Too many haters, too many instigators

You are now woke…

" Why are we yelling!?! ", " I don’t know, just keep doing it till something happens! "

I don’t think internet trolls have feelings. They’re like the 80’s Terminator that just won’t stop.

Actually, strike that. Comparing the OP to a Terminator is unfair to SkyNet. I need to be inclusive and all, right?

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Even skynet would be be disgusted

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This is exactly how it should be, know one should care about anyone’s sexual orientation nor should anyone’s sexual orientation be showed in everyone else’s face.

Thank you player


Pride Festivals are about loving ourselves and celebrating being human, in all its parts, including parts that have been repressed, oppressed, and now being liberated.

More people are offended by nipples then warfare and violence. So if people go to Pride half-naked idc. I’m not afraid of the human body. I might not go half-naked but the straight and LGBT people who go to Pride wearing whatever they are want are fine by me and everyone else given then point of the festivals.

We aren’t at the festival right now, and what does that festival have to do with the online game World of Warcraft?

There should not be any movies with straight people kissing then right?

No more romance movies.

Got it.

Also, this is off topic to the online game World of Warcraft.

You don’t get brownie points for towing the homophobe tropes :skull_and_crossbones:

WoW isn’t a movie it is a MMO game, and no No one should have any form or sexuality forced down their throats on WoW.


People against LGBT are the ones bringing up random things like Pride Festivals if you haven’t noticed lol

For once I agree with you, but it still don’t relate to the game in any way. Nor should it

There are some jerks that are like that, sure.

But hoooooollllly moly… that tool is the exact thing a lot of folks are against.

Troll calling everyone including gays homophobes because they don’t want to shove their sexuality in others faces, this guy is a “T” alt I’m sure of it

Ignoring this troll


I’ve said this multiple times in other threads, that impact of the character should always come first and anything else is second to that. Lets focus on writing good, compelling characters that just so happen to be gay or trans. Their identity should never the the character more than the character itself.

I immediately relegate such people to the animal kingdom, as it’s clear they let extreme political media form their opinions for them. Thankfully we have an ignore function on the forums, albeit one that’s a bit clunky.

By your logic, characters in WoW should all be asexual.

I will forever find this hilarious :joy:

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No, Blizzard did not.

Supposedly King created it, mostly volunteers, to help avoid tokenism.

I kind of feel like you did not read the article given you think this is a Blizzard app, or being used for game dev right now. It is not.

The King folks used OW chars that are publicly available as an example, for their prototype. Along with other games.

I have no idea why people misrepresent the tool as being made by Blizzard. The tool seems to be like those “you are most like this character” after answering questions things. It gives insight, if you want to consider it, but that is about it. It is not a scientific tool.


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