Too many requirements for alts man, THIS IS NOT FUN

Level / Conduits / Renown / Torghast / Gear.

It used to just be (level/ gear ).

Its just so frustrating man, JUST LET US HAVE FUN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

I just don’t understand how they thought this would be a fun experience, Especially when ion said IT WAS GOING TO BE THE MOST ALT FRIENDLY EXPANSION, liar.

PS: Is ion still working at blizzard? asking for a friend.



They super nerfed the practicality of raising alts for people with even a shred of normal life because some people abused alts during WoD to gold farm with no effort. I swear there most be more people in Blizzard that are alert of any potential player ‘‘abusing’’ the system no matter how small to delete it on a hotfix within days than there are QA testers.

But also because they WANT you to grow frustrated and boost your character and then buy tokens to buy BoEs and Legendaries.


there’s too many requirements for mains as it is xd


Ain’t no one boosting after they casually nerfed leveling speed down to 10 hrs /played with zero rush.


True. The buy tokens to buy gear in the AH is still true, however.


Yeah, re leveling covenants and gathering conduits alone is enough to make me uninterested in the idea of leveling and playing alts. Sucks, cause I have a warlock, warrior, mage, and rogue just sitting there collecting dust.


Not much of that this tier either honestly.

only 2 slots from the raid, plus one super cheap crafted slot.

I’d be down for account wide renown, but personally think power level increases like conduits should be individual as they are.

What happens if you take it easy and catch up renown slowly? Maybe enjoy that WQ gear will scale to 230 by renown cap? :smiley:

I am no longer active but had made a new arms warrior 7th of this month. Caught up to renown cap in 6 days. From there upkeep is just the renown quests and covenant assault. Torghast you can spam to make the 235 at anytime.

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This is a symptom of Blizz’s new gameplay paradigm. See what they did is made leveling suuuuuuuuper short. But the end game grind suuuuuuuuper long. They essentially deleted leveling. So whilst getting to 60 basically takes no time. Once you’re there, you’re left with a completely useless toon.

It’s a great piece of gameplay obfuscation really. It solves the perception of the level grind by taking it out of leveling and dumping it into the end game borrowed power systems. Very clever really. The problem of course is once players started realising the truth, they got more annoyed than if blizz had left it to how is was before. Hence why 3 out of my 4 alts are dead this expac as opposed to BFA where I had no problems maintaining 4 mains.

A pity really. I enjoyed my other classes :pensive:


I have a lot of free time and I can’t imagine playing more than one character.


Your alt don’t need to be fully maxed out to be playable.

Just timed a 14 today on this guy who i log on once/twice a week.


I would like to counter agure
Levels: still the same as it always has been, though its faster now, but more boring if you want it to be faster.
Gear: The good gear in older expansions were hard to get. now honestly in SL gear has been really easy to get, especially now with Korthia, getting 200 ilvl is really easy, and since gear is just stat sticks right now, it is really easy to get good gear.
Renown: Is really easy to earn, especially since you can run through dungeons and the first raid to easily get tons of Renown, and if you follow your campaign story as well, it basically becomes a easy 0 to 40 run in the park.
Torghast: you honestly only need to do this for legendary gear, and the main story. and a simple ledgendary effect takes soul ash from about 2 or 3 easy torghast runs.
So all in all its not difficult to get an alt up, I also just did a few alts this month. So I have to say its a very Alt friendly expansion. I’m honestly not sure what more (or less in this case) you’re expecting.

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“mu gamez not hard enuffs”
Thats who you blame it on


I think it’s metric padding and has little to do with the wod gold thing.

Last time it was like that was WoD … so it’s been awhile

Not really, you blame it on all the people in WoD who cried “nothing to do at level cap”.


either way…


Alts are fine for the lfr and heroic dungeon players. It is not ok above that level.

Blizz team has a different idea what alts should accomplish IMO

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