Too many 'hidden profile' trolls on the forums

Agreed, no reason to hide your profile unless if you’re out to start a stink. I immediately disregard anything somebody like that has to say, and I’m not surprised that I usually find out when I end up ignoring them.

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Because having a sense of perspective changes the discussion.

Perfect example, at least from the arena side of things, is the varying changes in the meta depending on the rating. A class or spec can be over powered at 1600 and be completely useless at 2200. The 1600 player and 2200 player would both have valid opinions but would likely disagree on how strong a spec is.

Likewise, a mechanic in LFR might be busted and totally benign in heroic or mythic. Without being able to frame a response, you may be on completely different pages.

If someone says they have another account, I wouldn’t be engaging with them at all.

I do this also.


Listen, send all stalkers my way. please. kthnx

It kinda seems like you’re looking for excuses to dismiss people without actually bothering to read or comprehend what they’re saying, which is hardly a good foundation for what you keep claiming you want


If you took two seconds to look at my post history you could see why I made the post in the first place. No, I’m not dismissing anyone. I made this post specifically to address the trolls with hidden profiles.

This isn’t complicated. I’m not sure why you want to go to such great lengths to defend people who make the forums worse off.

You made a claim.

That claim was incorrect.

It’s not complicated.


Based on what? Your feelings?


Will be a non issue for me soon anyways i plan to do mostly solo endgame content in war within.

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It’s not incorrect though. If you want to disagree, that’s fine. Thankfully, you’re not the arbiter of truth.

Except it isn’t.

Many, like myself, play on EU. We come to the NA forums because it’s the only place Blizzard communicates important information.

Read what they say, and make the judgement yourself.

You don’t need to look at their experience or achievements to discredit them. Doing that is only done to boost egos for the most part.

If you do not agree with what they say and they are trolling in your eyes, ignore them, report them, and move on. It’s that simple.

Making generalizations like “all low levels are trolls” is just a childish way of looking at it instead of making assessments based on what was said.


It is.

Fortunately you seem to like appealing to experience, so let me put it this way: I have five times the forum posts you do. I am vastly more qualified to comment on forum trends than you.

Thanks for playing :slightly_smiling_face:


I keep putting them on ignore and they keep multiplying like rabbits.


Well when you click on their name and see their hidden profile, the character name and server is in the URL. You can then take that to the WOW Armory, Raidio, warcraftlogs, etc… Except for Classic Characters that aren’t in the Armory.

There also used to be browser extensions that listed every ALT for an account on their posts. I don’t know if that works anymore.

It’s not. Posts alone don’t mean anything.

Again, if you want to defend trolls that make the forums worse off, by all means.

I didn’t make that generalization.

That’s not what I’m doing, I am disputing your claim that hidden profiles are a sign of trolling. The fact that you’re trying to strawman my point is just more evidence that you are in fact the one doing the trolling here, friend.

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There are other ways such as “Check-PvP” (using that as an example since OP mentioned arenas).

I think going out of your way to find the achievements and experience is just a waste of time and childish. If you do not agree with what is said, Blizzard has gave us many avenues to not see it again.

Simply scrolling past it or reporting the person for obvious trolling is the best thing to do.


I love the fact im about to be working on 12 DELVES vs the few dungeons we normally get! right from the start!

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I agree with you. I only look up hidden profiles on the Armory if I find their transmog intriguing. I guess that is sort of a compliment but they make me work for it.