TOGC is faceroll

It’s not needed, but is important. Cleaning yourself isn’t needed. Pop a squat and let the puppy out. Sure you’ll get some smear along the way and you’ll stink but it won’t really hinder you.

maybe play retail if you want challenging raid content, and all you do is raid log…why on earth would you play classic era if all you do is raid, than complain 15+ year old expansion is easy? lol

TOTC was catch up mechanic to get people back into the game back in 2009…

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That was my guilds gdkp.

62.8k payout.

Must be nice to have that much gold.

Here I am stretching 1800 between half a dozen characters.

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you might think it’s nice because you’re struggling but once you have the cost of what you needs then “much gold” is pointless.
I got +1million classic gold across my accounts! & it feels nothing!

Wrath is a 2 phase expansion and always has been. It’s only popular because of the mass marketing campaign Activision paid for. It’s a nostalgia thing man. I’ll see you in cata.

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Its absolutely needed. Unless you like getting diseases.

Togc was never meant to be hard it’s a raid to catch up.


but are you 50/50 attempt in H TOGC? Normal content is normal content and it’s all easy in the normal mode.

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Lol, not true. Maybe during the 19th century but not now

Tell that to Cali. Its seeing the resurgence of diseases due to the filth.

Please think about why pooping on the street no longer spreads diseases.

(I’ll give you a hint: it’s not cause we’re currently pooping in the streets)

I was just thinking that… Didn’t feel like triggering Shadow though. You did it for me so all is good!

Thanks for the info we all knew as soon as they upped item levels for pre nerf Ulduar. Glad you caught up…

Its happening in Cali, and they are seeing a return of some of these diseases. I mean there is an app that basically shows where people have done the business on the sidewalk or street.

All this stemmed from me saying Valanyr isnt required or needed and someone flipping their lid. Its still not required or needed.

All normal raids are facerolls… ICC normal is going to be just as easy so be prepared for that.
LK on HM is another story.
That encounter wont be easy.

Just enjoy it and do your dailies. ToGC is Wrath’s quickie version of the troll catch up raids. It’s meant to be the get ready raid for the grand finale in ICC.

Cali can fall off into the ocean for all I care.

And maybe some people don’t mind the diseases and the smell? idk.

There’s an app for reporting human crap piles on the ground in SF.

Well yeah, the US does have certain problems with, yanno, homes and stuff. Or lack thereof.

Out here in civilization it’s not a thing that happens.

You can still take a dump somewhere that isn’t on the sidewalk.

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