Too many haters, too many instigators

I don’t want to hear your bigotry. You don’t want inclusion, you are free to leave the game. None of your examples show you have any idea what inclusion is about.

Notice how he went straight for the insults. Classic “T” lol its so pathetic its funny :laughing:


Nothing I said was bigoted in nature. What else you got?


Why do you keep responding just to incite others? It’s borderline harassment. I don’t even know who you are yet you seem to follow me around.

I refuse to engage with you any further. It’s clear you’re not interested in diversity or inclusion. Thank goodness Blizzard is doing the exact opposite!

Why do you keep making posts to incite others?


That is your entire post history in a nutshell.


I didn’t follow anyone bub. Nice try. Shoo fly


I disagree with that statement. I am all for it, but why do you feel a need to make duplicate posts on a daily basis? That’s called spam by every definition.

I’m personally not a fan of the few ppl that keep poking the hornet’s nest knowing that their threads won’t get 404’d.


Usually it’s best to derail them so badly that the mods are forced to 404 them


I have 30 days to do just that.:call_me_hand:


They may not represent the communities they claim to. But dismissing the behavior as trolling is in my opinion an underestimation and a mistake. They’re following the post modern critical theory play book and pushing the Overton Window further in their desired direction.

They may not represent you now, but they’ll be coming for you the minute they have to power to force you to raise the fist for their cause.

I am gay, I know about these community’s and really don’t like most of them. People tend too make being gay or whatever, their whole personality in them.
Gay realistically isn’t a personality trait, pretty sure that’s why alot of people don’t really like the whole lgb thing, is because alot of individuals make it their whole personality.


That’s the thing, this is what Activizard’s writing has been lacking for years now, along with having characters do things that are just plain uncharacteristic of them.

Instead they elected to bring in forced diversity programs to make sure their games check off enough boxes.

As for the social contract, i don’t have a problem with that since i coulda swore that was part of the ToS anyway lol (or at least elements of it, like no racism, sexism etc).

They can put as much diverse characters that they want, but as long as they continue putting out terrible writing, the players that actually care about the story will not be impressed nor pleased.

why does OP decide what is and isn’t controversial?

I don’t recognize your authority, OP.

It is annoying from all ends.

On one hand, LGTBQ are fighting a war for rights, and just being accepted. I agree with this because when you live in a place where a religion cult frowns on you existing. I can understand the struggle.

On other hand, why can’t the online LGTBQ community act normal? Most of them I know in real life are chill, yet the ones who fighting are so passive aggressive, and if you question anything they attack you. I get it, you have reasons to be upset, but taking it out on people who are not your enemy is going to do nothing for you.

Whats worse is, writers in video games seem to be the biggest LGTBQ fighters, that would not be so bad if they seem to lack talent in writing good stories about them. So they end up being fake and boring.

And like all movements, Business have found a way to use it for profits, watering down the meaning, and giving us token nods just for the social media points.

To sum it up. I hate everyone.


Funny enough, I actually think the new Matrix movie is a brilliant critique of this phenomenon, among others.

The old matrix was the one of corporate overlords and technological domination. The new matrix is one we build for ourselves through the comfort, validation, and reinforcement of our biases.
And the new generation that grew up on sincere experiences, though not the intellectual rigor to understand them, is only capable of creating a facsimile of creative work rooted in said biases.


Being an ahole must be part of the lgbt identity I see.


social contract is stupid and demeaning. You should feel bad, instead of telling you the rules it tells you HOW you should play.

“We harassed some women at our workplace, here’s how YOU can be a better person when choosing your character” ???

How about blizz make a social contract to use the billions they get from wow to make it non trash. People talking about social issues but the core gameplay of wow has been bad for years and they have been using wow profits to invest in other games while putting nothing back. Get some better developers that wont kill the game pay for some better quality.


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