Too many 'hidden profile' trolls on the forums

posts don’t get removed just because people disagree with an opinion.



Isn’t it silly that people flagged this 3 times and a moderator had to unflag it?..

He did nothing wrong, but the hidden profile community is clearly running things here if they can mass flag like this.


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People post a lot of things that break the TOS, but a mod is generally not going to see it unless it gets flagged. This creates an illusion of what is and is not acceptable, and creates this false “rules for thee” narrative.

If we had a mod who did nothing nothing read every single post on the forums 24/7, it would look a lot different around here. :dracthyr_tea:



Since you guys are just echoing eachother.

Yeah, there was nothing wrong with the post so it got unflagged? If the “community” flagging the post were running things, the post would have been removed.


Which of course is totally impossible. I mean, how many times does this rule get broken in almost every post:

Harassing or Defamatory

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

I mean, seriously, how often do people insult other people on the forums on any given day? I’d like to lay good money on the majority of them never being given even the smallest slap.


Except I also said they do have PvP experience.

PvP concepts mesh with Arena concepts to a degree, and when discussing something like they were discussing, it being an arena doesn’t matter much.

Who has more credibility. the 1200 rated dude or the guy pushing 2300 rated when it comes to arena?..

Although both opinions can be valid, there is a threshold to where one carries more value, correct?

Then why did a bunch of people flag it?..

Most likely by the community who uses “hidden profiles”

Because people are free to use the flag button, just as much as your are :dracthyr_shrug:

why would you make the assumption that it’s the “hidden profile” people who are reporting?

you know they aren’t “hidden” to moderators… right?

If people want to report it, that’s up to them.
This topic is done to death, and is reposted frequently enough that it’s just spam at this point, so the reporting isn’t an issue… it’s the people who spam threads on the same topic who are the issue. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


when people pay for carries? … not really

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Because this thread is clearly trying to bring those people out from the hidden profile…

Why would someone with a public profile flag it?..

Reasoning matters.

False flagging is reportable though?

has he made this thread before?

If you want to view it that way, sure.

Only issue is the way he turned the discussion meant the other person couldn’t have an opinion on it altogether, which goes against what even you said with

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Do you know if you allowed the profile to be viewed, we can tell who paid for carries and who didnt?..

Why didn’t you read the thread before you cherry picked that response? This wasn’t about math. It’s about the tool set arms has now in arena. Understand the issue with arms means having active games played in arena. If you aren’t actively playing, than how can you understand the problem? The person arguing with me and a total of two matches played in RSS.

You’re asking the wrong question. I don’t need to see their main. Why do they need to hide their main?

Because, it’s not always easy to know who is and isn’t the troll. You might start responding to someone on a good faith basis only to realize later you’re being trolled. I’m not sure if you have put anyone on ignore here, but it doesn’t work great.

You must be kidding.

You’re just making things up at this point.

No honest player disagrees that DH is still busted in arena. Most players also acknowledge that arms likely needs nerfs.

You don’t. That’s not the point though. If you want to engage with people, having a sense of their experience helps shape the conversation, just as it does with nearly everything else in life.

Why people have such an aversion to that on the forums is honestly beyond me.

You’re actively lying about what I’m saying and I’m the child? Okay.

I never said or implied I was in charge.

People decide who is and isn’t trolling all the time around here. I mean, people are accusing me trolling in this thread simply because I disagree with them.

You’re really taking this too far.

I’m not psychic and I would prefer to not look at people’s experience. It’s a matter of necessity though if you want to help someone.

Dillon quit ages ago and if you think he didn’t call people out, you clearly haven’t been around long.

It has been made before by other users. He could have posted in one of those.

It’s not on the front page though…probably 100 threads back?..

why does it make any difference who is flagging?

it doesn’t.

it’s not as if YOU get to see who is flagging.

what is a “false flag”?

something doesn’t need to be by the same person in order to be deemed spam.

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Who responds to people in the hopes of actually convincing them of anything? I’m farming for likes lol.

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