Too many 'hidden profile' trolls on the forums

If you notice, most people with a high post count are happy to troll/derail threads like a certain elf. Hidden/Classic etc doesn’t really matter, it’s all the same.

True. :sunglasses:


lmao even

Accuses me of trolling and then gets all hurt. Now I know you’re a joke :rofl:


Trolling isn’t an insult.

Thanks for further proving my point.

Enjoy your alts sweety.

As she still insults me btw.


I was disappointed when they allowed this. They have their own forum. sheesh.
The OP is on my ignore list so I’m missing all their posts. I feel pretty good. :hugs:


Just go to the armory and look up their name it’s not hard nor is it really hiding

Agreed. This is not my main but it is unlocked and all that I have and have not done is clear as day. IMO though, posts on Classic toons should be limited to the Classic forums and not be trespassing in GD.

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This doesn’t give you any information about their main. If there was no value behind it, people wouldn’t do it. :man_shrugging:

Battle tag level of ignore would solve a number of these sort of issues.

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And sometimes people just like to maintain a degree of anonymity because they are perhaps concerned about being approached on that character’s server. The closest we come to being truly anonymous at this stage is to use a Classic character. However that comes with its own burdens because they often get insulted on the forums along the whole ‘what are you hiding’ route.

Its yet another good reason to have a separate avetar created just for forum posting that has no link at all to the player or their game characters.


I mean there is a way to find their main, I won’t share how though.

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Well, if you want to remain anonymous, it’s probably not good to troll? Right? If people are bering harassed, that’s an entire different issues with different tools to deal with.

That might work for some of the sub forums, but wouldn’t work for all.

This isn’t complicated. In the past, this information was readily available on the forums. When the forums were updated, that ‘feature’ was lost. While there are ways to find people’s mains off of their collections and achievements, the point still stands.

Having a small level of accountability is good. There was a time where they almost implemented battletags for the forums. Personally, I think it would have been great for the health of the forums, but I also understand why people didn’t like the idea.

I would work just fine, and it does on other games. ESO has players create a forum character which is the only one (on an account) that can post on any of their forums. Sure, people with multiple accounts could have multiple posting characters, but there will always be outlier issues.

ESO gives you the option to create a footer on your posts that you can use to have things like your main, their guild name and server. That way if people want to identify their ingame character for promoting their guild or whatever, they can. But its a choice. And it works perfectly fine.


I enjoy it. Let the cowards hide.

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The reason I say it wouldn’t work is the forums haven’t been the same since the forum was updated years ago. Prior, lots of the sub forums were self policing. It was easy to call out the trolls for who they were and the conversations stayed mostly intact. Beyond that, they were just… more fun.

Now you have tons of trolls and topics are constantly being brigaded and buried. Like this one. It’s been flagged 3 times now and restored each time. If there was more active moderation, maybe this place could be better. Not that the mods don’t do their job, but more like being a part of the conversation. That also used to be a thing. Blues casually posting in topics and often helping guide discussion.

Whether you have btag posting or avatars or characters as it is now, there will always be a need for moderation. I mentioned ESO’s forums: the mods there are savage, they sometimes go overboard on their moderating to the point where people get posts removed for the most minor infractions. So yes, even with their posting sytstem, humans will be what they are, frequently silly. It wouldn’t matter if the punishment was having your character put into the Stormwind stockade for a week and lambasted with a trout daily, they would still misbehave.

Having a single character for posting would just make the obvious trolls a bit more obvious.


There was no evidence on your side or their side, which means both sides are an opinion.

Your experience doesn’t mean what you are saying is truth. What they said has just as much meaning as what you said.

If you were to go into the mathematical reasons as to why they were wrong, and explained your answers then maybe it would have more merit to say they had an invalid opinion, but you didn’t. You did everything they did and then attacked their experience.

Again… why do you need to see their main?

If you think they are a troll, ignore them. It’s not hard and it’s what adults do on a day to day basis.

You don’t need to “prove” anything to them. This is a public gaming forum for crying out loud :joy:

What was being discussed had prominent members of the forums disagreeing with you. If anything, with everyone there disagreeing for the most part, I’d say they were right since you, nor them, posted numbers or factual information.

See now baseless claims work and why it’s unfair for me to disregard your experience?

I lurk the Arena forums a lot more than I probably should, and I know you are in there a decent bit as well. We both know there is much more than Arena discussion in there, that is where all PvP discussions happen now, and also lots of off-topic discussions as well (such as asking what the best chicken sandwich is, and its chick-fil-a btw).

Secondly, how do you know their true experience? Basic experience doesn’t change, and on the outside looking in for people that have done it, it isn’t hard to see issues and point it out.

finally, they are doing arenas this season, is there opinion somehow magically valid now?

That question alone proves how pointless your entire stance on having to see the “main character” is.

No, you are being dishonest and childish here.

This is a public forum. You are not in charge here, Blizzard is, and they obviously disagree with you since they were able to post.

Probably because you are deciding for everyone else who is a troll and who isn’t in your make believe scenarios, instead of deciding for yourself like a grownup.

The ignore and report button isn’t hard, but for some reason you refuse to acknowledge its existence and pretend it isn’t a solution.

If you can’t tell people’s experience by what they are saying, then that is a you issue.

Dillion (the MvP for the Arena forums) is able to clearly help people and gauge their experience from conversations, and so are many other people.


Well, that’s my point though. :frowning:

We don’t have that level of involvement. Instead we have groups of people reporting others to get them suspended or posts removed that they don’t like. I got suspended in the past because of people abusing the report system with their multiboxing accounts.

I’m all for a change on these forums, but I’m just leery of anything that could make the issue worse. Less and less people are using the forums because they have become pretty political and it’s pretty clear what topics are and aren’t allowed. It’s rather unfortunate.

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my mans said “even though I don’t know anything regarding said content I should still be able to come in and contribute nonsense with little to no experience because its a public forum and I shouldn’t be held accountable for spreading misinformation”



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It doesn’t matter if one character flags a post or twenty flag it - a moderator will check the comment or post and make a decision based on the forum’s rules and criteria. This is something a lot of people seem to either not understand or ignore. What is said is what gets moderator action, not how many flags are used. All the multiple flags do is hide it from view until it is checked.