Too many buttons. Holy Priests

After having to play through this meh prepatch thus far, id say that the most useless spell is pw:s, it doesnt flow in holy anymore. Solution? Who knows…but I dont like it and its partly because we already had a lot of buttons to press.
The dps things do deliver a bit of QoL, not awesome, but good. Cant imagine how horrid it is in mythic if you have to spend most of your life spamming sw:p.

maybe we can make a macro, #targetprevenemy, cast, and repeat a few lines of that?? SW:P lollol - automated tab targetcasts gg u will def pull boss

Honestly with getting sw:pain out there its a bit of just spamming the T key for on pull and maybe mid pull if stuff is still alive. I wish it was a single AoE spell, but that would throw the rench in the idea of what DPS rotations should be for actual dps classes and shadow priests would get supa mad @ holies.

now giving a conduit that lets us choose to make it an AoE on a cooldown vs picking a diff conduit to say buff PW:Shield in some way… that’d be cool.

I still think Holy Fire should be our Dot. Smite our DPS bread and butter, and holy nova is just meh its OK, it works as it is but its still kind of out there… ish

Maybe get one more spell in there. Then give pvpers away to cheat being sheeped cuz they will never stop crying about getting cc’d irls.

I wouldn’t mind a 32 second dot on holy fire. give it a minute cooldown for pvE stuff, and make it AoE. Maybe every mob that dies to our smite or with the dot up decreses the cooldown on it 1% or something. Upto like a 40% decrease. That way its DPS is like essentially ever half of whatever SW:Pain puts out but we spam it less and heal more. then bring up our pewpew slightly so that we can do 50% normal dps or 70% with a bit more work

there could be a pvp talent that makes it a souped up SW:D or Pain or some holy ish equivelent (even better) and changes the spell from a PvE spell to a pvp spell entirely. That way pvpers can feel cool about not getting sheeped ever because they should basically be immune to sheep ya’know.

anyway stuff like that would be more interesting to me cuz we have plenty to think about while healing without needing a full dps rotation and spec out

then again I also wouldn’t mind 1 talent at each level fully devoted to boosting holy dps so holy priests can do some moderate… C tier dps in world content and just switch talents around for it, rather than gear, and specs. that’d be pretty sweet as well.

maybe like chose between dps and group heals, that would give disc priests the advantage there as they could still roll atonment and keep the group shields and heals more base

hecken heck i’d like to see holy be able to do some real dps if that is all we focused on, more than a disc does while healing at the same time, but about the same as a disc if we are both healing and dpsing, maybe a bit less, i think discs should always have a slight edge there and should be buffed enough accordingly through their basic numbers to achiev it

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Maybe you should actually play content that’s remotely challenging before giving design opinions on the spec, if you had you wouldn’t be saying this.

SW:Death is perfect as it is, don’t change it just because you don’t understand its importance for PvP. Or you can just do another LFR Ny’alotha run.

The only button that matters in life is Smite.

Completely wrong from a lore perspective. Holy Priests do not forsake the Shadow, Paladins do that. The entire lore of Priests revolves around understanding the balance, ie Discipline priests focus on the balance of the 2, which is hard to maintain so it takes discipline…get it?

Shadow Priests venture further into the Void while Holy Priests venture further into the Light, but that doesn’t mean they just suddenly forget all their training from their Acolyte days. You don’t instantly forget how do do basic Math the moment you start an English Major.

Where there is Light there must also be Shadow. If you only want to cast Holy spells play a Paladin.

Also, For those trashing on SW:Pain for Holy, from a gameplay perspective you are really trying to argue that it’s better to not have a No-CD Ranged DPS cast? Have you ever tried to pull more than 1 Mob with only Holy Fire? It’s not that fun, not to mention Spell Lockouts…some people.


There is a lot of… information on here. I see what Velisera is saying at the core; I get that and I kind of agree. I don’t mind having SWP/D on my bars as holy again, but I don’t think most players want to have a million keybinds (macrod or not).

Adding abilities to the game can sometimes raise the skill cap of a game, but only ever so much. I believe Aoelyn has some really good points that knock it out of the park.

Lastly, sequence casting macros is highly questionable. You want to play that way? It works for you? Fine, have fun, more power to you; but don’t tell somebody else to play that way as well.

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You wouldn’t happen to have any macros for disc would you? I am just getting into it.

One hand, I like having multiple tools, on the other hand…

Unless I play Night Fae, I have no use for SWP, PWS, or SWD. Holy isn’t meant to dps and we’re quickly a mana glass cannon.

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Then don’t put it on your bars.

Sadly, I am playing Night Fae.


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Unfortunately for you, every healer in high level content needs to do passive DPS, and Blizzard’s design team has been encouraging it more and more.

Monks got Chiji, Rising mists and Blackout kick mana restore. Paladins got Glimmer and Crusader strike affecting shock cooldowns. Druids got HotW to encourage their shifted damage, Shaman leggo encourages chain lightning use, etc.

If you never hit DPS buttons at all, you’re just going to have a bad time as a healer as time goes on, I think.

SOMEONE didn’t play Vanilla.

Had tons of spells PLUS you had to have different ranks of those spells with different mana usages. Could easily have 50-60-70 buttons up on your UI.

Anyways…sunglasses deal with it. Git gud and all that gamer lingo.

Yeah, but… realistically my experience in Classic is you could manage that easily enough by selecting the specific rank based on a balance/mana cost for the content you’re doing. You wouldn’t really manage 7 ranks of Greater Heal when Greater Heal 4 and Greater Heal 7 balanced what you actually needed.

And it’s much like that here. Are you really mind controlling that often? Mind soothing? Using shadow word: death outside of say, PvP? Maybe renew as a cast has less priority than your holy word cycles.

You don’t need to use every tool you have available in every type of content.

You’re right.

So don’t use them. I don’t.

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So I guess this post annoys me cause…did you really need to make a post about having too many keybinds cause you feel obligated to have every possible ability keyed up? You could have just figured out what you needed, keep lesser used spells off to the side to click on, and not posted this cause Blizzard ain’t gonna do anything about this. Just comes off as complainy.

I mind control PVE adds off cliffs on a near daily basis.

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I have right near 40 keybinds right now and to be optimizing every situation, I use every one of them or def know I will in difficult content. Holy is the swiss army knife of all healers and it should feel like we have stuff for every situation. It sucks having to keep up with that many binds but it creates a very nice skill gap between the great the good and the average.

If you do content where you don’t care or can ignore doing DPS or add CC then you free up like 7 or 8 buttons right there alone. Just take them off the bar and focus on healing only.

But let the competitive priests keep their mojo.

You can save many buttons by fusing in one macro a healing spell with a dmg spell.
when you’re targeting an enemy your renew becomes a SW:P and when you mouseover a friendly target it becomes renew, for example.

You can do that with Smite, Holy Fire, Chastise, PW:shield, SW:D and many more.

Can you share what that would look like?

There are quite a few things that can help:

  1. Get a “MMO” mouse like Logitech G600. Easy buttons on the side to hit with your thumb + shift/ctrl

  2. Use clique to bind majority of your heal spells to mouse left and right click + shift/alt modifier. Just hover raid / group frame and click. No special binding for 5-6 of your main healing spells…

  3. Use Opie for spells, food, etc you use out of combat. One bind for them all.

  4. Setup a bar of 6 abilities you do not use all the time. Keybind 2 or 3 of them. Shift around the 2-3 of the 6 abilities you want to keybind to those slots depending on what you are doing. Really no need to have unique keybinds for 6 spells you rarely need more than 2 or 3 of at any given time (shackle, mind vision, mc, levitate etc).

I would personally be in trouble without the G600 but even that aside there are creative ways to solve this issue. You might view this as too much trouble but it is entirely worth it and not as difficult as many assume it to be.

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