Please send help!
I never thought I’d see it get this high
Supply and demand. Less people selling tokens but the same or more people buying them = price goes up.
Ooh, maybe time to splurge and get the lightforged mechsuit thingy!
And here I was thinking I’d buy my tokens to pay for 11.0 when I was at 3 million gold
Price is going up faster than my gold farming.
As harsh as this may sound, if you can’t spend money to pay to play maybe you shouldn’t be playing.
Its still possible, you just have to watch the swing really closely. Yesterdays low was still 349K and the low for the week is 321K.
And it won’t let you sell them now. “Wow token auctions are currently unavailable”. I waited all morning to dump mine at high and now cannot.
It’s weird that the price hit 400,000 even; I wonder if it’s a hard limit in NA?
I can, I just don’t want to.
Welp maybe not time to splurge.
Damn and I was gonna buy one just now.
Its at 515K in Taiwan, I doubt there is a hard limit
Maybe for the NA region it is? I mean, it’s very odd that it hit that number exactly and then suddenly becomes unavailable.
its just hit 400k and BLIZZ immediately pulls a Robinhood and disabled selling on AH. Absolute fraud. I bought a token because of this price and now cant sell
damn that’s huge
You know, after a couple weeks of hard gold grinding with WQs (and the Dreamsurge Magpie buff) I actually have enough gold to buy that. First time that’s happened.
A lot of bots running around and blizz does nothing to stop them.
A WoW sub is only like 1-2 hours of minimum wage work, not sure why people spend 20 hours farming what they could do in 1-2.
yeah i really don’t get this. like if you enjoy the process of making gold that’s one thing, but sometimes you see people who are like “i have to farm _______ for 8 hours to make gold for my sub” and… why? your time is valuable, people!
blizzard must be getting tons of money with wowtokens at 400k gold each. Time to double the price on everything in the AH.