Too many requirements for alts man, THIS IS NOT FUN

I waited until I got flying to level one of my (many) alts. Grabbed my Warlock and literally flew through the campaign quests and chose Necrolords for my covenant.

Got up the next day, looked at all the stuff I had to do, felt totally uninspired and logged off. I don’t think I’ll be back to run him any higher. I’ll just keep doing the Korthia stuff on my Druid main, mostly because it’s pretty quick and easy and that’s about it.

On the upside, I am catching up on a lot of reading. This expansion killed any obsession I had with the game in the past and I’m starting to think that’s a good thing. :slight_smile:


Gotta agree, especially compared to WoW where if you main a character whose class can only DPS, you already need an alt off the bat to tank or heal (or on the flip side if you’re a Monk or Paladin you can easily almost feel pain at the thought of opting to DPS, given how this xpac treats melee; pretty much Druid and Shaman mains are about the only ones that feel minimal pressure to alt just to be able to fill more than one role and that’s before you consider covenant/conduit conflicts).

It isn’t perfect (largely because of being limited to one set of weekly locked content, which means more or less only a small number of jobs can gear above Crafted/Normal Raid ilvl until the midtier patch, and the anti-splitraid loot system SE uses is pretty cruel on social bonds in some cases) but it’s definitely a star feature.

Well, considering that you can literally farm 510 ilvl gear from Eden 9-12 right now, gearing is not much of an issue.

And when its not unlocked, its not really much of an issue either because the ‘‘lesser’’ tomestone gear isnt that much under that of the ‘‘higher’’ tomestone gear. Unlike in WoW, there are no overwhelming differences between gear and what matters most is your capacity to do your job’s role while doing the mechanics.

Nope. The mage I post on here is like my 5th or 6th max-level alt in terms of ilvl.

I feel your pain. Every one of my high level alts was levelled to cap in BfA. I now have I think 5 I’ve got to 60, the rest are just sitting there because I just can’t face the tedium again. Sort of sad, really. Makes me wonder if Blizzard is actively trying to force us into just having a main character for some reason known only to them.


not to mention building upgrades for each alt and each time you swap. you loose the teleporter and if im not mistaken, you also loose world quest potency by not having all of them to rank 3.

an really thats an issue when you have to do all that before you can buy the cosmetics/ mounts/pets and not worry about leaving a character at a disadvantage.

idk if its ironic or not but WoD was the most Alt friendly expansion.

It’s killing the game for me man.

Blizzard’s metric of success for the game is time /played of the player population. So expect it to get worse every expansion.

I’ve been an alt-aholic for 15 years and this expansion has cured me. There’s literally nothing left for me to enjoy anymore - not being dramatic, just honest.


I don’t know what you mean by easier. Alt experience was better in cata, mop, wod, and legion. There was no list with a dozen checkboxes to complete back then.


It really is a horrible crime that blizzard is literally forcing us all to grind alts. Like I can’t believe they FORCE us to grind wqs for…what are we grinding them for?

All of this. Any time I want to play an alt I log in, think about how much that alt has to do, and then log out. Playing alts was my fun. For years. But in SL the idea of playing alts now just gets me to play less. I just can’t be bothered with leveling system after system after system with every single alt. I’d honestly say SL is the least alt friendly expansion in the history of the game. Even Legion with it’s artifact weapon leveling wasn’t this bad.


I’m not entirely sure Ion made the claim of “Shadowlands will be the most Alt friendly expansion” but I do recall alt friendliness being mentioned. But anyways, my typical “alt friendly” shpiel

Don’t say you want an expansion to be alt friendly, say what you want which I presume is this:

and I agree :+1: Level to max, do (if you need) Normal dungeons to get gear for Heroic, then do Heroic to be ready for raids then all you have to do is raid for the rest of the xpac gg.
Of course we have M+ and M0 nowadays so that would have to be worked in there somewhere as well.

Renown, gear, conduits and torghast should all be mostly given to you when you reach max level, depdning on what your progress is on your main.

Like Alt’s should get to max level with 100% of the same conduit/renown level and 75% of the gear/soul ash of your main. Alt chores should only be closing the rest of that 25% gap is all, not doing everything again.


Grind out AP on all three weapons.

Get your legendary

Get the wrong legendary and grind out another legendary

Get the wrong legendary and grind out another legendary

Get the wrong legendary and grind out another legendary

Get the right legendary but you need two

Farm three times more for “weapon” drops because that’s how relics worked.

Get the wrong legendary and grind out another legendary

Get the wrong legendary and grind out another legendary

Get frustrated because enormous amounts of player power were locked behind sheer RNG and quit.

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i recall… level, get gold or book for flying, grind rep for BoP enchants, level professions for bonuses, and i’m sure there’s a bunch of other stuff which my ancient brain can’t recall.

…but i can’t recall a time when it was just level/gear.

Still more enjoyable than SL :man_shrugging:t6:

So did you quit legion and bfa

Well you don’t have to do torghast on alts anymore, if you have soul ash you can trasfer it now.

Conduits as a whole are kind annoying even on my main… getting duplicates from the same death advance crates grating.


I suppose but people will still have alts.

Yes, I did, in fact, quit in late Legion. I outright consider it by far my least-favorite expansion. BFA wasn’t even nearly as bad on that front, I found, but its systems were also egregious. I came back in 8.2.