Too many haters, too many instigators

Yep it is totally the straights instigating with their nonstop barrage of “make anduin gay” and “put in LGBT flags everywhere” and other such nonsense threads 24/7


The trolls such as ‘T’ are the ones doing this. If they have caused you a negative perception of LGBT+ people on this forum then you should know: you’ve been successfully trolled.


I’m well aware. The point being is there is quite a glut of people crying and whining about every facet of the agenda and how Blizzard needs to do more to cater to them from confirming the new race is officially trans to making every past, present, and future lore person some kind of letter.


They definitely have been going out of their way to portray people in that group poorly.

The moderators of this forum need to be educated, disciplined, or replaced at this point.

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It’s an extremely obvious form of trolling. Just to place hatred onto the LGBT+ community. Didn’t think it’d be so simple to successfully troll people however it obviously works. Some people need critical thinking skills.

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It’s sad, and I think we all wish they would just stop.

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Please tell me what other companies use apps to make sure they’re keeping things diverse in their workspace/gaming worlds? That should tell you something. We are all one in the same and it’s obvious blizzard doesn’t think that way, so they need an app to do it. HOW sad is that?

There is keeping up with the times and pandering to certain groups so they don’t get “cancel cultured”.

They didn’t do anything about this stuff until they started getting called out for it when diversity should have been included in the game from the start.

I don’t fall for this SJW cancel culture vulture garbage. That’s not what being with the times is all about.

Being with the times is coming together, not creating apps to try and record diversity in a video game.

Maybe you should get with the times too.

You’d get better responses as well if you weren’t trolling constantly.



WoW is a fantasy game where your character chooses to fight monsters/rivals and try to come out the victor. If you want to immerse yourself in WoW other than what it is actually intended, go to Goldshire :joy: :rofl:

I have a very low opinion of the field of psychology. Most doctors I’ve met in general tend to be morons, but I’m continually surprised by how little experience psychologists have with the realm of the mind.

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It is not uncommon for people, even doctors, to speak out on subjects they don’t specialize in. We saw this a lot with covid.

We are also talking about social and psychological issues, there are sometimes major margins of error when trying to understand the human psyche. Even the most well educated can get it wrong. No amount of linked papers will prove anything on this subject.


I was going on more of a personal experience perspective from interactions with humans. Most you would never know their orientation, it’s not something most people openly discuss in a public setting. The way you find out is by meeting their partners, and they still don’t have the need to fly any flag to represent themselves. They are who they are and are completely comfortable and confident, this is how normal folks act.

Then there are the others, that must put their sexuality in everyone’s face. One example would be the straight chick on a raid team that would go into disturbing details of her exploits during the raid. No one asked about this, she would just start telling the stories. It was inappropriate behavior for the setting and she was told to stop. Who was right?

Which of theses types of people would you associate with and introduce to your friends and family?


The ones who don’t feel the need to shove their love life in my face.


Exactly. I dont need to know some chick was being the name of a garden tool, I find it personally gross and not something I need to know about. I also don’t need to know anyone’s love/lust life. It’s irrelevant.


Too late, “T” is going to tell you anyways.:grinning:

“T” can get a life.


People’s private lives / sexual preferences / orientation / etc. shouldn’t be forced down other people’s throats. That is how you stir up hatred and is exactly what certain "T"rolls have been doing for quite some time (knowing full well what they are doing).

I’ll leave this here, hopefully it will help shut down those "T"rolls:

How to ignore all posts from a character:

If they don’t have profile hidden:

  1. Click on the character portrait
  2. Click on view activity
  3. Click on “Normal” and change it to “Ignored”

If they are hiding their profile:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right
  2. Click on the person icon on the top right of that sub-menu
  3. Click on Preferences
  4. On the left side, under Notifications, click on Users
  5. Click “+Add…”
  6. Put in their character name and realm and select “Forever” for duration.
  7. Click “Ignore”
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Hey don’t take away peoples fun and right to get into debates that go nowhere. How dare you suggest something logical in a WoW thread! Shame on you!


I don’t know specifically, but why would it matter what other companies are doing? Like I mentioned, times change. We’re living in an era of progressive ideas with evolving technology. Why wouldn’t Blizzard want to adapt to that?

It is keeping up with the times. It’s not to pander to any one group. It’s to help promote everyone equally. If the game is going to have humans, why not include a diverse range of human characteristics?

The game has included diversity from the start. The game has expanded since then. Of course more of the game will be developed with those ideas in mind. The game is 15+ years old. Times change so Blizzard must adapt.

If being inclusive and thinking about diversity alongside creating a great action game is considered SJW, than so be it. You’re free to not give Blizzard any of your time or money.

One’s not mutually exclusive to another. I don’t think you understand just how important implementing and adapting technology is. Think from a tech perspective here. It’s the same idea as work smarter not harder.

My response to you is not trolling in any way. I’m giving you my honest feedback.

Logic? What witch trickery is this!

The point many have been making in your cavalcade of topics on this subject is that almost nobody out of the 7.753 billion people in the world cares whether you are:

Or plus sized

Most people also want you to pull up your baggy pants and not describe whether the contents are acceptable or not. We don’t want to know if you plan to install an inground swimming pool or add a diving board either.

None of these things are relevant to the video game forum for World of Warcraft.