TOGC is faceroll

No, they arent lol. If something is needed then it is important because it is needed. If something is important then its needed.

Tell that someone who cares. If a guild kicks someone for saying something so trivial then i wouldnt want to be in it

Something can be important but not needed as well as something can be needed and not important. But anyways, you fail basic logic here.
I respect your commitment. I hope you find like-minded people. Actually, the forums is perfect to find those kind of people. You belong here, I might just vanish.

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What? If somethiing is important then its needed due to the nature of being important. If something is nedded then its important because of the nature of being needed.

Bye, you wont be missed. Bad arguments, reporting everyone that you interact with, its pretty sad to be honest.

Ah yes, school is important but not needed. Wait - hold on - did I just break all your logic? Is your brain now exploding?

Are you talking about yourself? I meanā€¦ At least youā€™re self-aware. Thatā€™s something.

Please, keep embarrassing yourself. I fairly enjoy it

Kind of a bad example, since schooling (education) is needed. Schools, a place to teach, are needed as well or else you get people that are passive aggressive like yourself trying to insult others all while showing their ignorance.

No im talking about you because you said

The only one that is embarrassing themselves is you. Now, if you dont mind, leave.

Oh man I was actually waiting for that. Youā€™re such a meme. Itā€™s a good example and you canā€™t say anything about it, which is fine, you lost even if you donā€™t accept it. Letā€™s move on unless you want me to destroy every inch of your personality. But no really - it ends here, just a waste of time for me now.

Waiting for what?

More insults, nothing to be shocked about there.

No its not a good example of what you are trying to say. Schools are needed. Period.

Just because you say you won, doesnt mean you did.

You can go ahead and try, but you are just admitting to breaking the ToS at this point and asking for a ban. But go ahead.

Already told you to leave. Quit making idle threats, your bite is as weak as your bark.

That you are making a fool out of yourself - which you did. Thanks, again!

Not an insult but ok, also when did I even insult

Schools. Are. Not. Needed. In what do you life? Youā€™re discrediting all the people that canā€™t afford school. Kinda rude of you.

Never said I won, just said you lost LOL. Shows again that you just turn things how you want

You making fool out of yourself is not against ToS. You are doing it to yourself.

Oh I will, donā€™t worry. Iā€™m just enjoying the forums once in a while, it never gets old.

If you want to tell yourself that, but the only one hurting themselves is youā€¦ yet again.

Yes, it is. Or are you calling it a compliment? You called me a meme so its either an insult or a complimentā€¦ which is it?

Yes, they are.

Tell me you dont know how schools work, without telling me you dont know how schools work.

That would mean there is a winner if there is a loser. If there is only 2 people in the conversation, and you are saying I lost, then you are claiming victory.

You mean I use words properly and follow things to their conclusion logically?

Thats not what you said, you said

That means that YOU are going to do an action. So go ahead and do it.

So you are the actual troll. It was easy enough to see that you didnt have to go and admit it.

Ok really I respect your commitment but its sad at the same time. Mostly sad tho


There is nothing you need to know about schools if you cant afford them or if doesnt exist. It is important, but not needed. Many people in this world DO NOT have education and they life.
I can give you other examples if school is too complicated for you. Letā€™s say fruits are important, but not needed, or happiness is important, but not needed (which is severely lacking in the forums).
I assume you come with some nonsense again which I most likely will just ignore at this point.

You think this is some kind of competition where someone is trying to win. No, itā€™s not. You literally canā€™t win here. Iā€™m trying to show you how stupid your arguments against doing Valanyr is, nothing else.

Iā€™m not doing anything particularly different, you are doing the work and admittedly you are good at it.

Kinda? Depends on how you see it. For a forum user I might be a troll because I donā€™t have the low standards you people here have. Outside of the forums, Iā€™m just a regular guy that enjoys games and works.

Really? You cant afford something that is free? This is along the same line of reasoning certain people had about a certain demographic not being able to get IDā€™s which are free for the people that are getting the ID.

Yes, it is. Schooling or education is needed.

A perfect example of why schools are needed.

They are needed because of the vitamins that our body needs.

its also needed.

Not like you have been doing the opposite so far, why change now right?

You are the one who brought up winning and losing, not me.

See, here you are again bringing up winning. So if I lose, then who wins?

And you are failing at it, because its not important or required.

So then you cantā€¦ got it.

You admitted it twice, think everyone can just go ahead and put you on ignore.

Visit countries outside of the US and tell me its all free :slight_smile:

Nonsense and not even related to what I said

Thats anti-scientific. Besides, vitamins are not only in fruits :slightly_smiling_face:

Again anti-scientific. But at this point everything you say is just nonsense.

Ok this ends here because I gotta go touch some grass (which I suggest you do too, seems like you need it more). At this point youā€™re just a hopeless case. I sincerely hope you donā€™t find a raid anymore.

Which ones? The ones that think everything should be free like Healthcare, education? Or the countries that dont have education at all and are countries that people want to escape. Just goes to show education is needed, free or otherwise.

Its not nonsense, and it is related to what you said. What do you get from schools? Education.

Its not anti-scientific. And you arent going to get the same amount of Vitamin C from a potato than you would an orange. So yes, they are needed.

Just claiming something is anti-scientific doesnt mean it is.

I was outside all day today and its almost midnight here. But nice try at another insult.

I really dont care what you hope. You are insignificant to anything that happens in my game or my life.

Erā€¦ toilet paper is important but it isnā€™t needed. Iā€™ve used leaves just fine

5 wipes in classic wrath = hard. Donā€™t you forget that.

it was to offset the NA release of Aion, actually.

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then it isnt important, what is important is cleaning yourself which is also needed.

Our healers do not have, nor will they ever get the legendary.

We donā€™t do 25 and all the pug 25s have the frags hard reserved.


Bidets and bum guns used in other countries are superior to toilet paper in every way.

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TP is king.