Too many buttons. Holy Priests

In BFA+Pluss Retail…

Depruinning went to far… holy priests should have holy spells not shadow spells on their bar, and they should be able to match other healer specs in dmg with those holy spells.

It is a mess right now as it is there are a lot of buttons, then you add in cloak, neck, and potions for both pve asnd pvp (you need both pve and pvp pots to be competative in pvp), then trinkets.

It’s a disaster. I liked not having to manage dots on my holy priest.

Is the option of dropping SW:PAIN on a pack of mobs as holy cool ??? Sure it’s nice-ish, but really we could really do without and just buff up holy’s dps rotation instead. As it stands for mthics I’m rollin divine star and that circle of healing is nice, and neccissary especially during weeks like bursitng.

But yeeesh I have over 40 button binds and I’m actually out of room for spells on the bars… I shouldn’t need 50 addons to play ur game blizz.


Never get to cast any of it in pvp because run oom too fast…thats one thing for sure.
Probably just aimed at mythic, assuming they dont also run oom in no time.

The de-pruning has definitely been an assault on my keybinds. Would be nice to see some of these effects bundled into a single efficient spell just to cut down on clutter.


I’ve taken to using conditional [help] [harm] macros to similar acting spells to cut down on bindings. I have renew/SW:P bound together for this along with PW:Shield and Holy Word Chastise. I’m considering rolling Smite/Flash heal together along with Shadow Word Death/Holy Word Serenity.

I don’t like the theme of SW:Pain, but I do appreciate the greater dps it allows. Would be nice if holy fire just applied it’s DoT in an aoe, keep the single target on the initial target and it’d be good enough.

I do agree that some spells are a bit redundant like Circle of Healing/Prayer of Healing now. It definitely feels like I’m juggling so many cooldowns now with Holy Fire, SW:D, Holy Words, mending, Circle of healing on top of DoT management.


Nope I like having a dot thanks. Idk why you need 40 binds cause even with 3 different arena 123s I’m doing fine for binds. Sorry your having this issue I recommend castsequence macros, for holy fire for example I have a holy fire, smite macro that resets every 10sec even out S pain in the beginning of it. Boom 3 binds into one. Did the same with that new instant aoe heal and holy word sanctify.


You shouldn’t be going oom that quickly, go ahead and copy my talents, your pvp talents are right your regulars are not. Keep Renew up mending on CD and use 2x serenity into apotheosis reset, you may flash once in awhile but it should be very rare

Could you post here the macro? It sounds pretty good.

As for my experience I think we are fine. Maybe because I’m used to play in older expansions like MoP or Cata where we had many more buttons than today.

Shadow word: Death I recommend not even putting it on the bar, not a very useful spell for us.

Remember guys that Cloak and Essences will go away when shadowlands goes live so there you will have 2 more spaces for other spells.
Oh and if you go Body and Soul talent you don’t need 1 space for feathers.

sure here are some macros i find useful.

/castsequence [@targettarget,harm,nodead][] reset=10 shadow word: pain, holy fire, smite, smite, smite, smite, smite, smite

The above macro lets u do a full dps rotation with one button all while still targeting ur tank and just hitting his target.

/castsequence reset=10 Circle of Healing, Holy Word: Sanctify

#showtooltip Shadow word: death
/cast [@target,harm] Shadow word: death
/cast Shadow word: death

random Death macro targets nearest enemy, good for deathing poly’s

Last: /cast [@lolmynameis] Angelic Feather
so you dont have to place feather, instead just @yourself

hope these help


I’m apprehensive about that macro. Highest DPS for Holy priest is prioritizing Holy Fire>all and that macro will have you throwing out SW:P first.

I myself can’t really jive with castsequence macros because any interruptions such as having to heal someone throws the entire macro out of whack. The only castsequence macro I use would be Guardian Spirit, Holy Word: Serenity.

Here’s the macros I use.

/cast [@mouseover,help,exists,nodead][help,exists,nodead] Renew; [@mouseover,harm,exists,nodead][harm,exists,nodead] Shadow Word: Pain; [@player] Renew;

/cast [@mouseover,harm,exists,nodead][harm,exists,nodead] Holy Word: Chastise;[@mouseover,help,exists,nodead][help,exists,nodead][@player] Power Word: Shield;


well if u fiddle with the reset the macro will just stay on the ability u had last, can also just move S pain wherever in the macro. i usually play high end arena, so getting a dot on something fast is more important than holy fire for my situation, also cant use mouseovers cause they end up being alot slower than arena 123s

I suppose I hadn’t considered pvp usage. I’ll probably save yours then if I find myself in pvp sometime.

macros ruin my interface and break constantly and take away my freedom to cast and react fluidly to the environment, i get what u mean liking the dots, but give holy a holy dot instead of SWPain, take away SW death, and buff up holy fire for some execute dmg or something and we’d be on track

I personally believe macros shouldn’t be the default answer except for ppl who like that playstyle, and for roleplay stuff like /wave etc… the first time i ever broke out a macro in this game was to do the EP lady ashzaras court achievement

If we’re macro’in every 3 keybinds we got devs may as well roll them all into 1 spell.

this is world of warcraft not #/!scriptyquest/root/@home/cast111122344(if!LK34) if i wanted to use macros and run bash scripts to play my character i would get a real job and be a linux sys admin

not a holy priest

adding more macros adds even more buttons and takes away even more room for important stuff on my barS like warlock cookies

I would love of they reworked holy nova, they did a bit this iteration, but its not that gr8 they just ensured ppl would spam it between casts for packs which is fine, but no different than what i was doing already

sadly, for me, macros arent the answer

ps i save stuff like chastize for the interupt so mobs dont heal themselves or fear me, if i put that into a macro n take it off my bar i am like MKuyultra X.X

don’t forget we are going to get prepull cc back on our bars with mindsoothe being a thing and the AoE caps… aswell I will have to take off some fun spells/tyos/flavor stuff and will be forced into using sidebars for inportant spells

i am just mehhhh about all this, ya i played back in the day where we had 50 potions and items and stuff to do on the side and we had to actualy be in shadowform to cast SW:Pain, (i kinda think they should do that) as I have my shadowform on the bar, so make it really classic if ur going to pretend that this is 1999 again with bandages and everything supposedly mattering and not just bein inconvienient and redundant… /rant off i’m going to go forget about this now


Well idk how to help you than, because i really only have 2 “button bloat” reduction macros and they are both listed, and really only free up 3 binds. But as i said earlier i have arena 123s also, which take up 9 binds, and if ur not using macros as u say, than honestly i think u should have more than enough buttons, cause if i didnt have my arena 123s id have so many free binds id feel like i needed more abilities to fill them.

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in theory i have a few more easily reachable buttons, but those extra mounts and that rainbow generator are SUPER IMPORTANT!!!

I already sacrificed so many toy binds and my cookingfire bind which was just 1 click away, i don’t know how to describe how painful it is to go into my profession UI to drop a fire cuz i got desperate prayer or mindvision over ther instead

In short:

Are the changes cool and do they work and add potential? Yeah. Sure. Mostly. Uhm Sorta, mostly.

Were they neccissary and do they bloat stuff and take away some room for stuff that was fun? Yup :frowning: they do. They crowd out our other abilities.

Could I take more passive talents sure… ugh. I want options not extras.

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Awesome macros, thanks for sharing


I macro’d all my offensive abilities into my regular heal buttons and just use [harm] [friendly] macros. I use clique for mouse over healing.

This is how Holy always was… all of the buttons we have now except for the Holy Words have been around since the WOTLK expansion. They just removed a ton of stuff come Legion expansion.

I understand.

I wish i could show u a screen of my buttons (the forums wont let me)

It’s tooo much still.

“This is how it was always was will always be” don’t jive with me, but whatever floats yalls boats… I mean I am not saying its the worst. You are all still wonderful people no matter what u think and deserve love and respect.

I’m getting usedto it.

I think it could be so much better.

I am an ex EQ player and like by the 8th expansion the buttons got crazy on there too, especially with gear clickies.

It’s a good way to drive away people who just dont have 6 hrs to sit down and figure macros and do the science side of making a clunky interface work. The game should be fun and streamlined with some player interaction that can’t be scripted away.

I got a haptic harness and belt now so when I do power squats, I cast : Holy Word Salvation

and when I do ab crunches my azerite powers go off. itll be cool


The skill cap has been raised, this is a good thing.

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I disagree that the skill cap increased

Botting was just encouraged, automation was increased, choice and freedom removed. We now “play the way I do by copy and pasting this script onto your hotbar to press over and over in a raid” or else.

I’ll repost this here… this is what should really happen:

Give holy meaningful options.

Not more stuff to macro and forget about ever existing that does not even fit our class fantasy but is already deeeply fleshed out and well specced into by selecting “shadow priest”

Btw thx u all for helping me flesh out my argument into something really substantial, praying for the devs to listen even if we get it next expansion (if the world doesn’t end)


I’m not sure remembering 1000 keybinds is necessarily a good or interesting way of raising a skill cap. DOTA, for example, has an extraordinarily high skill floor and ceiling, and doesn’t get there via tons of key bindings, but rather interesting mechanic interplay.

Frankly any game UI that requires users to build elaborate macros in order to make it visually readable and functionally usable is just a bad UI. It would be nice if they took a deeper look into their systems and ability design instead of just pruning/unpruning constantly.