Too many requirements for alts man, THIS IS NOT FUN

You do see how contradictory your comment is right? Lol

With artifact knowledge and stygia you can get to 220 by playing casually. Conduits can also be acquired up to 226 by doing korthia and emisseries. That’s without mentioning that only a bunch of them are actually impactful.

In the end, the basis of my original comment was that you should realise that you are the one who decides what to do with your time. If you prefer to pressure yourself into playing in a way you dislike, well, that’s all you!

It’s not contradictory because I’M NOT DOING all those chores. It’s a trash experience.

So you want to have more mains? That’s basically what you’re saying. If so, then you will need to put main-level time into them.

You don’t need to have all the best of the best of the best to have fun on an alt.


I’ve realized that the majority of people complaining about “alts”, actually just want several mains.

The number of threads that exist on this topic is proof positive.

Folks are complaining because they can’t get rank 6 leggy, max conduits and 236 gear in every slot for every character they have…

…it’s just not a realistic expectation.

Hell, I’m on disability and no-life WoW all day and I known better than to try and upkeep any more than my main and 1 alt.

But yeah, the issue is not maintaining the “alts”, it’s picking a class and staying w it.


Imagine of there was an mmo which allowed you to play every class with one character how good would that be :upside_down_face:


Its actually a little quicker than b4, but I still loathe the place.

And I agree, super alt unfriendly xpac.


this is a good point. all games should be the same!


Just saying its better than what wow currently offers. You know not enough time in the day to experiance all the classes or even all the specs if your own class at end game.

if by experience you mean “raid mythic and push 20+ keys” then that’s correct


sometimes the simplest complaints are the best ones, this guy has

every single system needs a realistic catchup.


for example - rep alone on an alt once you have someone at exalted should be faster, likely per alt at exalted, AUTOMATICALLY. none of this buy-a-book junk. Too much? start it slow, like 1-3% increase per-exalted, see how it goes.

Exactly. Even swapping specs or doing a different type of content and needing a different legendary is too much.

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Well if you’re not doing those chores then you’re complaints are kind of pointless aren’t they?

Making The Box of Many Things talents be account-wide instead would’ve been a huge help.


I am a person who enjoys playing a handful of classes and SL has just shattered any of my ambition to do so. I keep trying here and there but its just an endless waste of time. The amount of grinding and time required just to get an alt to a point where I can then again endless grind away is just absurd.


So far I have 7 alts leveled up to 60, with 3 of them around ilvl 200. Only 2 have renoun up to 40. Got almost all professions leveled up to make free legendries. After taking a break for several months due to getting stressed out from guild people wanting to be raid perfectionists, I came back and got into a good rhythm of 9.0 content. Now that 9.1 is out it seems overwhelming and stressful again. I am thinking of taking a break for a while. Korthia seems fun but I am not having fun for some reason.

Like yourself I do remember a lot of talk about this xpac being alt friendly. Its not. The content is a total pain for any healing class. There is a lot to do but every step seems to be just painful. After 2 or 3 alts its just like an open wound. To be honest I hate the game but still play it because playing a game that is actually fun might be so addictive it causes trouble with my day job.

Lots to do with almost no balance in the gameplay. I wouldn’t call it fun. But when the nerfs come at the end of the xpac it will probably be more enjoyable for alts. Kinda what they do every time.

Gonna be hard to come back after the ease of alts in ffxiv


I genuinely want to play my monk and mage, but it is 100% not worth my time to go through all of that just to do m+.

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Definitely, but you arent gatekept from content for picking the ‘‘wrong’’ class, like how Blizz thought so smartly that bringing back the awful weapon-locked legendaries (that often just give legendaries to CERTAIN dev liked classes/specs) was a good idea.

All job content is always available to you in FFXIV. Any kind of super special weapon is available to everyone, instead of the winner of the latest dev-exclusive lotto of what of the classes/specs they play gets the cool lore weapon.

Love of alts and OCD is a really bad combo.

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Is it hard to play FF 14 if you are returning vs a new player?