s his $15, and unless you want to pay it for him, I donā€™t see why you would care.

/moving on


Did someone just suggest raiderIO for the forums? No wonder I quit 8 months ago.

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Suggest does not = done. It will NEVER happen. You can come back now.

Clearly you are unfamiliar with his post history.

I doubt it.

The forum would be a much better place if we only allowed people with at least
1000 unique pets to post.

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Iā€™m responding to the posts on this thread, not past posts.


Which means you lack context that I possess. :man_shrugging:

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You guys have it all wrong. You must provide driverā€™s license, ID, game key codes, or some other means by which blizz might confirm your identity before and every time you post any comment/replies. Only this will ensure that the trolls hacking our accounts and causing all the ā€˜frictionā€™ will finally be put to end!

Wellā€¦ to put it bluntly, Iā€™m not afraid to say things which I feel need to be said regardless of how upsetting they may be to the status quo. Have I caused a stir from time-to-time? Yes, definitely.

That being said, I do have a strong dislike for the META-game (the ā€œgame outside the gameā€)ā€¦ which has this nasty habit of ruining my experience, and probably that of many others. Much of the stuff which Iā€™d prefer to do didnā€™t fit neatly into the meta-game and was subsequently removed and/or discarded needlessly.

Iā€™d be fine with most endgame content if it was just there as something for people to do. If I dislike it, I donā€™t have to do it; and that would be that. However, the monster that is the meta-game doesnā€™t leave anything alone; it comes to affect damn-near everything and imposes its will over everyone.

Much of what Iā€™ve put forward in the past has been directed more at the meta-game, all the constructs surrounding the endgame which players have made for themselves. These are what has ruined my own experience with WoW, directly or indirectly. I would gladly see those constructs go away and leave the content itself standing.

The problem arises when you realize that the current endgame and meta-game are joined at the hip. The WoW community probably doesnā€™t even realize that theyā€™re separate entities.

How I wish I could.


This is the second post he has said he has a best in slot corrupted item for sale for 1.7 mil. I guess no one wants to buy it and he needs to advertise it. :laughing:

lololol how about, no op. :face_vomiting: :-1: :facepunch:

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How didnā€™t you expect to get totally flamed for making a post like this?

God forbid you actually have to assess someoneā€™s comment in a public forum and decide for yourself if that person is worth listening to. The thing that upsets me most about this community is that they give SO much attention to idiots like you and posts like this when we have shadowlands coming up.

I donā€™t understand how this became one of the most active posts on the forums currently


Furorem, reported. I wish there was a better way to filter people like you, never meet, never talk, and never see. But ilvl should work partially.

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I beg you, please divulge to me and everyone else reading this, why it was that you reported me exactly; I donā€™t agree with you? I presented an argument that you donā€™t like? Well bless your poor, pea-pickinā€™ lil heart!

ā€œToo much info is entering my brain that I donā€™t agree with!!!ā€-Hatylo

Hey the ironic thing is, I actually meet your ilvl requirement to be able to post. Didnā€™t help with that ā€˜frictionā€™ did it lmao

Hereā€™s the way I see it bubba. My existence on the forums serves a twofold purpose. One, is to help out people who need info I might have or to just simply encourage other players who are harassed by forum mongers like you. The other is to try my absolute hardest to discourage forum mongers like you from making completely pointless/utterly useless posts like this one; with any luck the first time you run into me. :smiley:

Report away kiddoā€¦ till your little hearts content :heart:


Look, if you want Iā€™d be glad to help you get through this little crisis youā€™re having amongst the big crisis the world is having everyday and right now.

Your problem is that you just simply CANT accept that everyone and anyone else on the internet has as much platform/voice as you do.

The solution is simple. Donā€™t let it bother you so much. If someone disagrees with you, ignore them. It doesnā€™t require an ignore button. Itā€™s your choice that you make in your own mind to allow someone elseā€™s objective opinion to change the way you think/feel about something orā€¦ not!

Making posts like this one; suggesting an arbitrary ilvl requirement to simply communicate oneā€™s opinion serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever.

Ball is in your court as they say champ.


Out of friction comes static
Causing mad panic?

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Out of chaos comes life anew! >:D

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You arenā€™t even a real person to me until you have 5000 posts!