Too many requirements for alts man, THIS IS NOT FUN

I thought they were doing that due to issues like World First raiders having literally players swap characters so they could cheese mechanics

I agree. Gear is oddly enough easy to get, but getting conduits, catching up your campaign, currencies to catch up feels like a drag. Renown is easy tho.

Tired of SL and its systems…


This has been the most extreme version of anti-alt friendly to date. I get stressed out thinking about the list of things I need to do on my main to maximize, then throw an alt in the mix and I stop wanting to log on at all. The time required to even remotely attempt a relevant alt is really, really dumb. My friends used to run around with 5-8 alts. I was the light weight, I would have a main and 1 alt. We’re all using ONE character now. Even the extreme alters have completely abandoned it.


Ya but ur already decent geared for an alt and have done ur torghast stuff.

Anyone else think they royally screwed up the scaling in Torghast as well? Elites on the first floor hit for 60% of your health and by floor 4 they’re a joke due to powers. It’s like they reversed it.


Yeah, was a slow burn getting it though. Kind of my point, its doable long term.

Having leveled 4 to 60 now, I agree in some ways and disagree in others.

Conduits are not an issue. You get all of them from WQ in the beginning, so you can set up your tree as you like.

Literally everything you do on an alt gets you renown until it’s maxed, so that’s easy.

My main can purchase Korthian Armaments or get them as drops so my alt gets decked in 200ilvl pieces right from the off, which will get her into LFR or M0 right away.

But yeah, all of it together–with all of the story stuff and the time gates that made sense on my main…feel a bit overwhelming and like, “Wow, that’s a lot of work just to have a toon I can use when they say, 'Hey, Meri, wanna DPS this one instead of heal?” And there is no way I’m gonna do my daily stuff on more than one toon. The weeklies, maybe.

As for legendaries, yes, that’s a big drag. The items are SO expensive, and I don’t have a legendary on any of my alts yet.


There was nothing wrong with dinging an alt and being able to just jump into content and start getting gear, but now because Ion and holinka it’s a damn marathon to even get a fresh alt playable in any form of content at max level.


They buy tokens to pay for carries. Raid carries, mythic+ carries, and PvP carries are where Bobby’s next yacht will be coming from.


What’s wrong with switching characters in the case of an extremely complex fight designed to have different requirements?

because world first, that’s what

…huh? Alts haven’t been easier to play than they are this expansion.


No doubt the way you play them. Others play alts in many different ways. I wouldn’t dream of trying to tell other people they’re playing their alts wrong. What do you do, ramrod them to 60, slap on transmog, and shelve them for the rest of the expansion?

I’m still not understanding why a mythic raid team, ANY mythic raid team, should be forced to use the exact same roster for every fight when the reality is that whether the team is going for world first or not, they will encounter the same mechanics?

I think the issue here, is that they are ‘requirements.’ Character progression and customization is fun in 90% of the games I play, but retail WoW is in the 10% where it’s not.

  • Talents are almost always obvious to choose from.
  • Gear stats are stupidly simple and virtually impossible to mess up.
  • Conduit trees range from great to useless, and conduit energy makes sure you only get to keep 1 spec with your best tree for the most part.
  • Torghast is something you just want to get over (although I haven’t tried the new one enough to have a valid take on it right now.)

The “right” way to play is simple, largely due to character customization being simple. They gut baseline character progression so that they can do more and more temporary things that you KNOW will just disappear.

If Ascendance was a Cata-only spell for shamans, that would have been garbage, and that’s essentially what they’ve been doing with the game.

Oh well, rant over.

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For what it’s worth you can skip torghast once you get the level of legendary that you need for the content you’re doing, if you’re not mythic raiding you’re fine with a rank 4 and that’s easy to get.

I’ve totally written off torghast, screw the box of many things, I’ll come back to it once the resource cap on it is raised substantially.

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There are things to work on for characters because of the massive feedback that leveling -> raid logging was boring and killing the game.

Too bad instead it made people go to FF.


See I have Two alts I play and they severely under geared. My: Main is so far behind it a shame really. The story, requirements to finish story quest and time gates makes anything beyond focusing on main redundant. Which just kills my focus and momentum to play.

Thats a massive issue with a flashy over practical raid design.

Its a massive problem that class balance is crap AND raid balance heavily benefits some classes in certain bosses, or worse, are near mandatory.

Best example is likely ToS Kiljaeden where mage/rogue/hunter was basically the only valuable dps in the whole clown fiesta because of the soak mechanic that was memeable with invulnerabilities.

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Yeah well when a game nullifies the need for alts, there is no point on having alts outside having a character in a different Data Center.

Having access to all jobs in a single character is a godsend.