Too many 'hidden profile' trolls on the forums

Is mine hidden? Or am I exposed? :astonished: :scream:

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I can see your pole…arm.



And projections it seems lol. :point_down:


Don’t worry, they said 55 DKs. 56 and above is all good

I ran Throne of the Tides on Normal at level 10 like a year ago and it was just fine, if you can’t clear it on M+ 500000000 keys it’s just a skill issue.

Hey sometimes it’s valid.

“Mythic + too hard please nerf”

Looks and notices that all they ran was a few +8 keys

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That’s valid though.

An example that happened to me recently was someone saying I was wrong about how much damage DH was doing in arena. They had almost no games played that season.

At times, having experience matters. Not always, but it can be a very important part of the conversation. It also helps us to distinguish if we just have differing opinions or if someone is just trolling.

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I AGREE mythic+ is too hard please nerf. I died in a +4.

Baps bread with newspaper :newspaper_roll:

Dang it bread.

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Why do you need to stalk people? Are you weird?


I straight invite stalkers, and they still won’t enter my lair.

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People like to say they are getting stalked to make it seem like they are someone worth stalking.

We all know no one on these forums is worth stalking. :slight_smile:

Same energy.


Then why do you feel entitled and the need to stalk people?

This whole thread is confusing

You want to know why people have private profiles?

Because there are psychopaths that find peoples mains and harass them or members/leadership of the guilds they are in because they dont agree with the words they say.


Oh, you’re accusing me of stalking people?

So if I try to check someone’s profile to see if I’m being trolled, I’m stalking them? :thinking:

Sorry, not sorry.

You can look through other people’s dirty clothes if that gets ya off. (or makes you feel “right” about something)

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Some folk are weird. Take things too far.

Is my history still hidden? I can’t remember…

It really is. Maybe, just maybe its none of their business :thinking:

And thankfully, there is nothing they can do about it.

No, just trying to have worthwhile conversations. Hard to differentiate the trolls from just dissenting opinions.

If someone disagrees with me and has plenty of experience, maybe I’m the one in the wrong. If someone disagrees with me and has no experience, It’s safe to assume it’s a bad faith discussion and not worth engaging with them.

Do you get that? Honestly asking. I’d like to have a worthwhile discussion and want to be sure it’s worth investing in.

Is not. :slight_smile:

I know this is petty but my biggest “problem” with hidden profiles is when you click on someone to see their transmog you get profile hidden. Why not also show us a full character shot with just the transmog details?

Let me stalk your transmog closets people!!!


Fair enough, but just go by the content of the post. If it’s trollish or useless just ignore (and/or mute) and move on. Worthwhile discussions don’t need to depend on what somebody wrote two months ago.

Example: Somebody lacking PvP achievements may mean they don’t know enough about PvP to have a high-level discussion, but that should be apparent by the claims they make. Those trolls will argue that they have multiple accounts anyway, so you HAVE to depend on the content of their posts rather than their profile.

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