Token just hit 400,000 gold

is it though?
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


well i can’t speak for anyone else, but i’m mortal. i won’t live forever so i’d like to spend my time in ways i enjoy, as much as possible. (i say after a weekend i spent basically doing nothing but working lol)


well… that’s your choice i guess


Maybe its time i crack the wallet and just buy a aotc carry next tier.

Not enough time these days to commit to a raid team or sit in pug stockholm syndrome.

But man id hate myself as a player. But the aotc mount looks schweet.

Although i have the gold on hand to pay for it out of pocket. Decisions decisions.

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I spent the majority of my time of shadowland’s farming gold because it was easier. Did I enjoy every minute? No.

But then again I didn’t really enjoy shadow lands. You’re correct. You should spend time doing what you enjoy. At the time I had fun raiding with little else i wanted to do.

Once I realized I didn’t enjoy the game enough I stopped. But sometimes you do things out of habit, and you don’t realize how much you don’t enjoy it


Probably. At 400k, even I would consider buying one. But luckily, I check the forums…

I imagine they are raking in the cash right now from those who don’t know what’s going on.

Hmm, I wonder if blizz is afraid of a sudden gold glut if a bunch of folks flood the AH with tokens at that price.

Though one would think that would mean less folks able to buy them with gold.

Well what you DO with your time is a different thing but unless you are immortal time is valuable to all living things. Because one day when that big clock stops clicking it’s over. Put a fork in it your done, kicked the bucket, bought the farm, adios, etc.


Emmmh no.

Since chinese realms closed, all the regions increased their prices
wowtokenprices. com/extended-history

At the same time, the amount of bots also grew

Why dont come to US? the lowest token in all the world

Blizzard always had problems to deal with bots, at the time they ban an account, the bot already made enough gold to create more and more accounts

There is a raid of bots In Onhara plains that I always report and wipe out, everyday religiously, I have 2 months doing it and nothing happens, they keep coming back.


Bruhhh this always happens when I’m at work. Hopefully it goes back up



gonna get the token now.

There’s no inflation due to the WoW token, as there is no new gold added to the economy. The gold traded hands at a 1:1 ratio so there’s the same amount of gold floating around as there was before the transaction.

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Yes, that is how they work. Tokens are only posted if someone buys one. They sell at 1:1 ratio so if no one bought a token and put it up, then they’re won’t be any to buy with gold.


There will always be more people willing to trade a virtual currency for a token, than people willing to trade a real currency for a virtual good (in-game gold). Full stop.

What was China token at the highest peak last before it went down?


What a tender person, you completely ignore what I said

You implied the token price isn’t supply and demand, but it is. It’s directly connected to how many tokens people are buying and putting on the market vs how many tokens people are buying with gold. Less tokens with same number of people buying them with gold = token gold price goes up.

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You can sell them again, now at 402k