Too many requirements for alts man, THIS IS NOT FUN

Conduit catch up is terrible. Completely agree about how poorly implemented it is. RNG and the ones you may need the most don’t drop for weeks. Ridiculous!

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Yet again, because Blizzard FEARS how badly the top 5% of Mythic raiders, World 1sters and MDI types could and would abuse this, the other 95% of the player base suffers from it.

The majority player base wants to play a video game to HAVE FUN. It’s not a competition to min/max 3 alts to best run high keys and do split runs for tough progression bosses.

Literally a perfect example of how the toxic streaming, esport community has helped to ruin the game for the majority that just wants to PLAY it without all the constant oppressive timegating and restrictions, which are primarily there to prevent exploiting by that 5% of the player base.


In the last two expansions it got a little easier for alts in the x.2 patch. That was when your main started getting BOA gear. Fingers crossed.

It is honestly the same thing for mains.

This is a 15+ year old game. Some of us have been there since day one. I have a lot less time to play than ever before and Blizzard insists on adding more chores than ever.

There is no reason why clearing the raid can’t also clear my shaping fate quest.

There is no reason why the anima quest + shaping fate quest can’t be picked up via the adventure guide, rather than remembering to traverse the map every Tuesday on each toon before getting started.

The list goes on and on.

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You are 100% right. I just leveled a character to 60. But now I have to go through the same exact grind over and over and over…

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