Too many 'hidden profile' trolls on the forums

It’s exactly what you’re doing.

You’re welcome to dispute it, it doesn’t mean you’re right.

People who hide profiles only do it for one reason: so that people don’t sit there and make snide comments about watching them type posts. It’s the only reason to hide a profile. Literally everything else can be found by searching.

You have no idea what you’re talking about.


You hit the nail on the head. Now you can apply it to your argument. The amount of times you do anything alone doesn’t mean anything.

Your ability to critically think matters more than anything. Your issue isn’t trolling. It’s that people make it slightly more annoying for you to use arbitrary standards to use against them such a keys done, etc.

I’m not sure why you’re standing on a hill Talking about trolling when you really mean, I wanna vet you easier for god knows why. It’s an internet forum… It’s not that serious


It’s not.

And your determination to ignore the views of those more experienced than you doesn’t make you more right.

It’s fairly clear that you’ve made up your mind and won’t be dissuaded by logic or the meaningful conversation you claim to want, so hopefully your troll thread will just be removed soon.

Have the day you deserve :slightly_smiling_face:


To shield themselves from scrutiny and harass others. Got it.

No, I think I do.

No. You’re making a strawman to argue against.

It has nothing todo with gatekeeping a conversation and everything todo with making a conversation worthwhile.

well, I disagree.

It’s fine. If you want the forums to be worse off, by all means. There was a time when people hiding on low level alts with hidden profiles wasn’t a thing. If you want to defend the practice, I’ll just assume it’s what you do in your free time.

Honey if you have a problem against straw men look at your original post

You could feed a stable of horses


You literally just cut off my entire explanation to post misinformation.

Are you actually going to act this obtuse to further your own lies?

You don’t. You’re the troll. Grow up.


You’ve made it abundantly clear that no conversation with you will ever be worthwhile.

If this thread remains, fortunately your unhidden profile will make it easy for people like you to look up your previous posts to save themselves the time.


Or just search for them and find them all even if they were hidden. I honestly can’t believe this person is acting this ridiculous.


Honey? lol

What is this, House of Pancakes?

That said, which strawman did I create since I’m the one that created the topic to begin with. :thinking:

My own lies? Where did I lie? Anyone can see your original post.

How am I trolling?

And you’ve made it abundantly clear you only want to argue and you don’t respect other people’s opinions.

Too many of you want to defend the trolls and it’s safe to assume it’s because that’s what you enjoy.

I like the hidden profile feature and I’m very glad that we have it.


Same post, chief.

I respect opinions worth respecting. Yours are not.


I find classic characters to be far more troller than people that hide profiles, actually to that end I don’t even think classic characters should be allowed to post on retail forums because of that.

Further than that I believe a lot of people hide profiles for various reasons I myself have considered hiding mine because at times during topics people will go back and say well you said this and it’s like that was three years ago why you bringing that up now and why do you have so much time to go back and dig that up because it’s creepy.


That’s not a strawman. I’m stating an opinion. Looks like it’s spot on.

Well, that’s your opinion. :slight_smile:

Keep defending the trolls.

I haven’t defended you once this thread.


And I’m thankful for that.

This right here is lying:

Because everything is a search away. There is NO reason to hide a profile just for armory or posts, because you can find all of it with a search on this website.

I told you exactly why people hide profiles and you purposely ignored it to act obtuse and spread misinformation.

You posted a thread with misinformation and bad opinions to get this forum riled up. It’s the very definition of trolling.

You claimed people with hidden profiles are tolls as if it were factual information and then tried to claim if their profile is hidden it’s to harass. Which makes zero sense and isn’t fact.

You’re the one who doesn’t respect others’ opinions, considering you need to know their entire history before you’ll give them the time of day.

The hypocrisy is astounding.



Ah thank you. I know I hid it once but I’ve forgotten where… in the settings that is to even check now. lol

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They are hiding their mains. That is not a search away.

That isn’t misinformation.

I didn’t say all people with hidden profiles are trolls.

speaking of hidden is mine hidden i forget if i did that or not lol!