TOGC is faceroll

Yeah, but a pug and alt bonanza like it was originally.

Gonna be fat TOGC heroic gdkps!

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OMG!!! Togc is easy!!! NO WAY!!

Really? Wrath is not a not unsolved. Everyone that did more than 5min research about Togc knows that it is a catchup raid/tier and the only purpose of it is to give people free loot

ToGC wasnt buffed, was sort of nerfed through the Uld ilvl buffs. It was going to fall within 20 minutes as it did with World First just absolutely decimating the place.

Truthfully, unless going for BiS there is 0 reason to go into Uld. Most BiS will be from ToGC anyways so the odd item here and there from Uld is entirely up to you if its worth.

Realistically this is just a chill phase.

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The healers in your guild will hate you

The legendary isnt all that important.

Discuss this with the healers in your guild and see how long you will be in that guild or if you’re an officer how fast you have to recruit new healers

There isnt anything to discuss.


Said all the people who only did it on normal.


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Not sure whats worse atm, people saying its too easy or people say valanyr is not important

Valanyr is not required. Its just not.

You know whats also not required? To log off after 30min of togc. We are literally in a thread where someone is complaining about togc being too easy.
Stop being a troll, i flagged you already

Lol, yes ToGC is too easy, its been nerfed through the increased ilvl and the legendary from Uld is not a requirement.

Flagged me for what? Telling the truth? The only one trolling here is you. Who says its not required to log off after 30 minutes of ToGC like you are actually making a point. Its like saying Shadowmorne is required to defeat Marrowgar, its a bad argument.

is not

I think you are trolling without realising it.
Either way, go talk to your Healers and tell them how you simply don’t want to do Ulduar because you think Valanyr is useless after doing 30min of Togc.

I dont see where you think the troll is. And I healed in wrath, its just a want, not a need.

Many issues here but the main issue is that you’re changing what you said. Not needed and not important are two completely different things.
And as I told you, if you’re in raid and you tell your healers (or officer) “nope i don’t want to do ulduar because LOL its not needed” then I can tell you 100% they will kick you or bench your from the rest of the expansion. Thats literally what you’re trying to say here. After the Ulduar gear buff, Valanyr is the best item until Cataclysm and big reason to do Ulduar after a 30min meme raid.

“Phase 3 is just here for free op gear, it is meant to be cleared by mindless bots.”

Even Though it’s Faceroll tier raid, gdkp’s still Reign Supreme!
what a trash forum system so you gotta “copy pic link to view”

That’s a lot of gold

blame that on the insane amount of gold classic contained since 2019 due massive amount of bots generating gold from thin air by Vendoring what they 24/7 loot in dungeons.

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Oh I def do. It’s sad to see

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