Too many requirements for alts man, THIS IS NOT FUN

I’m so shadowbanned it’s not funny…cept for the watchers to make me think I’m no shadowbanned…
How doomsday funny is all of this?

That is why I cancelled I was dumb and had a 6 month sub runs out in September. I will say I have no idea what game I’ll be playing I just can’t do wow right now.


Legion had a better setup. Azerite gear, essences, and that horrible cloak questline were brutal in bfa. Its continued to now and id rather level in classic tbc than a alt in shadowlands.

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There’s no way they said this expansion was alt friendly.

Out of touch by a few years and through a solid lead walled bomb shelter.



Renown farming is quick which is nice…redoing the campaign however needs to go. I love my covenant as much as anyone else, but doing the campaign for the third time is as dismal and depressing as the maw is meant to be, and yes I do think having three soulbinds is actually pretty important for a character and not a optional thing that isn’t “needed”.

I unironically had an easier time alting in legion/bfa. All I had to do was hit max->bypass gearing through friend carries weekly loot and reach a point where the character could pull off a singular 10-15 key each week and the alt was set. In shadowlands its hit max->cov campaign again->hunt down legendary recipe from arbitrary source(pray it isn’t world boss)->bypass gearing through friend carries, weekly loot, and reach a point where the character could pull off 1-4 10-15 keys each week and the alt is set. This is without even going into things like early legiondary drop rates at least from midlegion onward, various boa boxes, and horrific visions which all made alts really fast to catch up uniquely in their times. Its almost as bad as early essences.

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Not to mention soulbinds means some classes can only play certain specs. And choose just one since the other soulbinds aren’t good for your other specs.

I finally cracked the code on me being able to play 1 alt…just a little bit. :grinning:
I’ve stopped giving a crap about m+ and raid, just focusing on world content with the time I have to play. In doing that. For about 1 hour on Saturday after doing all the daily stuff I could think of on my druid and watching that archivist bar move about 10%… I did it…:grimacing: . I logged on my monk, skipped the korthia intro to save some time, fixed my xmog and did the korthia stuff and NFae assault.
Then it was time to make supper and do things irl before bed. :sleeping_bed:
Feelsbadman after running every class in legion, for story more than anything… loved the class halls…
Running 1 of everything to max and 5 classes through raid and m+ in BfA. And now I find myself able to clear daily upkeep on my main throughout the week. No doubt it is in some part due to my lack of interest in SL. The tedium and pretty lame story telling thus far aren’t nearly interesting enough keep my /played moving at the pace it used to.
Just meh.
P.s. I saw that 1 other person in my main’s guild has logged in for the past 8 weeks… :frowning_face:

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Conduits are just the thing that broke the camel’s back for me.

It’s like, hell yeah, got my gear, got my legendary.
Oops, now I have to go spam content I don’t want to do to be able to have half decent conduits to perform well in the content I do want.

And it’s a slog trying to get them in general.

Who thought bringing back talent trees and then attaching ilevels to them was a good idea?

I miss fury so much.


I refuse to ever use theotar because not a fan of the umbrella mechanic. Elemental won’t ever get played for that and at least resto got draven. It’s worse on other classes though that all want the same soulbind.

Tried playing Theotar for Fury and it just doesn’t feel right at all. Hell, I don’t even like being Venthyr, but apparently I just need to git gud enough for people to play with the risk of missed skillshots over spamming condemn and gibbing people in PvP.

Soulbind system sucks.
Covenants suck.

Soulbinds would have been much better if all three specs could have different builds on them. So it would have been nice to have 3 soulbinds on enhancement, 3 on resto, and 3 on elemental. The fact that they basically give you one per spec is really awful. The timegated resource to change the talents is bad. Soulbinds force you to pick one or two specs and stick with them. They made the whole game bad just so they think they can fix a problem of raider’s min/maxing every fight. Instead it hurt there entire game and discouraged offspecs.

The way conduits upgrade in 9.1 seems worse to me than in patch 9.0.5.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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According to many, those are the only thing that matters in WoW.

Yet they don’t want our alts to reach that level easily.

nobody reaches that level “easily”.

I’m on blizz’s side of this. No way you should get to gear up and have a raid ready warlock, warrior, mage and rogue ready just cuz you leveled to 60 (which is a joke) and did it on a DH

Leveling starts at 60.

This is why I’m playing FFXIV. No stupid systems, just level and do dungeons/raids and either buy gear with badges or craft it.


Why not?

Do you suddenly forget the raid mechanics when you switch class?

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no, and there’s literally 0 barriers to entry on getting into the raid. so wtf is this response. you don’t need anything you have to grind to zone into a raid

Then why would you create a barrier? We’re just asking to ease the access to raid for fresh alts.