Too many requirements for alts man, THIS IS NOT FUN

Assaults, dailies, torments, etc

You can just recover your password on the squeenix site or where you bough the game I guess? The recovery uses your e-mail I think.

Yeah, because hey let’s design a game completely around less than 1% of customer base and screw the other 99%. Clearly a winning business strategy.

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thats fine.
that just keeps me from playing current content as much.
If thats the goal, Id say they need new leadership with better ideas for the game


Totally agree.

Alts are just another victim of borrowed power.

Blizzard lost sight that being able to easily play alts is one of the things that kept people playing long term. I haven’t rolled an alt since WoD, of which I had a small army of them.


which could likely be remedied by making a lot of this crap account wide.

Replayability is very much a defining factor in what makes a great game.
Im in Mists content right now…enjoying the hades in my 57th time (lots and lots) thru it, lol.
I cant even make myself play SLs…just the quest lines…even a second time.
Ive tried to run the content thru as designed…and the other way…and cant stand either. with the two alts I did bring in, Im just looking at daily stuff thats giving me any kind of upgrade, which hasnt been much.

Says a lot when I’d rather go play content I can pretty much recite by memory now instead of wanting to play new content for the dread and irritation that new content brings.


Is there ANY requirement in the whole game that is for alts and not for mains? Or do you want things to be EASIER for alts, and when you don’t get what you want, you complain?

Why should alts be easier? Who says that’s a better game design? You? Sorry, I prefer Blizzard’s game to your game.

Really? How many people kept playing for that reason? Twenty? Or two hundred thousand?

I don’t think Blizzard “lost sight of” anything. I think they just disagree. Or maybe “keep people playing long term” is not their primary goal.

It was a fight between the bored main only who had nothing to do when their main was done raid logging VS Altoholics who were able to raid log on multiple toons and always have something to do in-game.

Blizz made the game for the Main only by adding a lot of content to grind(making it even more for altoholics) then when they realized those people would grind all the content in 1 week they added time-gating and systems. Making Altoholism even worse.

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I’m an altoholic and I agree.

you dont wanna know what happens on these yachts 0.0

Having recently leveled this alt, if I had to pick one to go, it would be conduits.

There’s nothing fun about them whatsoever.

Also people like playing alts just to mix it up a bit - add some variety.

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it is difficult to describe just how out of touch you are and how oblivious you are to it

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This is one of the many, many reasons I don’t like SL.

It is a mass of ‘variety’. I will say that. But, yes there is so very much to keep up with now. I don’t want to fault them, but, leveling my alts…
Do they hate alts?

P.S. I really like to bring my alts over! I have like 8 or so of them?

imagine a world where you can have 50 characters but still have to pay $25 each to server transfer any number of them laaawl, glad i dont live in that world, right? :*)

I agree Chibi. (I almost called my cat Chibi. He’s a black Persian, currently 7 months old, and when the light is low all you can see is this dark shape, ears and big golden eyes. I call him a chibi but he disdains the name and requires chicken, stat.)

I have suggestions for Blizz to make players a bit happier:

1 - immediately institute an intro Maw skip for anyone who has already completed it on another character.
2 - you want to change covenants? No problem, you change, transfer your allegiance, they recognise your service to the Shadowlands and you carry over the same level of Renown and Anima, along with an equal number of conduits. You can put a time limit on it if you like, to avoid people bouncing in and out of covenants. But make it short, like a week or something.
3 - conduit power immediately removed. Just take it away at 2am one day when no one is looking but dont bother to tells us, let us just find out and then go make bug reports about it. Well, maybe not the last bit.
4 - the moment we start doing things for a Covenant, we start earning reputation for that Covenants. Explain to me why this is not A Thing. Do they just suddenly know us after we’ve done stuff for them for weeks?

And one more request, this is important - Anduin doesn’t get rescued. He manages to break free on his very ownsome, drawing on the Void and turning into purple glowy Anduin who is invested with power by some Void Lord we know nothing about (thats ok, feel free to retcon here) and blasts Zovaal into an alternate dimension or dust, whichever looks better in a cinematic.

Thats all off the top of my short, cute head.

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