Too many 'hidden profile' trolls on the forums

I’m not sure if anyone has ever recognized me from the forums. I know I have recognized people, and said hello, but it’s always ranged between awkward to friendly, never had anything particularly nasty.

Anecdotes, tho.

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Just curious.

Why do you want to know people’s mains?

It doesn’t matter if they post on an alt as long as their achievement points add up the game.

I don’t want people bothering me about forum stuff in game, so I post on a character that I don’t play.

Then why complain about people not posting on a main?

Sure. :laughing:

Not all trolls have hidden profiles, some of them are actually proud of their work.

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see thats the thing with wow in general people go WAY out of their way to discredit anything the opposing party has to say.

example A:KSM isint good"

not realizing only like 25% of the playbase actually reaches that goal and lets add on the fact pugging adds a certain lair of difficulty core groups dont need to worry about. perspective is impotent. i wont hide my profile myself but there might be a valid reason why some do

You mean as opposed to “lol at your no parse” elitist trolls?

Being an effective troll is a multi-talent skill. Not only does one have to be good at writing, but they need to understand propaganda techniques, as well as psychology so they can trigger people just enough.

I do find it hard to believe. I’ve received more than my share of hatred here on the forums and have had the same post reported multiple times a day for several days and been called things that should probably earn people a vacation (not that I’ll ever report it because free speech and differing views and all that.) Heck I have one character I am pretty sure is on most peoples ignore list because I never get any likes or responses to any post.

I have never had anyone respond to my threads elsewhere or stalk me in game like what you and others are talking about. There have only been a couple of dozen times I’ve been recognized by people outside of the forums and most of those have to do with a DK guide I wrote back in Wrath. The rest have been a casual howdy, moo or just to dance.

I won’t dismiss your claims but it does make it extremely difficult for me to believe that your experiences are so vastly different than my own.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in game but if you notice me feel free to say Hi.



143 lvl 10’s bro…

That number is so absurd.


I can’t take what anyone on this forum posts seriously because trolls have ruined any actual discussion at this point

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This is a lie.

Honestly, out of everything posted in this thread, this makes me a bit angry. This is just flat out untrue. I don’t achievement shame people, but I also don’t want to engage with bad faith posters who attack my experience. Me responding in kind is not the same.

I don’t.

It’s more like you’re having a discussion with someone and you’re not sure if they are being honest or if they are trolling.

Here’s an example from the past. A player was extremely frustrated with how he was dying to WW. He posted a screenshot of getting killed by touch of death and saw the massive number. Well, most players understand that the number doesn’t correlate to the actual hit. The player was under 20% health and yet got hit for 300k+ damage.

So do you engage with that player? You can take two seconds and see if they have some experience or not. Low experience means it’s probably an honest post and they just need some direction. A high player doing it means it’s a troll post.

Tha’s all.

I have never said I have an issue with alts or even low level alts.

I’m not.

Where am I trolling in this thread? Honestly. I have made similar threads in the past.

Making a thread that potentially addresses an contentious topic isn’t trolling. Disagreeing with people isn’t trolling.

99.9% of the people saying they are getting stalked aren’t.

I gurantee out of all the players posting in this thread, I have had by far more the most actual harassment because I make threads addressing controversial topics.

Exactly this. Agree or disagree with me, the point being is if you want to engage with players on some topics, it’s nice to know if you’re having a good faith discussion.

There are trolls on the arena forums that troll everyday in a ton of threads and they have been doing it for years. They rarely get suspended.

Than if you say anything about it, like this thread, and people instead call you the troll and spam report you for it.


I always post on my main. I have nothing to hide and if some people think I’m Trolling well- I only post if the thread interest me… I don’t go for pablum~ I’ve played for 20 years and still don’t care if I have nothing to show for it…

People hide their account because they don’t want to be critized based on their character and it’s accomplishments.

If someone has never done a +20 and are saying it’s easy then it’s hard to take them seriously.

However other side players who have great ideas would be dismissed out of hand based on their accomplishments. So, it’s a double edged sword.


Tbf the more Adroi talks the less unbelievable I find it.

What do you mean? o.o

This response trips my red flags, if you’re sure you want to know why.

Sure. Just giving you the benefit of the doubt here. What do you mean?

It bother me when people so blatantly lie about things I have said. That’s all. The whole of this thread has people mischaracterizing what I’m saying. To a point, it is what it is. Short of being face to face with someone, things get misinterpreted. But the comment I responded to is an actual attack on my character as a person.


You’re intelligent enough that I don’t need to say anything more, here. :+1: Let’s not waste each other’s time.

Sorry, honesty confused. If you think I’m wasting your time, so be it. :man_shrugging:

…143 lvl 10s?..

There’s nothing in this thread that would make me believe that.

I’m sorry lol.

Especially not over some disagreement on GD like the guy who stated it said

Which is funny because a moderator already unflagged it twice.

which means nothing was wrong with it…

but it continues to get flagged?..

Isn’t that false flagging?

Flagged 6 times. Mass flagging this is only proving my point. The last time this happened it was the multiboxers and we all know how that went.

It’s been unflagged 6 times as well. =x

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