Token just hit 400,000 gold

I’m hoping for 500K soon. :crossed_fingers:

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Did any of you think about what was happening this morning time with the game or not…they had a live Maintenance going on maybe that is why the AH was stopped from selling the Tokens till Maintenance was over…that does happen now if they find issue with AH…


Confirmed. Mine just went up at 402169K.

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Yeah and the game just came out of a live maintenance too…could of been stopped for short time for Maintenance that was happening this morning time.

None of it matters you can sell now. The sky has successfully been put back up


Yeah its called Maintenance…seen it happen before with tokens getting frozen while AH was being worked on…

Well isn’t that neat

Thank the Light!

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Launcher still shows another hour of live maintenance… 7:30AM to 9:00AM PDT. :person_gesturing_no:

But token sales work now and that’s all that matters.

You are correct there; it’s early and my coffee hasn’t kicked in yet.

I think the more likely cause is either a glitch or automated shutoff that will hopefully be addressed …


EDIT or… It was maintenance.

Shakes coffee maker


I feel a little negative reinforcement does get the job done. That’s why I keep my toaster over a bathtub filled with water.


Maybe they’re not working. Maybe they have oodles of gold from mailbox dancing. Maybe they play enough they earn that passively without farming. Maybe they’d rather spend that 15$ on a date/beer/drugs/"companionship/pets. Or maybe they refuse to give Daddy Blizz any real money and will unsub if they can’t farm a token. It’s thier time and money and they spend both how they want to. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

They suck at gold making if they need to spend 20 hours to make the gold equivalence of a wow token.

time to buy a few.


If you do nothing but play this game it’s very thrifty. If you have a well rounded life it’s murkier… I doubt many of us make similar money or have similar free time.

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better hurry its already tanking :')

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Personally, I suspect out of the 2 possibilities between a supply short fall or a spike in demand, I think the increase in price is due to the former rather than the latter. I.e. An increasingly severe supply shortfall. I can only surmise this based on anecdotal information of course but with the less and less people I see playing in-game, it definitely feels like the mass exodus of players has now finally started to really impact the token price.

meanwhile the price of a classic token last time i was in there is like 4.5-5k gold. its honestly better to just farm gold for sub time if thats your thing, over in classic.

Except the prices were dirt cheap during the lull of sl

I don’t think anybody including me fully understands how the pricing is set. The only thing i’m pretty sure of his blizzard manipulates it

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