Too many requirements for alts man, THIS IS NOT FUN

My point:
(Disclaimor: I use Caps to ‘accentuate’ what I am trying to say. Like I can when I talk.)
1: Anima (Resource) to my Alts (like in a majority of all past Expansions)
2: The RIDICULOUS “highway roppery” cost of Legendaries, both to level in professions and to create. I really don’t get it.

Humor alert: Why aren’t their protests in the streets of Azeroth (hahaha…)
As I read down the comments… I completely agree it is overwhelming to run alts with so much to do leveling the ‘Covenants’, Conduits, Torghast, Soul Ash, …

Has anyone brought up the point except me in other forums…
In every other expansion we have had we have been able to send our alts ‘Resources’. My Main is running out of things to buy to not WASTE Anima, … Why can we not send Anima to our alts to level our Covenants and help fund them. 35 or 70 anima when you start are like drops to fill an ocean. This alone would help our alts greatly. Thank you for allowing us to send our alts ‘Soul Ash’ at a 20% mark up (usury). (humor… ?)

And, the absolutely HIGH cost to level legendary professions. I am 'stunned! I have never seen anything like this is wow. 75 items to level just ONE ‘item’ i.e. Gloves. OMG. I am just stunned. I started finally trying to do that on my Tailor… quit midstream.
NO way. I am still stunned.

Just my opinions and experience … no need for fact checking.

I would be ‘contented’ if we could just send our alts the anima that our mains are just buying frivolous things to not waste it. Please! Although, I would love to reasonably level up my professions as I always have the past.

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Doubtful. Or they would not of added all these allied races over the last few years. Not bothered with any alts in this expansion. Legion, and BFA I played all of them. Have each one of the allied races from Legion, and BFA sitting at level 120/ 50 lol. My undead warlock, and Tauren druid I have had since 06 are the only toons at level 60 which I consider mains. Not going through that covenant bs on any of the other toons I have. A lot of folks say this expansion has been better for alts, but yeah imo it’s a lot worse.


Farming conduits is a joke too. They should’ve all just put them out on a vendor you can easily and cheaply buy with catalog research or soul ash. Instead of having to rng drop them in mythics and then rng upgrade them again thru maw.

All so stupid and a waste of time. I’m convinced most of the devs don’t play the game, else they would see how dumb it all is


Or simply made them account wide. If I earned it on one toon of appropriate class/covenant then they should be there for all of them.

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As a registered alt-a-holic I find myself being drawn to play them and then realizing I don’t want to go through all the grinds.

On the other hand the reason most of us started playing Alts was we ran out of things to do on our Mains. That’s not a problem anymore .


Ya, getting them to make stuff account wide is even harder.

I’m sure next expansions we will have to rng 3 items in mythics/raids, gear, conduits, and new item.

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i dunno, I’ve got two 220+ characters and i don’t play all that much

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They are alts, so stop pressuring yourself into playing them as if you were running for world first. You’re aloud to just enjoy the game you know. :yum:

That’s not how this expansion is designed.

Punishing, limiting, and restrictive. This is the shadowlands theme. Stop trying to have fun.


Honestly the game as is only needs a few tweaks to be perfect for alts.

Currency/Gold/Reputation account wide.

Thorgast to drop loot.

Look I’m almost done completing my Altoholic grid with Korthia Gear + 1 legendary for everyone.

Mains need to be able to send ‘anima’ resources to alts. Period. This would help magnanimously! I am running out of mounts, ‘cosmetics’, and toys… so I don’t waste it… Please, allow us to send Anima to our alts.

Lmao I love when people say this crap. Nobody plays an alt to hit a wall at 200 ilvl. And run around getting conduits and renown.

I want all my skills and equipment. I hate playing the game without having everything. I hate having to farm the same crap every time I wanna play an alt.


Except it was done better than retail and didn’t bloat our efforts.

I think he meant to say least alt friendly expansion.

Hell even this patch they remove valor upgrades for alts. :sweat_smile:

It’s like their goal is making alts unfun to play.


stares in tank spec at the DOS trinket grind


Nope, nope, nope.

Huge problem for me is that World Quest gear iLvl is based of Renown, not your current iLvl.

Really? I can deck out a character with 200 ilvl crafted items from the auction house, but have to grind Renown to 40+ to get the equivalent in World Quest gear? Really?

That mechanic was a huge mistake. It is bad enough you only see one or two world quests that actually offer an item compared to BFA and Legion where there were Relics and Items, usually two per area. And not to mention gear coming from the Emissary Caches.

And P.S. don’t say anything negative about Ion. Seems he has a following of forum heroes that mass report posts that do to get them suspended.


you’re not making sense.
all past content, was retail.

Except now we can play Classic and TBC separately.

Contrasts are glaring.

You can still kind of do that with callings and you don’t even need to gear them out for that.